installing inconsolata on netbeans 6.9.1 - unix

i'm using inconsolata for my monospaced fonts on ubuntu 10.10.
i recently installed netbeans 6.9.1 and was wondering why Inconsolata doesn't appear in the
editor font list under Tools / Options.
Any instruction how can i use Inconsolata on netbeans 6.9?

seems like netbeans doesn't support opentype fonts.
ttfs will work. get it here from kevin vanzonneveld


Visual Studio Code CSS Hover Missing on Mac

On my Windows machine, I noticed that when I hover my CSS class name in a .jsx file I'm able to see a hover menu to show me what the actual CSS is. However, I'm unable to recreate this on my Macbook Pro. I also don't have this capability for .html files.
On my Windows, I have the HTML CSS Support extension, but I also have it on my Mac. I tried looking at other suggestions that said to use CSS Peek as well, but I installed it and it didn't do anything.
Here is my Windows VS Code version:
Version: 1.63.2 (system setup)
OS: Windows_NT x64 10.0.19044
Here is my Mac VS Code version:
Version: 1.65.2
OS: Darwin x64 18.7.0
Is there an extension I need to install or is there a setting I need to use?
I had Tailwind CSS IntelliSense installed on my Windows machine without realizing it and that did the trick.

QT Webkit with DirectFB

I have QT 5.5 & QTWebkit and am trying to bring it up on i686 platform.
Everything builds fine , but QTWebkit seems to be configured by default with eglfs. It always try to load egfs plugin instead of directfb.
I tried with the below configuration,
In ./configure -directfb -no-eglfs -no-opengl respectively. It does not generate eglfs plugin, Now i got error saying that there's no eglfs plugin found. How to tell QT to load directfb plugin instead of eglsfs.
Any inputs?
Solved the issue by setting QT_QPA_PLATFORM to 'directfb'.

Qt does not use system font settings

I installed musescore (Qt) but it does not seem to use the system font. I tried setting it via QtConfig but that does not work. How can I get system fonts to be used by Qt? I am on Ubuntu 15.10 Gnome.

How to install Symfony2-plugin into Aptana

I am using Aptana 3.4.2 and want to get Symfony2-plugin into Aptana. But if I try to install the plugin it says that is missing. So if I try to install this package ( it will say that something else is missing.
So I need to install this Symfony2-plugin. How can I get it into Aptana?
There doesn't seem to be any official support for Symfony 2 on Aptana, however this might be of help; you can use the aptana plugin on top of eclipse; however that also has a couple of incompatibilities. Probably worth considering an IDE such as NetBeans or PHPStorm, or using Aptana solely as an editor.

Aptana crashing on creating new ftp connetction

After long work with no issues, Aptana started to crash every time I try to create new ftp connection.
Is this a known issue?
I am on Linux 64 and using standalone version
got the same problem. I'm using standalone Aptana Studio 3 Version: with JRE Version: 1.7.0_45 on Kubuntu 64 bit 13.10 Saucy. Everything should be fine, but unfortunately it's not.
The problem seems to appear after upgrading the OS-Version. Aptana on the previous Kubuntu version was and still is running quite well.
My workaround:
Install 13.04 on V-Box,
install AptanaStudio on Guest-System,
load workbench from host-system,
do changes in Connection Manager and save them,
start Aptana on host-system and the changes are there
It's not exactly what I would call a convenient way, but it works.
I hope that there will be a solution for this issue soon.
Installing the latest Update Aptana fixes this issue.
Aptana uses GTK themes on kde. Change the Gtk2 style from QtCurve to other because it can't render the FTP windows
