Facebook API in Flex - apache-flex

If anyone has experience with the Facebook API,
What I’m trying to do is have a logged-in FB user, in my FB app, be able to browse photos uploaded by friends [not necessarily with themselves in those photos -- but just to see photos by their friends]. Is this possible?
Thanks in advance!

I think it's possible. It depends on how you want these photos to be displayed.
I have never connected the facebook API with any Flex app but I have experience with projects that use Iframe to display HTML content in FLex apps. You can find the Iframe project here:
iframe project. In my opinion you can generate these photos in a php script that uses the
facebook API and display its result as Iframe in your Flex application.
I've described the way how the IFrame can be used on my blog here:
Iframe in Flex . I use this approach very often and I've never had any problem with it.


how to flutterfire web site (document)?

sorry i'dont no english (i'm use google translation)
a month ago
i'm use site page
but now go to page
The site has changed.
I want flutter Firebase example code.
but, it is not found on the changed site.
plase after web site and flutter firebase example code document.
Try this: Federated identity and social auth
Here's the screenshot from the page: left side all auth methods, right side all contents in the page. In the form of a menu list, both. In the pages you can find all the code examples.
Are they other examples you need that were on the previous version?

Do firebase dynamic links work with PWA applications?

Firebase dynamic link documentation does not show Web as a category it supports but I wanted to know if there is any hack out there where can get it to work for PWA applications? the google analytics tracking for firebase is a powerful feature, especially for dynamic links.
Even though there is no specific API for this, since Dynamic Links are just URLs, you can indeed use then within a web app.
For example, we used them in the PWA for the Firebase Summit in 2018 to track click-throughs to the additional information for each session.
If you are having issues with your PWA not running correctly in Facebooks (insert expletive) Mobile Browser. Using dynamic links will force it out to the regular browser)
Do not use a custom domain, use the https://YOURDOMAIN.page.link
and DO NOT skip the preview page!

Wordpress app with Cordova

I have a Wordpress hosted application and I need to create a mobile version of it. As I read in one article, there is a way create a mobile application from hosted web application (not sure if that technique has any particular name). I was able to create the mobile application but I ran into a issue; when I am redirecting to any page, the mobile application is opening the browser to show the page. After some research I found that the solution will be to change all the href to window.open(url, '_system'). Is there any easier way to solve this issue?
The same article shows how to use the Camera plugin with the hosted ASP.Net application. Could anyone suggest an article that shows how to do the same thing but with Wordpress application.
You should have a look at WordPress hybrid project if you are looking for managed and performance enhanced app.
Otherwise, you can also use inAppBrowser for easy and fast development here is a Docs.

FacebookConnect integration with ASP.NET

I'm working on a site with a Facebook Connect integration on blog posts. I want a Facebook .NET SDK that will allow me to:
Authenticate that a user is logged into FB. The actual login will be done via the typical FBML login button and simple JS with the XD Receiver.
Be able to push data from my WebForm to the user's FB profile, such as a status update.
I do not need to:
Create an actual FB application that goes on your profile, like "Cheer for the Red Sox" app or whatever. I do completely understand that I need to create an app using the Developer application but I'm not indenting to create a real full app.
Do any special stuff other than know the user's basics and push data to the profile.
Now are there any good starting points or SDKs I should look at. I've tried Facebook.NET and also peeked into FBConnectAuth. It seems like the former is too much and the latter is too little of what I need. However, that was a quick glance so are there any people with good experiences that did simple things?
Help is much appreciated!
Have you tried this example?
Post status to Facebook profile without Facebook modal window using ASP.NET
If you have any feature requests for FBConnectAuth, please let me know.
For me, Raya's integration of Facebook Connect is the best example out there. The author also has a good blog post where he describes how he integrated it with his existing web application..

Google site page in an iframe

I'm building a quite large Flex application as our administration tools and I need build in documentation functionality. I want this documentation to be like a wiki and as we're using Google apps I though I'd use Google sites to host the wiki pages (why reinvet the weel...).
To include the wiki page in Flex I'm using the http://code.google.com/p/flex-iframe/ component that uses an iframe.
The problem is that it seem that google site uses some form of iframe javascript breakout script and that when i load the iframe the entire page is loaded with the wiki page.
You could try an anti-frame-busting script like the one on Jeff's site. Normally I wouldn't recommend that, but it seems like you have a legitimate need for it here.
