How to configure the flex crossdomain.xml in tipfy - apache-flex

I would like to know how to configure the flex crossdomain.xml in tipfy with the Google app engine skd.
Please advice. Thanks.
Tipfy is a framework using in Gae.
I would like to know:
where I can place the crossdomain.xml, in the root or other place,
do I need script to redirect to the xml,
what files that I need to modify, eg. app.yaml.
any other things or file I need to modify or create to make it work.

Place the crossdomain.xml anywhere in your app (eg, the root of the app), then use a static file handler to configure it in app.yaml. You don't need to touch any framework code at all.

If you are using GAE the app url will be typically and the Flash player will need a cross domain file from In a Java environment it is as simple as creating this file in web folder of the project, that's it. It will be the same for Python, put this in your app's web root folder, not Google's web server root folder. This worked for me.


How do I get the ASP.NET content relative path

Doing a project between multiple people, and a few components (web app, services app and some others). We will be storing some information inside the Content folder of the web app so it can be accessed directly from the web server with an href, however other components outside of the web app need to access this folder as well, and since we are sharing the project between multiple people using an absolute path is not an option. What options do we have?
EDIT: Trying to explain it a little better.
What i have exactly is, a web project, a "data project" which is just a dll, a "logic" project which is another dll and a services project which is an exe/service.
Both the web project and service project consumes the methods from the logic, and the logic from the data project. Being the last one the responsable for storing data (in a database) and also in the file system.
This "filesystem" path should be configurable, and we are aiming to put it into the content folder of the web project so multimedia files can be accessed directly rather than doing a byte stream.
Now in the web.config(config file of the web app), and app.config(config file of the services app) i could set the absolute path to web/content (the same for both config files) and the data dll would use it without problems. Now the main problem is that we cannot put an absolute path in the config file because each person works on a different computer with obviously different file paths. So if i could just write something like: ~/project/Web/Content rather than C:/myfolder/stuff/blabla/project/web/content in the config files, with ~ resolving the path to the project, this is what i want! Or maybe better ideas about how to share a folder with these apps without adding absolute paths hardcoded somewhere.
What you want to use is:
This will give you the absolute path of a file based on it's position within the website, in this case, from the /Content directory.
For a program external to the website, you have a couple options;
The easiest to implement might be a simple configuration value in the external program which points to the directory. My guess is you've already decided that's not ideal, but it may be the quickest way.
Alternatively, there's a Microsoft .NET assembly which gives you easy access to IIS information (I can't recall its name off the top of my head!). You could use this assembly to find the appropriate website, and retrieve its root directory. I'll see if I can find it and get an example, or maybe someone else will see this and post an answer with that information.
Please check the following method "ResolveClientUrl"
Use the ResolveClientUrl method to return a URL string suitable for use by the client to access resources on the Web server, such as image files, links to additional pages, and so on.

Get Static referenced files with http request in meteor

This can be a silly question but I have had some issues with it. I am trying to implement jwplayer with meteor. Jwplayer will try to get a file based off the url you suggest. So I tried to place a file in localhost:3000/test.mp3. When I tried to hit that url I get just the default site. This would work if I used tomcat. Is there something I can do to get the files relative to meteor directory?
Thanks for your help.
In the /public directory, per the docs:
Lastly, the Meteor server will serve any files under the public directory, just like in a Rails or Django project. This is the place for images, favicon.ico, robots.txt, and anything else.
Meteor hasn't yet implemented server side routing and all directories are ultimately flattened. So for the time being, you can access your file at http://localhost:3000/test.mp3, but that may change in the future.

Find the path of browser default downloads folder

how can we find the path of browser default downloads folder in c# /
For example I can get the path of user desktop like :
You can't find that out in a web application. It's up to the user to decide which browser to use and how to configure it and where to save downloaded files by default and you have absolutely no way of interfering or even knowing his choices from a web application.
First of all looking at MSDN on Environment.SpecialFolder there is no download folder, and the reason is that this is different for every browser.
And there have nothing to do with, if you look it from the server side you just get a directory on nowhere, meaning that this have nothing to do with the web application that run under the pool.
What you can do
You can use the HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath and use it to know where your site lives, and there place a "download" directory and use this full path:
HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath + "download/"
for download/upload files.

Problem in flex project

I am using Adobe Flash Builder 4 trial version.
I created one abc.mxml application which is working fine in the IDE. Now, I want to use the generated abc.swf in one of my application so I copied
and related .js and .css files
to some other location in the file system. After that when I tried to launch the abc.html in the browser, nothing was appearing in the browser.
After that I copied the whole flex project at some other location and tried to launch the same abc.html file. Even that was also not working.
I don't know what's the problem.
Edited ============================================================================
My money is on sandbox security issue. Either keep the files under bin-debug to prevent it or add your folder and flash file to be allowed in the Flash Security Settings.
This is cross-site scripting situation, read this:
You launch abc.html (which consist adc.swf) from one domain ("file:///c: ..."), but refers for data from another (is there you red5 installed, probably localhost).
Create cossdomain.xml in the root directory in ther server (red5).

How do I download an msi file via an button?

So, I've created my wonderful winforms app that I want to unleash upon the world, and now I am trying to create a simple website to host some basic information and link to the setup file (msi installer file )....
I have a button on the page and the setup file setupApp.msi in same folder as the page. I am currently trying the following:
But this best guess at what to do is not working. Is there something wrong with Mime types here? What do I need to put in the click event to allow users to download this file?
The path you are passing in to the method is not valid (there's no server name called ".").
You can pass in a relative path and it should work fine because ASP.NET will resolve the path:
Or if it's not in the same folder, try one of these:
Keep in mind that you don't necessarily have to do the whole redirect at all. Instead of writing code in an ASPX file you could just have a link to your MSI:
Download my app!
