Why does my website have no CSS styling in Internet Explorer 8? - css

My website (http://www.cryptum.net) seems to be missing all CSS styling in Internet Explorer 8. My drop down menu isn't showing. Everything I have styled isn't showing. Can anyone tell me how I can fix this?

<link ...>
elements into
of the page.
You can also check W3C Validator: http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=www.cryptum.net&charset=%28detect+automatically%29&doctype=Inline&group=0
There are really many errors in your document.

I suspect it's because your HTML markup is totally messed up. Choose a doctype and make sure your markup validates for it. I'd suggest HTML 4 transitional as a starting point, it shouldn't be too hard to make it validate.

Please move your
<style> </style>
tag into head, should fix the problem, alternatively you can use php to load the style-sheets as a fool-proof method.


margin: 0 auto; not working in IE also everything disarranges. UL also disarranges

I am getting lots of trouble with IE. The whole page is disarranged even though I have reset applied to all the tags initially. Mozilla and Chrome displays it correctly but IE is giving lots of tension. If anyone could help I would be very thankful.
Jquery is also not working fine. and div are disarranged
First see it in mozilla to get a look of what I have designed. then open it in IE to see the troubles.
See it here http://www.crawller.com/opal/
Thanks to everyone.
I solved the problem by including this line at starting before
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
This solved the problem and CSS and jquery codes are responding well in IE now.
You can check the modified version at
The old one is also available at http://www.crawller.com/opal/
For starters, it appears there are some incorrectly spelled attributes in your css, several references to 'bloc' where I assume you mean 'block'.
Make sure that your html and css validate.
You have a lot of Markup validation errors in your document. First try to fix those errors.
Check your site for w3c Markup Validation

Internet Explorer Div Issue

I am having problems with my webpage. On all browsers the div aligns perfectly. However, on all versions of Internet Explorer the Div shows out of line. Here is an image of the difference:
Here is the page so that you can view the source:
Contact Page
I would really love the help, IE has done this to me several times. I would love to learn what to do in these types of situations. I read somewhere about an IE specific CSS file that would fix this but I did not fully understand what needed to be changed in this new CSS file. All help appreciated.
Try fixing the issues presented by the W3 validator. http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fkynikosdesign.com%2Fcontact.php&charset=%28detect+automatically%29&doctype=Inline&group=0&verbose=1
You can add this and it should work (at least it did just through in-browser modifications)
after your normal css
<!--[if IE]>
<style type="text/css">
That aside, you're also missing some closing tags it would seem and probably the reason for the weirdness.
Issues I detected on your page structure so far (which are causing the display issue):
#main-container should not have width
you are using table for your form layout which is a big mistake (it's pushing the whole content together down)
as a workaround removing width in (1) and width=100% in (2) will fix your problem butI highly recommend to follow good practices for your page layout. (i.e. using div instead of table).

Internet Explorer external css issue

I am working on a site (www.eticket24.at) and have to create an external CSS for both the header and footer.
If I view the header, for example, seperately in FireFox by going to www.eticket24.at/header.php, it looks fine — the CSS is all there, and it's styled the way it should be. However, in IE8, if I do the same, the style is gone compeletely. It works on the index page, but not when I view it alone.
I am using link rel="stylesheet" href="http://www.eticket24.at/et24_header.css to include the CSS at the top of my header.php page. Same goes for my footer.php page.
So, what's the problem with Internet Explorer this time? Why won't it behave?
header.php doesn’t return a full HTML page, so maybe Internet Explorer is borking on that. Even though Firefox renders it, I don’t think you can necessarily expect all browsers to do so.
As ifaour mentioned, you might want to move your <link> tags into the <head> tag, as they’re not meant to go in <body>.
Your link is inside the body of the page... try putting it inside the <head /> section. Also add type="text/css" to the <rel /> tag.
It's because when you're vewing the header on its own, Firefox will correct the incomplete markup and make the page a valid html document with the <html><body>...</body></html> tags.
IE will not do this, so the styles will not be applied as it doesn't know to do this on an invalid page.
This is also why the page looks correct on the live site.
I included all the css inside the .php files themselves instead of linking them and changed some div names (from to , and to . This helped because css styling of the divs before were being overridden by the other companys css styling, so I had to create my own unique div names, instead of the standard HTML5 ones

Wordpress css and ie6

my website : http://www.equipe94.com have a two column layout and in ie6 the right column is flushed at the button... it look like and inline problem, but even WITH the inline widget.. it's still at the bottom..
any idea to fix a wordpress template to play well with ie6 ?
thanks in advance
As mentioned in the comment... my page don't validate...
after fixing the multiples problems now I validate in XHTML 1.0 Strict...
but the problem is still there !
You've got a few missing closing </div> tags that might be the problem: [Invalid]Markup Validation of equipe94.com - W3C Markup Validator. Scroll down in the validation report to see line numbers and source code.
You also should work with the IE6 specific style sheet that is in your theme at /headway-166/media/css/ie6.css
I have found the problem.... it's was an hentry that overflow the content box.... ie6 detect it !... in css i have add overflow:hidden then it's ok !.. thanks anyway

CSS Layout Problem

Here's my page
It looks correct in Firefox, but of course in Internet Explorer, there's an issue.
The main body of the page is not displaying correctly. The left and right divs are not showing the white background that I'm trying to get them to.
Your HTML appears to be broken. For example <div id="mainbody" is not closed. Run it through a validator and fix all the markup problems.
Try separating your shortcut for background in your #left id in css. IE may not be parsing it correctly.
The #right div looks OK (I'm using IE7).
You need to change <div id="mainbody" to <div id="mainbody"> as i told you earlier.
Use the W3C validator: [Invalid] Markup Validation of modastudio.com/docs_new/bostondentalposters.shtml - W3C Markup Validator.
You've got a bad doctype that will throw IE into quirks mode, as well as missing tags, double charset calls (that should be UTF instead of 8859), duplicated meta tags, etc.....
You're also nesting tables and lists inside of paragraph tags which is invalid markup for the doctype you're using. A handful of the meta tags are not closed correctly along with capitalization of attributes which are also not allowed with the selected doctype. The stylesheet link tag is not closed correctly. The images tags in the table are not close correctly nor are the break tags.
Fix the html errors first and then see where you're at with your layout.
Good luck and hope this helps some.
Maybe not really an answer to your question, but since you seem to develop in Firefox, you might want to try the HTML Validator extension. Makes this kind of development a lot easier.
