.NET Grid using paging - search and scroll to result - asp.net

I have an ASP .NET web application. I'm fairly new to .Net but a longtime SQL and Java programmer. I have a requirement to implement a search feature as it is currently implemented in the legacy application. There is a pageable grid of data displayed and a search box. You type your search criteria and the grid pages to the first match. A "next match" button pages to the next item etc. This way the user sees where their search item falls in the hierarchy of the data. I have seen examples where the search criteria filters the data, limiting the data results. This is not what I need.
Can someone please point me in the right direction for this? Is it possible with .NET?
I have some crazy custom ideas but I don't want to reinvent the wheel.
Edit - To clarify, is there an existing .Net control or functionality that does this?

You said this was an existing application and that you normally write Java, so I would presume the existing app is written in Java. Java and C# are very similar, so you could almost write the one side by side from the other.
As for the logic of how to do this, how does the existing app do it? Why reinvent the wheel? You've only been asked to recode the logic into a new platform. Don't give up the years of experience the existing solution provides.


Quick methodology to show client a working demo

I am not starting an argumentative discussion here and this post is not about career development, but from the commercial point of view:
If a company was using ASP.Net MVC as a main methodology to build their web sites and application.
However, ASP.Net MVC takes more time to show a functional application than ASP.Net Web Forms, for example, building domain models would take some time which obviously can't be represented on a UI at that current stage.
My question is, if a client wants to see a functional demo application (just a proof of concept) so he knows that the company he is dealing with is professional and capable of doing that. Would it be better to do that demo in ASP.Net Web Forms only to show the client, and then work on the real application using ASP.Net MVC? If not, what are the (quick) alternatives?, I mean, if we tell the client to wait till we have a working demo (by ASP.Net MVC) we may lose the client and the whole project opportunity.
WebForms being faster than MVC is a myth:
You are not required to have a domain model, just something that represents your database tables. This is the same in WebForms unless you are using SqlDataSource's.
The code in your !IsPostBack or btnSubmit_OnSubmit is almost identical to the HttpPost controller actions. Except with MVC you don't have to write left to write object.FirstName = txtFirstName.Text when you understand how UpdateModel works.
UI is UI. If you know HTML/CSS creating the UI is just as easy. Almost easier in MVC because you don't have to set control properties any longer and all UI can be done in one place.
Fast MVC comes from understanding how to get the most bang from your buck using EditorFor, DisplayFor templates. You'll need to know and understand how to customize your Object.ascx file. With this technique under your belt you won't have to create forms by hand anymore. 2 projects ago we had a site with 100% autogenerated forms. Change a class, change a form. Done!
Another helpful MVC tool is the DataAnnotations attributes. Validation made easy. Customizing these is really easy too. Just create your own ModelMetaDataProvider and starting expanding the validations your application can handle.
The only part of MVC that is slower is displaying a grid. MVC 3 already has a useful grid tool and MVCContrib has had a grid tool out for a year now. I ended up rolling my own, its very simple actually, loop through properties, write <td />'s. < 200 lines of code. This isn't really a benefit to WebForms either. To use WebForms grid components means giving up a lot of quality using ObjectDataSources and the like.
To summarize fast MVC comes from these different techniques:
If you are more advanced and know ORMS like EntityFramework and how to use Automapper your probably going to be even faster.
You can get a demo up and running very quickly in MVC. I could put one together much quicker than with WebForms, and I am familiar with both.
The reliance on convention in MCV will help a lot, binding is based on the names of objects.
If i was creating a quick demo, i would just create a bunch of ViewModels with static data in them, different button clicks etc will just bind one of these ViewModels to the page.
Turbo Fast!
I build prototypes in excel. No logic, no code. just basically screenshots to show the user that we are communicating the same ideas. Create a worksheet for each "View" or screen you need to show. Client's usually only care how "pretty" an application looks vs does it work right.
This also is a benefit as you can include more non-technical users in the prototyping process, since most are used to excel. I can send you an example and the finished production web application, if seeing is believing. I personally learn best by example.
And to your post where you wrote...
I mean, if we tell the client to wait till we have a working demo (by ASP.Net MVC) we may lose the client and the whole project opportunity.
They need to have their expectations adjusted and managed. A lot of bad development has been done quickly over the years, which makes client's ask questions like "Bob did it in 1 hour'. To that I say, you can either have a lousy project fast, that you have to constantly duct tape or a well thought out and well written project that will only need to be enhanced as Bus Reqs change
I think the answer is obvious: use whichever you think makes you faster. There's no point in using MVC if you are faster in WebForms. Especially since this is for a throw-away demo.

