using easyslider with to create a registration wizard -

I am trying to make a registration wizard that contains about 6 steps.
I have moved away from using the standard registration wizard as I want more control over the look and feel.
I am using the easyslider plugin as I want a back and forward button that allows the users to click through the steps and be able to go back and forwards.
So everything was going well until a added an button into the plug. When I click it the page postback isnt happening, Does the plugin stop the ability to use controls inside? Is there something else I need to do to enable the click event to fire when using this plugin?
Any advise would be great!
Thank you

Make sure your button is registered properly (eg : with a runat="server") in the aspx file.
Did you try to move that button outside of your wizard ? I never used easyslider but I guess, like most sliders, it "just" hides or shows partial part of the page so I see nothing that could prevent a post back from happening.


Preserve selected option with back button, using jquery mobile & & ajax

I thought this would be a trivial feature, but I have lost a fair bit of hair trying to figure it out. I have a jquery mobile web page with a select menu. Users click an item in the drop down list, then later click on a link and navigate to another page. Users then click the back button. The desired result is that the selected item remains selected. Right now, the selection is lost, and it defaults to the first element in the list again.
Things I've tried:
1) Use an dropdownlist with autopostback. This preserves the selected option, but then I get a page flicker because the entire page is posted back.
2) Wrap above dropdownlist in an updatepanel. This preserves, doesn't flicker, but it wipes out the jquery mobile styling. Also tried some suggested workarounds with firing a jquery create event, but couldn't get anything working.
3) Write cookies on the select change event in javascript, and read them in the asp page_load event. However, page_load is not called when the back button is clicked, so this had no effect.
4) Tried creating a jquery ajax request to a web page method, but the method must be static and therefore I can't get it to modify the page.
Any other ideas? Is it just me or should this indeed be a problem that's been solved a million times?
As an FYI, I am a newbie at web programming, so please spell it out if you have an answer :) (come from a c++/database background).
Turns out even the date scroller could not survive a back button in some cases. For example if the user navigates to another site, and then uses the back button to come back to my jquery mobile site, all my javascript dom manipulations are lost. The solution is non-trivial. I store everything I need to maintain state of a page using html 5 local storage. On the jqm show page event, I detect if all my global variables have been wiped clean, and if so, reload state from local storage. Works perfectly, but it is quite an implementation task. And of course, if local storage is not supported by underlying browser, it all falls to pieces.

Options for displaying existing ASP.NET WebForm in a lightbox

I have been given a requirement to take an existing stand-alone web-form (i.e. uses postbacks) and throw it into a lightbox.
The standalone web-form already has save and cancel buttons that have predefined behaviors. For example, the Save button attempts to save the form, and either displays validation errors, or if the operation was successful, redirects to some other page in the app.
However, in the context of this new "lightbox mode", the Save button should additionally close the lightbox if the operation was successful.
I see two options:
Option 1-->UpdatePanel + ModalDialogExtender:
a. Extract a UserControl out of the standalone web-form that includes everything but save/cancel buttons
b. Introduce Save and Cancel EventHandlers on said UserControl
c. Use this UserControl on both the standalone and lightbox versions of the page, and wire up the events appropriately
Option 2-->Client side lightbox (i.e. jQuery)
a. ....
I'm a big fan of jQuery and tend to favor its use for Ajax functionality b/c of the level of control it gives me. On the other had, I also want the simplest solution that will possibly work. Assuming that option 2 is that option, any guidance on how to proceed would be appreciated.
I am using fancybox (see with great success. It has a mode where it can show my aspx page (usually an edit form without menus and so on) in an iframe fancybox.
It can also be closed from javascript in the iframe.

ASP wizard browser back button

I used asp wizard with updatepanel and google map (it works great).
Wizard has 3 steps - all work's great, but when i click browser back button steps changed and i lose all previous information. When i click wizard previouse button - i can see my information.
i try this:
but ScriptManager1.IsInAsyncPostBack always is false, and a hasn't hisotry - second problem: i want to get all information in this step
Maybe some other solutions??
It seems you want to put a square peg in a round hole.
If you want to navigate the wizard, use the wizard previous, next and finish buttons.
The browser back button is to move to another page, which is not a typical ajax application workflow and most definitely not the proper way to navigate a wizard control.

Implementing Back button functionality in

i need to implement a back button for my website.I am able to use the javascript method to acheive my requirement.But using this method sometimes I need to click on the back button multiple number times to go back to the previous page.It may be because we are using jquery tabs in our website.To focus on a particular tab,other than the 1st tab on page load I am using Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(....).So I am unable to take the user back to the previous page with just one click.
I also tried with methods mentioned in the following link.
I am able to go back to the previous page, but its state is being lost.Could someone please help me in acheiveing my requirement?
I have page1.aspx,page2.aspx(which contains jquery tabs view/edit).
In the page1.aspx there are 2 buttons(View,Edit).If I click on view button it takes me to page2.aspx View tab(1st tab) and if I click on the edit button it has to take me to page2.aspx with Edit tab loaded.both View/Edit tabs contain back button.
Also from the View tab I can navigate to the Edit tab,by clicking on another Edit button present in it.
The methods you have covered in your question are essentially what is available to you.
You can either
1. Provide a link that uses javascript to make the client go back a page.
2. Provide a link that posts back to the server that redirects you back a page.
I am not sure why the jquery in your webform as described in your question is causing you to click more that once to go back. If you know that it will always take 2 clicks to go back you could try this method:
javascript: window.history.go(-2)
When you are using the postback/redirect method you will always be using a http GET method to retrieve the page you are returning too. If you want to maintain state you will have to do this manually i.e. save the values when leaving the page somewhere, like session or a temporary database, and when returning to the page, during the page load, check to see if the user has these values saved and pre-populate them.
I've done something similar (with automatic redirections though) and I had to keep track of the number of pages to go back in my ViewState (or Session if you're jumping from page to page):
public void Page_Load()
Session["pagesToGoBack"] = ((int)Session["pagesToGoBack"])++;
<input type="button" value="Back" onclick='javascript:history.go(<%= Session["pagesToGoBack"] %>);' />
Be careful to reset the session variable when needed
Made me feel a bit dirty but it worked :)

How do I build a popup dialog in

I am building a Web Application using (C#). I come from windows forms development and find myself in a hard spot. Im making an application where the user should edit some simple information about himself, and thus i need to create a new dialog. How do I do that in I have a button which event is handled serverside, and when i click lthis button i want to popup a dialog where i can show my custom web control (or any web control, lets make it generic from the start). How do I go about with doing so?
I got some part of the way by looking at the internet, that i need to make a section and set the z-index to 1000, but how do i make it visible (block)? Please help here as i am completely lost...
If you're not concerned about using a library, try Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit, they have several controls that can create something you want (the ModalPopup control).
The AJAX Control Toolkit has a ConfirmButton extender which will do exactly what you are looking for.
I used to do the following:
1. my new pop up is just a new aspx page like any other page
2. add a button (or just a link) that fires a client side java script function
3. in the function I use and put params to open my popup page with no toolbars or scrollbars and proper size to its content
check this for more info on #3
