dailymotion video is not playing with linux based embedded system - qt

daily motion videos are not playing in my Linux based embedded system.
i am using qt4.8 browser.
server returns forbidden error (http://www.dailymotion.com/stream)
i want to know the reason for this error. please help me

You should rather use http://dailymotion.com/tv , this one works. Your link is the wrong one (old one).


Convert API failing in certain situations

We have a site that uses ConvertAPI to create PDFs and download them. They are working in most instances but are failing with large files in certain circumstances. Here's what I could gather:
1: it only happens with a large PDF.
2: it only happens on the mac
3: it appears to have a commonality with Acrobat where Acrobat's plugin called "Web2PDF" is listed as "loaded: no" on the two machines that are not correctly allowing the ConvertAPI code to work. There's another mac where it DOES work in our office, but that mac is working fine.
Anyone seen this before? Help?
It is hard to say for sure what is the problem, as there is no information about which command is used. However, the similar problem occurs with large files if you are using the ConvertApi with a secure https URL instead of the http, as in this case:
Powerpoint upload stops at ~9MB with cURL -F
Please let us know if changing to the http URL helps with the problem.

Exported my Construct 2 game with Intel XDK (edit: Crosswalk); error message shows up. How do I get rid of it?

I just learned about the Intel XDK at Indiecade today, and I couldn't wait to get home to try a port of one of my Construct 2 games. The game ended up working perfectly, aside from the fact that it has no sound when played on my Galaxy S5. The Intel XDK Emulator plays the game with sound, but for some reason it doesn't work on my phone. My volume is all the way up. Are there any tips when importing C2 games with the Intel kit to make sure the sound is preserved?
One thing I might add is when I run the app, it gives me an error message as though I am trying to run it locally in my computer. The actual message:
Alert: Exported games won't work until you upload them. (When running on the file:/// protocol, browsers block many features from working for security reasons.)
And then it auto-jumps to:
Application Error: The connection to the server was unsuccessful. (file:///android_asset/www/index.html)
... as a matter of fact it stopped working altogether after the two error messages while I was typing this question.
Edit: OK... so I exported it within the XDK as Crosswalk rather than simply Android, and the music now works. However, the first error message I mentioned before still shows up. I won't want this on all of my apps. Any way to get rid of it?
OK so this is what I did wrong: When I exported through Construct 2, I did what I always do and exported as a web app. What I should've done is export it as an Android app. I seriously don't know why I didn't try this first but after exporting as Android and then using the Intel XDK to port it with Crosswalk, everything is peachy.
I found my answer here: https://www.scirra.com/blog/133/introducing-crosswalk-the-new-way-to-publish-to-android
I'm glad you found the answer here; I knew there would be a way :)
Just wanted to chip in as a follow-up, there is a webinar tomorrow for a much more in-depth tour of the XDK and its features - including crosswalk - than I was able to provide at IndieCade. Let me know if it works out for you!
Webinar Link: http://l.intelswpartner.com/u.d?V4GjZxR-vxyrcx8RFF58HZ=33001
This happens if you export as a normal html5 and not as Cordova app.
I had the same problem. I'm calling other HTML offline and solved the problem with this post:
How Do I Reference cordova.js Script from My Project index.html File
To enable the use of Cordova plugins in an HTML5+Cordova project type, reference the cordova.js script file exactly once in your index.html file:
If your project contains more than one HTML file (or page) that will use Cordova APIs, you must include a reference to the cordova.js script file in each of those HTML files. It is highly recommended that you limit yourself to building single-page apps (SPAs) when creating Cordova applications. See this Cordova Best Practices article for more details. Also, note that the cordova.js file is a "phantom" file; it is not present in your project directory, but is added by the Cordova build system when your application is built (it is customized for your app as part of the build process).

Is there any video recorder for Selenium WebDriver?

i am working in Selennium Webdriver2 with IE specific application. i know we can take the screenshots of the execution. similarly, Is there any option to record selenium execution as a video?
There is nothing in WebDriver.
Sauce uses http://www.ffmpeg.org/ to record video's. There are other options like https://code.google.com/p/java-remote-control/.
Generally the answer is that if you want to do it, you are going to have to implement it yourself.
This API helped me in solving the above problem, this is for your reference guys,
Selenium provides us with the feature to run the automation code/suite and record the output as a video and save it on your system. This video can then be shared with anyone who can see what the automation is doing. First of all, to enable video recording, we need to download some important jars. They are freely available to download from Google. Below are the jars to be downloaded. These are the latest version available, any other version can also be downloaded:
ATUReporter_Selenium_testNG_5.1.1 and ATUTestRecorder_2.1
Complete code can be found here:

getting QSslError::CertificateNotYetValid on embedded device?

I implemented a https downloader,
I am getting QSsl error, QSslError::CertificateNotYetValid on embedded device, if I call ignoreErrors() from there download is working fine, but Same downloader is working fine from my ubuntu 9.04 without any sslerror().
I guess is,
--> Qt for embedded linux is not configured with openssl support, does anybody knows how to check it?
In case you think my guess is not correct, please provide your own.
Incase you want to take a look at code, It is over here,
First check that the system date and time on the device are correct.

Mathtran from asp.net website

I would like to build a website in ASP.NET, which would display many equations. I would like to generate them automaticly, so I need to use some library, that would allow me to generate images from TeX or LaTex dynamicly. For performance resaons, I would like to have it running on my local server.
I tried to used MimeTex with the Eq2Img project from CodeProject, but I was not satisfied with the quality of the images, and couldn't find any options to customize it.
Now I'm trying to use Mathtran, but as the official FAQ says: "You'll need a Unix or Linux server with TeX, Python and dvipng installed.".
My question is: is someone sucessfull in using Mathtran running locally with ASP.NET application, or can give some other solution to the problem?
Thanks for any answer!
You can roll your own solution pretty easily. Feed your source to LaTeX to create a DVI file. Then use dvipng to create a PNG file, and then show that in your web page.
Edit: more detail and other options available from WikiBooks.
The FAQ also says: "The software that provides this service is open source, and can be downloaded and installed on your own web-server or desktop machine (Unix/Linux only at present)." Since you can definitely get TeX, Python, and dvipng for Windows, you just need to replace whatever Unix infrastructure Mathtran is using with similar Windows parts. Most likely the developers of Mathtran just haven't had the need to use a Windows server themselves, and the wording "at present" suggests that they would likely accept a patch to make it work on Windows too.
Can you use the MathTran web service per http://www.mathtran.org/wiki/index.php/TeX_image?