ASP.NET User Generated Forms

I have an Administrator that needs a dynamic form generator with layout capabilities on an ASP.NET page so that they can add, edit and change layout of questions that will be filled out by users whose responses will be saved into the database dynamically. The format is very important as there will be an offline piece that will be generated using Adobe Acrobat and both forms need to be very similar in format. The online portion also needs to be fully printable so that the end user can keep a copy for there personal records. Does anyone know of any ASP.NET controls, free or otherwise, that I could use to complete this functionality? Or what would be the best technology to solve this problem?
Not sure I see a question. This is more of my opinion of what you should do:
Im working on something similar. My form generator had a LOT of complicated fields and data to handle and I decided to go with silverlight. I very happy now, despite the learning curve, and the madness async api, because it would have just been hairy to do it with asp.net, pure asp.net with postbacks would just be bad UX and then putting ajax in between would've just been scary.
If you have great Ajax/asp.net experience go with it, but if not, Id suggest silverlight. I got up to speed pretty quick.

Off the shelf Data Entry Forms for asp.net?

I've got an asp.net application where each client will have their own data entry forms. I'm a bit tired of reinventing this wheel. Does anyone have any good experience with an "off the shelf" component for rapidly building such forms?
The component will need to fit within an existing asp.net site and support layout of the fields, not just "dumping" the fields on the page. The data needs to go back to a database for querying (but can use it's own schema) and some light level of workflow needs to be supported (mostly around completion status). Infopath is a non-starter due to its requirements for sharepoint etc, but if you're thinking along those lines, you have some idea of what I'm looking for. The system must be open for modification as I'm sure we won't be able to find something that does everything we need.
Doesn't matter if it is OSS or commericial.
We've used FeedBack Server here in the past and it worked out pretty good.
Microsoft lightswitch.
Telerik widgets in a web page.

Need a form wizard technology that is configurable without programming

I need a forms technology similar to MS InfoPath or Adobe LiveCycle Forms ES in that it has an XML data structure, is compatible with ASP.NET, renders in a browser, and is easily configurable by non technical office worker types. TurboTax Online is a good example of the type of functionality I have in mind.
The missing piece that I have not yet a solution for is that it be able to operate like a wizard such that responses to certain steps dynamically with AJAX or Flash/Silverlight or some kind of RIA either prompt or hide or alter subsequent parts of the form. It needs to be able to save all results or partial results to persistent form.
This would be easy to program the functionality but need a technology that can create / generate these forms and be able to set the rules in some sort of easily configurable way - the same way an office worker can create a form with InfoPath at least with perhaps a workflow style tool to set the ruls and flow of the form.
Was there a reason you didn't investigate Adobe LiveCycle ES2 any further?
It seems to be a good fit for your requirements, and does have a wizard like feature called Form Guides. You can hide/show sections based on user input, and have form events trigger calls to web services.
Given when you posted this, Guides may not have yet been implemented in LiveCycle - might be worth looking at again if this is still relevant for you.

Best practice for Parent / Child UI design in ASP.Net?

Coming from a desktop client background, with no real data-driven web design experience, I am studying ASP.NET UI design to determine the best UI pattern for Parent/Children data.
I always tend to experiment with Parent/Child presentation when learning a new UI platform, so that is where I have started here. Thinking I should use ASP.NET 2.0, I am studying the various ways of architecting a UI form which contains a master list of Parent records, and then showing the related children records in a second grid on the page when you click on a parent. Eventually, even the child records are parents to other children, so I'll need to deal with that also.
Think: Customers with Open Orders / Open Orders for Selected Customer / Line Items on Selected Open Order... like this screen where I built the same thing in WPF: http://www.twitpic.com/26w26
Some of techniques I've seen simply creates a plain old-shcool table of href links for the parents, with some method call to query the children based on the selected parent, while some techniques I've seen use the ASP.NET 2.0 data controls to work all this out. Are the ASP.NET 2.0 data controls cheating? Do real developers use these out-of-the box controls, or do they output their own HTML so they can have more control?
Also, it seems like ASP.NET MVC is all the rage right now, so I though I should consider that. When I looked at a few intro's about it, it seems to take a step back in time as it looks like you have to manually create much the HTML to present lists and datagrids, rather than being able to use the ASP.NET 2.0 controls.
I'm kinda lost as to where to spend my energy.
I won't comment on the Parent/Child portion of what you're asking, but rather on the WebForms vs ASP.NET MVC you asked about at the end.
I found developing using WebForms highly annoying. Every time I wanted to do something out of the "norm" I had to fight with the framework to get it to work the way I wanted.
ASP.NET MVC relieves you of these burdens greatly. However, it does so at the expense of having all kinds of cool components you can use out of the box. So yes, there is more hand-coding of the HTML, but ultimately that's what's going to make developing your pages a lot more pleasant.
Coming back to this question 6 months after I asked it, now that I've gained some experience with ASP.Net webforms, I'm going to answer my own question. Using the actual Asp.net controls like ListView and GridView is not really all that hard, and I can see that it is indeed a common practice to use them on forms and not feel like you a cheating. Sure MVC forces you to lower level html coding, but using Asp.Net controls on WebForms app is fine and actually not nearly as hard as I was affraid it would be.
