classname not being recognised CSS styling - css

i have a submit button with the code inside a form
<input id="zip" name="zipcode" type="submit"
class="zip-button" value="Find" tabindex="{counter name=tabindex}"/>
for some reason the zip is not getting any style.but if manually add it in jquery like
its working.As am very new to styling i couldn't figure it.

Sometimes the cascade in CSS is a possible reason for the that case. Another rule with higher precedence is able to overwrite the definition. Firebug is a great tool for "debugging" css code.
It shows, how the browser interprets the style sheets.

Is your css directly in the page like that? if so, that is the reason. You need to use inline styles, a style tag or an external css file.
<input style='height:30px;' ...
style tag:
<style type='text/css'>
.zip-button{ height:30px; }
external file

sometimes we might be referring to minified css(abc.css.min) file in which some classes might be missing (my case)instead of the original source css.this might result in styles missing for few class which are absent in css.min ....we can find out this using this case we need to go back and set reference right...[am a beginner so bare with my technical terms usage]


Can anyone tell me why this gridset css isn't working?

I've used in the past to create responsive grids, but on the one I've recently tried creating just isn't working and I can't figure out why.
The link to the css is here;
Just trying to get something basic:
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<div class="d1-d5" style="background:#aaa">ffggg</div>
Any thoughts?
Despite an unusual CSS link, the browser should recognize the CSS file your referenced.
However, looking at your reference, you are just trying to apply CSS to the class d1-d5. However, as best I can tell, there is no exact match in the CSS file to Just d1-d5. Use the Development tools (F12 on most browsers); they are your friend. It will show you what CSS is applied at that moment including, any applied through JavaScript or Linked files.
With CSS, you need to make sure that you call out exactly what the browser can identify, but not more (unless going for a higher order of precedence). For example, the most you could call out to select your d1-d5 is:
html body div.d1-d5{...}
Whereas in you linked CSS file, I see a lot of parents or children when searching d1-d5, such as .d1-d5 .d1,.d1-d5 .d2,.d1-d5 .d3,.d1-d5 .d4,.d1-d5 .d5.
If you wanted the last one in this chain (.d1-d5 .d5), you would need an HTML such as:
<div class='d1-d5'>
<div class='d5'>
This text will have the CSS applied.
The CSS written as .d1-d5 .d5 literally means "select the element with class d5 as a descendent of an element with class .d1-d5". Your HTML doesn't match any of the classes in the CSS file, including the parent and child selectors. If you were to try the above HTML, you would see width:18.05273834%; applied (which isn't a very obvious thing to see... why not try background:yellow; or something like that for an easy verification).
Finally, why are you inline styling when you have the CSS? This is bad form, and only appropriate if you can't control the CSS file.

How to avoid Stripe's 'Pay with card' button style to get screwed up with HTML5up's css?

I'm using one of's templates and when I add a stripe 'Pay by card' button, it's overridden by the css of html5up (see both jsfiddles below). I tried going through the css file and see if there's anything I could change to affect the button's appearance to no avail (the file is absolutely massive and I could use some steering from more experienced heads).
Jsfiddle of how the button is supposed to look like (no css loaded)
<form action="/your-server-side-code" method="POST">
src="" class="stripe-button"
data-key="a public key"
Jsfiddle of how it looks like with HTML5up's css, which is the same code as before plus this line:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="main.css" />
My question: Is there any simple way that I can have just the button be exempt from the css that I have loaded for the site? If not, how would you go about accomplishing that? A new class that has default settings in the css file?
Line 1897 of your CSS is describing styles applied to the buttons.
If you remove line 1923:
height: 3.75em;
It will look kind of ok (or just delete whole section from 1897 to 2050 and you will be fine).

Cancelling a style sheet from certain parts of HTML [duplicate]

