Searching through Sheetnode data in Drupal - drupal

I'm using Sheetnode -- -- to upload a big spreadsheet full of property data for a real estate tool I'm working on.
I've successfully uploaded all my spreadsheets; what I'm stuck on is creating the view (I'm very unfamiliar with the Views module).
Is there any way I can use Views to search through a particular column of Sheetnode data, i.e., how do I query a particular column and return results meeting a particular condition?

Sheetnode integrates with core Search, so cell content is indexed as part of node indexing. If you use the "Search: Search Terms" exposed filter, you will be able to search trough spreadsheet content. But you can't specify to only search through a particular column.

Add the fields you want to query as filters, you can then expose these fields creating a search form for your view.


How to update metadata using content indexs in webcenter content

I need to create a program which can search a document and fill the metadata from document( eg. resume of candidate) like user experience, user skill , location etc.
for this i like to use oracle indexing mechanism(Oracle text search) because it index all the data from document. when it index the document, i like to first update my metadata field from indexed data and then content server will update their indexes. Can anyone help me how i will get to know the working of indexer and event on which i will trap and do some modification for updating my metadata.
i need to update metadata because requirement are:
Extensive choices for Search Filter criteria (that searches within Resumes and not just form keywords) :
- Boolean search between multiple parameters
- Have search on Skills, Years of experiences, particular company, education qualification, Geo/Location and Submission date of the profile.
- Search on who referred, name, team , BU etc.
- Result window adequate size of results, filters
- Predefined resume filter criteria to assisting screening in case of candidate applying on job portal
You are looking at this problem from the wrong end. The indexer (OracleText Search) is a powerful and complex tool embedded inside the workings of the database. What you are suggesting is to interpret the results of text indexing and use this as metadata for your content - if I am not mistaken? OracleText generates huge amounts of data and literally "chops" up documents word for word. For you to make meaningful metadata from this would be a huge task.
Instead you should be looking at the capture of the metadata from as close to the source as possible. This could be done using (if you are using MS-OFFICE) Word vbScript when the user saves to the repository or filesystem. I believe you can fully manipulate the metadata in a document at savetime.
You will of course need to install the Oracle WebCenter Content Desktop Integration suite.
Look into Oracle WebCenter Capture. WebCenter Capture can scan a document and allows metadata to be automatically tagged on the document. WebCenter Capture integrates with WebCenter Content (WCC) and allows you to directly checkin scanned documents to WebCenter Content.

Drupal 7 Views : How to reuse one view for multiple fields OR how to let user select which field view displays?

My Task: I have content type which have 100+ different mostly numeric fields (big questionnaire for NGO with yearly reports). For one field I can use Views module to let user select which reports include (for example one year) and display it as nice graph (using for example Views+Charts). I would have to define about 100+ nearly identical views, which differs only by what field data they use.
My Question: Is there any way how to reuse one view definition and just change data from which field id display?
Solutions so far: I found two not really good solutions:
Create one view, export it (using Features or similar way) and then clone this export, rewrite field it uses as source and than add. But this just speed up creating one view for each 100+ fields.
Use module Views Dynamic Fields - it allows user to select which fields to display. But I would still have separate definition how to display for each field, so not much better than add one view for each 100+ fields.
I suggest writing your own Views field display plugin! This is actually all documented within the Views module folder: views/docs/views.api.php. Depending on your fields I'm not sure how you would exactly connect the data to the view.
Another alternative would be to just use a PHP Code field, and figure out a way to programmatically display the data from the field you wanted. The downside to this is that you wont be able to use that field to sort/search on with any filters as far as I know.

Drupal data entry forms & db structure?

I'm trying to build a Drupal site in which users can input records containing data about "customers", "employees" and "sales".
I would like to be able to create a form(s) which takes data about a sale/customer/employee and can be associated with a record of a customer/employee(who made the sale)/sale.
I would also like to be able to display records showing a list of sales or customers or employees in which when clicking one record, it will open a page displaying all the relational data.
I'm new to development and am searching around like a headless chicken lol. I was thinking of using content types for sales/employees/customers and using individual nodes for each record then using something like views to displays filtered lists, but I am unsure if this is the best way to go about/structure it (maybe I should use separate custom tables or database and use a custom module to fetch the data?). It would also be nice if some of the fields can populate other fields based on it input and also if some fields can utilize a sort of auto-complete by garbing data from other records, or is that asking way too much?
Thank you for any suggestions you might be able to give me.
I, for one, would certainly prefer using a custom separate database and leave drupal databases to its own devices, if you would ever need to upgrade the site to a higher version of drupal it helps if you don't modify it, and also consider using webform ( as it makes development easier both in components and hooks.

How can I specify the number of a instances of a given field in a View

I have standard basic article content type which, amongst other things, contains an image field which is configured to contain an unlimited amount of values.
I'm now trying to create a view that lists some of the fields in this content type but I want to limit the number of images that are returned for this specific field to 3 random images in the list (or less). Is this something that can be achieved right in my view configuration or do I need to do something ninja? I'm not aware of everything that's possible php wise to "rewrite" / "filter" the results of my view but I'm confortable with anything programming related.
I'm using drupal-7 with Views 7.x-3.0-alpha1
AFAIK there is no way through the Views UI to randomize the selections of a grouped field.
I can see two possible ways, in theory to achieve what you want.
Use hook_views_query_alter to alter the SQL query for the view. I'm not sure Views support what you need to randomize the results, but you have the ability to alter the query that views generates, and might be able to randomize it.
Select all results, but using theming to only show the randomly selected options. This could be done in a preprocess function. Views provides several, depending on your display option, hook_views_view_unformatted might be what you need.

Range search based on price field in drupal

I have a CCK field price which the user can fill in. I would like to create a search form with dropdown price field with different ranges (such as below 100$, 100$-1000$, more than 1000$). The problem is that the user input is an integer so I cannot achieve range search using filter exposure. The user would have to specify the exact value to perform searching, but this is rather useless. Is there a way ( amodule, etc) to create ranges out of integer values so that the user is able to perform range based search?
Obviously people grab views and CCK for most solutions. But often a small module sith just a hook_menu(), a calback and a theme function will suffice.
In that callback you can perform whatever complex query you want.
Such modules, most of the time, contain less then 100 lines of PHP.
If you know PHP such a functionality might take you less then an hour to build. Whereas writing addons and behaviours for CCK and Views often costs much more.
The advantage of building views and CCK addons, is that your code is better re-usable.
The way I did it in the past was to use hook_form_alter to change that field to a select drop down range (a min and max drop down), then alter the views query if a value was provided.
The other way to do ranged facets would be to explore Apache Solr integration or Search Lucene facets. Keep in mind that its not exactly plug n play tech, though.
To sort out out your price into various categories you need to create a CCK Select list and then populate the list automatically using the Rules module. You need to also hide this select list using content permissions.
I've created a mini-case study on graphing using Rules & Views. As part of the mini case study, it shows you how to categorize the cost field using Rules -- which is precisely what you want. It also shows you how to hide the field using content permissions. Please check the below link for a video:
