getting QSslError::CertificateNotYetValid on embedded device? - qt

I implemented a https downloader,
I am getting QSsl error, QSslError::CertificateNotYetValid on embedded device, if I call ignoreErrors() from there download is working fine, but Same downloader is working fine from my ubuntu 9.04 without any sslerror().
I guess is,
--> Qt for embedded linux is not configured with openssl support, does anybody knows how to check it?
In case you think my guess is not correct, please provide your own.
Incase you want to take a look at code, It is over here,

First check that the system date and time on the device are correct.


Cannot Resolve PortableDeviceToHostImpl32 in jmtp library

I am using jmtp library and most of the code is working fine like device read , device file read and write. But when i used PortableDeviceToHostImpl32 for copy From Portable Device To Host show Cannot resolve "PortableDeviceToHostImpl32".
I have Download library from and successfully run the most of the things but stuck in copy From Portable Device to desktop and not known why this problem occurred.
OR what is the alternative of the issue?
This looks like a very old abandoned project, nevertheless, going through project's known issue it seems implementation for PortableDeviceToHostImpl32 was not done by the original developer and someone have provided "some sort" of solution so I would highly recommend to read through the issue and you might be able to use the code shared by commenter over there.
That being said it's never a good idea to use library that is not maintained, use alternatives such as:

dailymotion video is not playing with linux based embedded system

daily motion videos are not playing in my Linux based embedded system.
i am using qt4.8 browser.
server returns forbidden error (
i want to know the reason for this error. please help me
You should rather use , this one works. Your link is the wrong one (old one).

USB driver not loading one USB image but loads another?

I have a usb driver with multiple IOKitPersonalities each with a IOMediaIcon entry. all works fine if the usb devices are plugged in after the kext has been loaded (kext loads fine, is signed, etc.). but after reboot of the computer, only ONE of the usb devices shows the standard orange default usb image. if I unplug/reload kext/replug the usb device in, the image gets corrected.
Any thoughts?
running Mac OS X 10.10.1 (I don't think I saw this problem before Yosemite, definitely not a problem on 10.6.8), all the Personalities are the same (except for the IDs (which are correct I think since the usb device loads correctly if I plug in after the kext is loaded) so it isn't mistake with the personality...)
I don't know how to fix your specific problem, but I can give you some pointers which may or may not be helpful (sorry, a bit too big for a comment, but not a proper answer):
The icon stuff is handled in user space, the only thing that the kernel should have to do in theory is set the IOMediaIcon before registering the service. Setting it in the personality should be fine.
In user space, Disk Arbitration takes over. You can download (most of?) the source code for it from Apple's Open Source Site.
A quick search reveals that the diskarbitrationd source code does indeed reference the IOMediaIcon, in DADisk.c
I don't know how well it works to recompile diskarbitrationd and substitute Apple's binary with your own, but if that works, maybe you can modify it to log output from the icon code, and get closer to your answer that way?
The other source of error I can possibly think of is that although the system gets the correct icon information, it can't actually find the icon file? I've heard about various bugs related to bundles and resources in the context of /System/Library/Extensions vs /Library/Extensions since they added the latter. If your icons are in your kext bundle, and you've switched to /Library/Extensions, try switching back to SLE.
I hope that helps your debugging efforts!

Exported my Construct 2 game with Intel XDK (edit: Crosswalk); error message shows up. How do I get rid of it?

I just learned about the Intel XDK at Indiecade today, and I couldn't wait to get home to try a port of one of my Construct 2 games. The game ended up working perfectly, aside from the fact that it has no sound when played on my Galaxy S5. The Intel XDK Emulator plays the game with sound, but for some reason it doesn't work on my phone. My volume is all the way up. Are there any tips when importing C2 games with the Intel kit to make sure the sound is preserved?
One thing I might add is when I run the app, it gives me an error message as though I am trying to run it locally in my computer. The actual message:
Alert: Exported games won't work until you upload them. (When running on the file:/// protocol, browsers block many features from working for security reasons.)
And then it auto-jumps to:
Application Error: The connection to the server was unsuccessful. (file:///android_asset/www/index.html)
... as a matter of fact it stopped working altogether after the two error messages while I was typing this question.
Edit: OK... so I exported it within the XDK as Crosswalk rather than simply Android, and the music now works. However, the first error message I mentioned before still shows up. I won't want this on all of my apps. Any way to get rid of it?
OK so this is what I did wrong: When I exported through Construct 2, I did what I always do and exported as a web app. What I should've done is export it as an Android app. I seriously don't know why I didn't try this first but after exporting as Android and then using the Intel XDK to port it with Crosswalk, everything is peachy.
I found my answer here:
I'm glad you found the answer here; I knew there would be a way :)
Just wanted to chip in as a follow-up, there is a webinar tomorrow for a much more in-depth tour of the XDK and its features - including crosswalk - than I was able to provide at IndieCade. Let me know if it works out for you!
Webinar Link:
This happens if you export as a normal html5 and not as Cordova app.
I had the same problem. I'm calling other HTML offline and solved the problem with this post:
How Do I Reference cordova.js Script from My Project index.html File
To enable the use of Cordova plugins in an HTML5+Cordova project type, reference the cordova.js script file exactly once in your index.html file:
If your project contains more than one HTML file (or page) that will use Cordova APIs, you must include a reference to the cordova.js script file in each of those HTML files. It is highly recommended that you limit yourself to building single-page apps (SPAs) when creating Cordova applications. See this Cordova Best Practices article for more details. Also, note that the cordova.js file is a "phantom" file; it is not present in your project directory, but is added by the Cordova build system when your application is built (it is customized for your app as part of the build process).

Get BlackBerry simulator to print to command line/console

I would like to have the BlackBerry simulator print to console so that I can debug with out an IDE. I do all my development from Linux with bb-ant-tools and have the emulator running on windows (on a separate computer). I don't have eclipse or the jde on windows, just the emulator.
--edit 02/28/10
After much searching it appears I need to connect to the simulator to jdb and to do that I need to find the default JDWP port or how to change it with out the JDE's JDWP application. I am looking at possibly port 8000, I hope it isn't randomly assigned.
--edit 03/02/10
Correction, the JDWP application is required as it is what you connect the jdb to by jdb -connect com.sun.jdi.SocketAttach:hostname=host,port=8000 but output is placed in output tab of JDWP making it very unlikely that it can print to a console and be done without the JDE. I would very much like to be proven wrong though.
A couple of things, not sure they will be very helpful.
jdb IS a command line tool, so you should be able to get console out that way.
For Linux, you can use the Barry tools that give you the jdwp as bjdwp command, then you should be able to use jdb
Also, you can get the Simulator to work on Linux by using Wine. I am able to run both the Barry tools and the Simulator on my mac.
I hate writting up such a short not detailed enough answer, but hopefully this will help someone else who will have time to provide more details.
PS: Sorry about no http:// but it seems that I am such a newbie I can't put more than one link on my answer.
