can not chdir(/var/spool/clientmqueue/: Permission denied with wordpress - wordpress

Nice holidays.
One of my wordpress hosted with Godaddy. Which shows an error
can not chdir(/var/spool/clientmqueue/: Permission denied
when posting comments. But there is no directory exist in specified path(/var/spool/clientmqueue/)
Anybody can help me to solve this.

It's related to the mail sender. Email messages stay in that directory before they are getting sent (the directory isn't a http directory, so you won't see it in your public_html)
If your wordpress server user doesn't have the required privileges, it will halt when trying to email you that a new comment has been added. You should ask you host about changing the permissions to for /var/spool/clientmqueue/ (or do it yourself, if you have root access).


Failed to connect to your database server

I do not understand what is wrong. It's as if all the data is correct.
Resolve all issues below to continue the installation. For help configuring your database server, see the installation handbook, or contact your hosting provider.
Failed to connect to your database server. The server reports the following message: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory.
> - Is the database server running?
Does the database exist or does the database user have sufficient privileges to create the database?
Have you entered the correct database name?
Have you entered the correct username and password?
Have you entered the correct database hostname and port number?
I take data from the ".env" file (DB_NAME=... DB_USER=... DB_PASSWORD=...)
As far as I know, Drupal does not use .env file by default. Instead you have to copy default.settings.php to settings.php under web/sites/default directory.
There you have a $database array in which you can provide the above information. Or you just create settings.php file as mentioned above with required permission and then simply put in your DB credentials in the installation wizard (Your screenshot). Drupal will automatically update the settings.php file.
Once the installation is over, you can provide 444 permission bits to settings.php for security.

Getting a "Request Rejected" response when trying to access some admin pages

I have logged into my Drupal 7 site as an admin and I was trying to put the site into maintenance mode but I get this response when ever I try:
"The requested URL was rejected. Please consult with your administrator. Your support ID is: 1272530.."
I have checked the permissions and it seems like my admin accounts has all the permissions granted. What could be the issue
Try this method. Hope you will get result or at least you get some idea.
Option 1: Clear your cache and browser then try to hit the url.
Option 2: Try from different network.
Option 3: Try cloning your site locally and check whether it's working in local system. I think firewall may be the issue in your web site server.

Do I need my domain to be in HTTPS to use it as a custom domain for hosting Firebase?

It's been three days that I still wait for validation of my domain name.
I have this error:
"Unexpected TXT records were found. Continued search for changes".
Because of this, I checked, but everything is correct. I wonder if it is the fact that my domain is not accessible in HTTPS.
Recheck your TXT-records once again and then try to restart the verification process.
The fact that your domain is not accessible via an https:// secure connection is no problem. Firebase is even going to provide a SSL certificate for your domain once validated.
If the error still persist you should consider contacting the Firebase Support instead of the stackoverflow community, as they are definitely going to be able to help you.
Perform following steps. It may help you
Remove/Delete your custom domain from the Firebase Console
In the DNS, Remove the TXT records and save it.
Now, add you custom domain again into your Firebase Console
In the DNS add the TXT records again and save the changes.
After completing this operation, "Unexpected TXT records were found. Continued search for changes" error will be terminated permanently.

disable wordpress to ask for login credentials

i got a message while uploading a plugin "To perform the requested action, WordPress needs to access your web server. Please enter your FTP credentials to proceed. If you do not remember your credentials, you should contact your web host."
I want to disable this message as i dont have login credentials of ftp panels.How to do this?
WordPress displays that message when it doesn't have permission to write to its own files directly. My Upgrade First Aid plugin can help identify which permissions need to change.

Windows Auth directory in IIS - web.config Permission problem

We've created a windows authenticated sub directory on our web server, however, intermittently when we go there (once logged in as an authenticated user - member of a authenticated group) we get the following error:
Module IIS Web Core
Notification BeginRequest
Handler Not yet determined
Error Code 0x80070005
Config Error Cannot read configuration file due to insufficient permissions
Config File \\?\C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\admin\web.config
Requested URL
Physical Path C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\testsite\admin
Logon Method Not yet determined
Logon User Not yet determined
The odd thing is once we see this error, hit F5 or refresh and the error goes away, only to reappear a short time later. Very frustrating!!
I have done extensive searches online, but can find nothing. We may also create other sub dirs allowing the same "group" to have access, so this needs to work across all these subs without having to relog in.
We are using IIS7. I've found guides that state for IIS7 ( ) but when I do this it seems to then make the directory accessible to all which is clearly not required.
Following my own advice and knowing nothing about the problem, I give you an answer to be accepted or improved upon:
Set IIS_IUSRS to have read access on your windows authenticated directory.—user901820
Configure access in IIS Manager | Your Site | Authentication. Make sure you have disabled "Anonymous Auth" for that folder—this should close it for everyone. If you now enable another Auth method for that folder ... then user should only access it if he provides proper login details.—LazyOne
See Configuring Security at
