<a href> with image is disable in Chrome - asp.net

hey, i have a .net C# function thats write html image links code such as:
<img src="..." />
and show it by asp:literal,
it works fine in Explorer and Firefox but in chrome the clicking is disable,
any ideas?
example code:
<div class=\"whitebox\" style=\"width:500px;\">
<div style=\"float:left;\">
<a href=\"../reader/Default.aspx?u=4&t=2&sr=f-53D\">
<img width=\"75px\" height=\"75px\" src=\"http://www.Knu.com/main.jpg\" />

The only problem I can see with that is if you're somehow outputting it exactly like that, with the C# escaping included.


Image Could not be loaded - Wordpress issue

I am having issue on my wordpress website. Where I have gallery plugin and the images in that gallery showing this error message when you click on the image. In past those used to pop up when you click on it. But currently it show this error message. I think there is some js conflict please help me here. screenshot- here
webpage - http://www.marvelrealtors.com/residential-properties/izara/
image url is missing in anchor tag. please check.
<a href="#" class="poppup">
<img src="http://www.marvelrealtors.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Izara-Dining-Room.jpg" title="Dining" alt="Dining" data-lazy-loaded="true" style="display: inline;"><noscript><img title="Dining" src="http://www.marvelrealtors.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Izara-Dining-Room.jpg" alt="Dining"/></noscript>
Working script:
<a class="image-popup-no-margins boxed_shadow" href="http://www.marvelrealtors.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Izara-site-plan.jpg" target="_self">
<img src="http://www.marvelrealtors.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Izara-site-plan.jpg" class=" vc_box_border_grey attachment-full" alt="layout" data-lazy-loaded="true" style="display: inline;"><noscript><img src="http://www.marvelrealtors.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Izara-site-plan.jpg" class=" vc_box_border_grey attachment-full" alt="layout" /></noscript>
The problem comes from file names, no accent, space or special character and it will work.

opera browser flip my arabic code

i made this simple buttons in Arabic Language (right to left language) and it works fine with all browsers except Opera, it looks flipped!
this is the code: http://jsfiddle.net/gtd52/1/
<p style="text-align:center;">
<a class="download_button1" href="#">رابط التحميل</a>
<a class="download_button1" href="#">رابط التحميل</a>
<a class="download_button1" href="#">رابط التحميل</a>
<a class="download_button1" href="#">رابط التحميل</a>
and it appears in opera like this: http://i.stack.imgur.com/13qyK.png
so.. what can i do to correct it?
Using your original fiddle, just add display:inline-block; to .download_button1 and it will work as expected. see results on browserstack
Rewrite the first line as follows:
<p style="text-align:center;" dir="rtl">
and it should work.

Can i change a picture with ''<div class='home-icon''html to a picture in a link?

I want to edit this picture.
I see in the edit blogtemplate html editor:
<div class='menu-abs-bg background-color'/>
<div class='menu-specs'>
<div class='home-icon'/>
<a href='http://rivadotaku.blogspot.com/' title='Home'>Home</a>
<span>Rivadotaku's Blog</span>
How to change the picture? You can see in the www.rivadotaku.blogspot.com, in the right bar.
I just a newbie, i only can edit a picture in this html
<img alt='' src='http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-S0aK8YBRU20/UYzIzLBILSI/AAAAAAAABIY/np2T4NYR9ng/s320/article1.png'/>
<a href='http://www.templateism.com' style='background-color: rgba(108,203,103,.9);'>templateism.com
Please help me, sorry for bad English.
Thank you
I'm not sure about what you are tryng to do. If you just want to show another picture instead of the picture you are showing right now, you have to change the src attribute.
<img alt='' src='http://newlink.com/newimg.png' />

CSS in Safari, applied only after closing Inspector/editing 'live'

I've tried the empty style tag trick but still no go.
Opening: sharpsma.com inside of the latest Safari, the far bottom right promo copy over the Sharp Zenigata promo is pulled over left.
Open the Dev tools in Safari and then just closing, snaps it into place. Or, any editing.
All works in all other browsers from IE7+, FF, Chrome and Safari 5 but in Safari 6, it seems to be getting hung.
Visiting the site in Safari 6 will be the easiest way to see the issue. Then, just open and close the dev tools and the promo copy snaps into place.
Any ideas on what could be causing this?
You have few errors in html code (* marked with stars, open site in Firefox, view source, and you will get better picture), in that part of page:
<div id="ThreePanelPromoContainer">
<div class="promoBoxContainer">
<a href="/sharpledlcd"><img src="sites/all/themes/sharptwentythirteen/images/front-page-bttm-all-led-promo.png" alt="lcds"/>
<p class="promoBoxTeaser">Sharp offers an extensive line of Industrial Strength LCDs.<br />
<span class="learnMore">Learn More **>></a><**/span></p>
<div class="promoBoxContainer promoBoxesMiddle">
<a href="http://www.sharpmemorylcd.com/" target="_blank"><img src="sites/all/themes/sharptwentythirteen/images/front-page-bttm-memory-lcd-promo.png" alt="lcds"/>
<p class="promoBoxTeaser">Memory in every pixel allows for rich content on a small display.<br />
<span class="learnMore">Learn More >**></a><**/span></p>
<div class="promoBoxContainer">
<a href="http://www.sharpleds.com/" target="_blank"><img src="sites/all/themes/sharptwentythirteen/images/front-page-bttm-zenigata-promo.png" alt="zenigata"/>
<p class="zenigataFrontPromo">Because life happens in full spectrum.<br />
<span class="learnMoreZenigataPromo">Learn More **>></a**></span></p>
i guess that Safari is more sensitive to these errors than other browsers. :)

css problems w/ ie 8 and below

I've put together this small little piece but I'm having problems with the renderings below IE9.
I've been going over a bunch of tutorials and have even tried a version of the "html shiv" technique, but to no avail.
I'm not sure what the problem is. I cross tested it and it works in pretty much every browser minus IE8 and below. I'm just curious if I'm going to have to rework an entire style sheet for the IE8 and less bunch or if I'm just missing something.
In IE8/IE7/IE6 the hover states for the buttons work, but it's as though all of the boundaries disappear.
is a live working version.
Here's the HTML (I would include the CSS but it's long, but you can view it in developer tools sorry for the inconvenience).
<section id="tile">
<button id="toggle_button"></button>
<section id="tile_content">
<figure id="tile_content_figure" class="clearfix">
<img src="imgs/tile_pic.png">
“Siri's Default Settings Leave
Your iPhone 4S Exposed”
<div id="tile_content_link">
<p id="from_in">
From nytimes.com in arab spring
<div id="tile_content_comment" class="clearfix">
<img src="imgs/user_img.png">
"This is the basic version of the tile"
<footer id="tile_foot">
<div id="foot_wrap" class="clearfix">
<figure class="like_view">
<img src="imgs/like.png">
<figure class="like_view">
<img src="imgs/view.png">
<article id="social" class="clearfix">
<button id="facebook"></button>
<button id="tumblr"></button>
Just looking to get pointed in the right direction. I know that the CSS has features that IE8 and below won't pick up, but the head scratcher for me is that it's as though the style sheet in its entirety is broken.
please help, and thank you
< ie9 doesn't understand your html5 elements: article, footer, section, figure; offhand i'd just go ahead add html5.js and then turn them on in your css:
i think that should fix what you are talking about
You have lots of duplicate id's. id's must be unique per element or a browser may ignore subsequent instances of the id. You should also declare a document encoding, among other HTML Validation errors...
Your site is more likely to work as expected, in all browsers, when its HTML code is fully compliant.