This question may sound a bit weird/novice/stupid. Please bear with me.
The below code is a small portion of a webpage I have created using CSS,
HTML and coldfusion.
---------------------Part 1--------------------------------------
<CFIF CompareNoCase('#aid#', 0)>
<cfinclude template="show.cfm">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/style.css?1322665623">
---------------------------PART 2------------------------------------
<body id="wp-home">
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="header left">
<h1>Name Of Client</h1>
<div class="tagline">
<span class="left blair">home</span>
<span class="headerline"></span>
<span class="right blair">antiques</span>
As you see, I have included a css file, style.css which contains all the style classes required to display PART 2 correctly.
Problem is, whenever part 1 is active ( is true), the same
css is applied to elements in file SHOW.CFM also. This totally messes up the page's original display.
For the time being I have placed a tag below the link to stop page from processing and the css file being loaded.
I have checked show.css multiple times and can confirm that no class from styles.css is used in it.
Hence, my question is if I can stop the styles from style.css to be applied on elements loaded from SHOW.CFM
Pardon me if the question is insanely stupid ;)
If a selector matches then a rule will apply until overridden by a rule (which sets the same property) further down the cascade.
You can either change your selectors to stop them matching the elements you don't want them to match, or you can override all your rules in that section.
HTML5 allows scoped stylesheets, but only Firefox supports it so far. There is also a polyfill JavaScript.
Therefore, you'll have to adapt your markup and styles so that it only matches part2, and not part1. In a pinch, you can precede every selector with #wrapper. For example, if a rule says a{color:red}, substitute that with #wrapper a {color:red;}.
By the way, part1 should probably be a child of <body> instead of <head>.
Use the pseudo-class :not():
.myStyle:not(.classWhereYouDontWantToApplyTheStyle) {
What about using if else instead of just if to determine which css file you should include? In other words, include styles.css only when part 2 displays. That way, you avoid inheritance and scoping issues altogether.

modify title style

My objective is simple enough i just want to modify Title="New" to bigger size and color, i did apply with CSS but it doesnt works :(
<style type="text/css">
color: Blue;
<WebPartPages:DataFormWebPart runat="server"
Description="" ListDisplayName="" PartOrder="2"
Default="FALSE" HelpLink="" AllowRemove="True" IsVisible="True"
AllowHide="True" UseSQLDataSourcePaging="True" ExportControlledProperties="True"
DataSourceID="" Title="News" ViewFlag="8" NoDefaultStyle="TRUE" AllowConnect="True"
DisplayName="Employee News" PageType="PAGE_DISPLAYFORM" FrameState="Normal"
PageSize="-1" PartImageLarge="" AsyncRefresh="False" ExportMode="All" Dir="Default"
DetailLink="" ShowWithSampleData="False" ListId="645a16cc-7fe6-4247-9800-2170e1479074"
ListName="{645A16CC-7FE6-4247-9800-2170E1479074}" FrameType="Default" PartImageSmall=""
IsIncluded="True" SuppressWebPartChrome="False" AllowEdit="True" ManualRefresh="False"
AutoRefresh="False" AutoRefreshInterval="60" AllowMinimize="True" ViewContentTypeId=""
InitialAsyncDataFetch="False" CssStyleSheet="" MissingAssembly="Cannot import this Web Part."
HelpMode="Modeless" ListUrl="" ID="g_523a7cea_3249_4ac1_b2bc_48efea016ad1"
ConnectionID="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" AllowZoneChange="True"
IsIncludedFilter="" __MarkupType="vsattributemarkup" __WebPartId="{A7755E5E-BE3F-4415-A163-BAA925625A0E}"
__AllowXSLTEditing="true" WebPart="true" Height="" Width="">
The ID is for the DVWP. There is no style that you can apply to a whole DVWP in one fell swoop. Inside the DVWP there will be lots of other CSS classes for the different elements and they will be applied, overriding anything, even if you could use the web part ID for a CSS format.
A DVWP typically displays in a table. There are different classes and styles for TH, TR, TD and so on. If you want to change the appearance, then you need to tackle these classes for the table elements.
replace script with style. script is for javascript. style is for css
<style type='text/css'> ... </style>
Render the page and see what ID you have in your HTML code, then apply the CSS. I'm almost sure that the ID is different, and that's why it doesn't work (happens almost everywhere, where web controls are being used, especially in ASP).

Richfaces component id in form - css

I have a component inside a form:
<a:form id="myform">
<a:somecomponent id="comp">
and a huge css file, which attaches some style to the component with id "comp".
However, this does not work, as in the rendered html page, the components name becomes "myform:comp".
How can I prevent this? Using myform:comp in css does not seem to work :-(
You have to add prependId="false" to form tag.
<a:form id="myform" prependId="false">
<a:somecomponent id="comp">
You just need to use the richfaces functions detailed here. #{rich:clientId(‘comp’)} can be used in this case.
Edit: also see this answer
The best solution I found up till now is not to use the id, but the style class, and replace all of the occurences of #comp in the css file with .comp:
<a:form id="myform">
<a:somecomponent styleClass="comp">
However, I don't consider this as a 'clean' solution...
