Richfaces component id in form - css - css

I have a component inside a form:
<a:form id="myform">
<a:somecomponent id="comp">
and a huge css file, which attaches some style to the component with id "comp".
However, this does not work, as in the rendered html page, the components name becomes "myform:comp".
How can I prevent this? Using myform:comp in css does not seem to work :-(

You have to add prependId="false" to form tag.
<a:form id="myform" prependId="false">
<a:somecomponent id="comp">

You just need to use the richfaces functions detailed here. #{rich:clientId(‘comp’)} can be used in this case.
Edit: also see this answer

The best solution I found up till now is not to use the id, but the style class, and replace all of the occurences of #comp in the css file with .comp:
<a:form id="myform">
<a:somecomponent styleClass="comp">
However, I don't consider this as a 'clean' solution...


CSS isolation in Blazor

I don't know how exactly this new feature must be work in Blazor, but I think that the current implementation work wrong. Below some typical situation:
Layout for some blazor component:
<span>Some Text</span>
<Icon> ... </Icon>
source scss file ...
that will be translated in to something like ...
after apply of CSS isolation we have :-( ...
Why NOT THIS????
And of course in DOM after rendering we have only button with scope id "b-l4md7xqlo6", but not span itself! Span don't have this attribute, and in my situation I don't need it.
In other words, after applying of scope id, the result CSS not equal exactly to my declared CSS!
Any ideas?

Select elements with same attribute value

Is there any way to select elements with same attribute value which I don't exactly have access to? I imagine doing it in way like this:
I want to use ONLY pure CSS.
no, there is no way to achieve this using css
however, if you need to do something like this you should consider changing your markup (ex. using additional classes) - css is not a programming language
CSS cannot do that. For comparing two elements you need to have access to DOM.
We cannot achieve this through css but this can be done by JavaScript:
var attr = 'elementValue',
elements=document.querySelectorAll('.first, .second');
elements[0].getAttribute(attr) ===
<div class="first" elementValue="1">hello</div>
<div class="second" elementValue="1">hello</div>
Hope this helps

wordpress custom css class

I am attempting to modify the width of the ninja form text inputs on my wordpress site. I am able to call each individually by id with:
#ninja_forms_field_6 {width:25%; min-width:250px;}
However, I would like to do so by class. However, I can't seem to figure out the correct class to call. I have looked at the source code and it displays:
<input id="ninja_forms_field_6" data-mask="" data-input-limit="" data-input-limit-type="char" data-input-limit-msg="character(s) left" name="ninja_forms_field_6" type="text" placeholder="First Last" class="ninja-forms-field ninja-forms-req " value="" rel="6" />
<div id="ninja_forms_field_6_error" style="display:none;" class="ninja-forms-field-error">
When I've tried to use:
.ninja-field ninja-forms-req {width:25%; min-width:250px;}
Nothing seems to happen. In particular, my css editor doesn't seem to like the space between ninja-field and ninja-forms-req. I've found some other answers that indidcate these are two separate tags, but I still can't seem to get the text inputs to respond to my inputs. I should note that I am using the "Simple Custom CSS" plug-in to make changes to CSS. Any help in advance would be appreciated. Thanks.
When targetting multiple CSS classes on the same element you need to separate them with periods.
I found this to work really well with ninja forms and their issue with the width of buttons in some themes. This also solved my problem using the custom css plugin. Just use the height according to your theme button height.
.ninja-forms-field {

JQuery Mobile + Knockout , CSS Styles fails

I'm using html5, JQuery Mobile and KnockoutJS, I Have a foreach template that renders a grid like GUI from an observable array.
However, when I add items to the bound array, the styles are not applied to any new items.
They appear unstyled, most of the times.
some times they appear with style, but once the styling fails, it stays broken for as long as I run my app.
Does anyone have any idea how to resolve this problem?
<div id="timeEntryList" data-bind="foreach: timeEntries">
<div data-role="header" data-theme="c">
<h1>some header</h1>
The odd thing is that it works sometimes.
Hard to guess without any code. But I guess you 're saying jqm doesn't render properly after dynamically adding elements. That's right it doesn't. I guess it's like the list. And you probably can do something like $('#mylist').listview('refresh'); but I don't know what sort of component you're talking about.
you can find more info in the documentation
jQM might not support more than one data-role="header" section. I would try conforming to their standard page layout with one header, one content and one footer section and see if that helps.
I've found that if I update my KO observables in pagebeforeshow I don't have to use .listview('refresh')

classname not being recognised CSS styling

i have a submit button with the code inside a form
<input id="zip" name="zipcode" type="submit"
class="zip-button" value="Find" tabindex="{counter name=tabindex}"/>
for some reason the zip is not getting any style.but if manually add it in jquery like
its working.As am very new to styling i couldn't figure it.
Sometimes the cascade in CSS is a possible reason for the that case. Another rule with higher precedence is able to overwrite the definition. Firebug is a great tool for "debugging" css code.
It shows, how the browser interprets the style sheets.
Is your css directly in the page like that? if so, that is the reason. You need to use inline styles, a style tag or an external css file.
<input style='height:30px;' ...
style tag:
<style type='text/css'>
.zip-button{ height:30px; }
external file
sometimes we might be referring to minified css(abc.css.min) file in which some classes might be missing (my case)instead of the original source css.this might result in styles missing for few class which are absent in css.min ....we can find out this using this case we need to go back and set reference right...[am a beginner so bare with my technical terms usage]
