How to connect to a local server(in house server)? - networking

I am a noob when it comes to network. Recently, I was trying to help a friend edit php code. In his office, there is a computer running which he said is the server that hosts the site. But he is not sure since the guy that build the site is unreachable now. So, he gave me the password and username to this local server but no ip to me. I have no idea how to connect to this "in house" server.
I see that there are several computers in the office and I tried to ssh to their LAN ip, ie. to something like that but none of the connection went through.
When I look up the ip of the website and put the ip into the browser, it actually goes to So guys, do you think the source code can be found on is what I think) or is there a way to try to connect to this "in house" server(I am not even sure whether there's anything in it).

Have you tried attaching a monitor and keyboard to this server to determine what it is?
The IP of the site appears to be virtual hosted by Network Solutions. It is likely the server in the room is in fact not the server, instead that is handled by NetSol.

if you know the local ip range of the network which is normally either 10.*.*.* or 192.168.*.* or so you can use nmap to locate any servers quite quickly like: nmap -vvv 192.168.0.* which takes 5 seconds to find 4 end points


Nested port forwarding

This is first time I setup ftp server and I'm not really clever at network thing.
How do i want my connection to look like.
OFFICE_WORKSTATION has 2 NIC: connection to FTP_SERVER and internet connection by OFFICE_ROUTER, FTP_SERVER has only connetion to OFFICE_WORKSTATION (localNetwork)
What I already did is vsftpd on FTP_SERVER with tls and it's already accesible from localNetwork - OFFICE_WORKSTATION (e.g by using totalCommander >
I did port and ip forwarding on OFFICE_ROUTER (let's say its public ip is and local
So when I connect from HOME to OFFICE_ROUTER it sends me further to OFFICE_WORKSTATION.
Then i setup netsh on OFFICE_WORKSTATION ( localNetwork ip, inernetNetwork ip to get from internet and send it to which is my FTP_SERVER. But such setup gives me "500 illegal PORT command"
Maybe it's because FTP_SERVER don't know how to send data back ? Because now it should respond from (FTP_SERVER) to 10.10.10:50 OFFICE_WORKSTATION) and here netsh should take care of it and output it to OFFICE_ROUTER
I already know that ftp uses two ports data and command. Maybe i shoud forward both ports ?
I did test where my OFFICE_WORKSTATION serve FTP and I was able to connect it by HOME station by using single portForwarding on OFFICE_ROUTER.
With totalCommander from OFFICE_WORKSTATION i connect to and it works, but if i try (also from OFFICE_WORKSTATION) in totalCommander to use those configured ports ( > ) I've got same error "500 illegal PORT command"
I want my OFFICE_WORKSTATION to serve as portForwarding (i don't even know how to call it). So at the end I think problem lies in error/problem in portForwarding configuration.
I would be very pleased if someone could give me some hints.
This is first time I setup ftp server
Please, do not use FTP. You really, really do not want to use FTP. We do not want you to use FTP. Vint Cerf does not want you to use FTP. Bill Gates does not want you to use FTP. Even FTPS (which I'm guessing is what you are trying to say).
There are few things worse than FTP. FTPS is one of them. Setting up FTPS with any sort of NAT is really difficult for an expert systems admin.
There are lots of better solutions - SFTP (note order of letters - it's completely different) for one.

Can't connect to local server

Currently we have a system in place where multiple server backup to a server in house. There are a total of 11 different servers backing up to this one storage server. Without any change(any that we are aware of) one of the servers stopped being able to connect to the storage server. It's weird too because the one that can't connect is actually our DNS server. It can ping the storage server and nslookup returns the appropriate value. However when I tried to browse to the server in windows explore via network I get the following message:
"Check the spelling of the name. Otherwise, there might be a problem with your network. To try to identify and resolve network problems, click Diagnose." - Error Code: 0x800004005 Unspecified error.
If at all possible I would like the solution to not have to restart the server(obviously that's a big request) but we run 24/7 and can't have the DNS server down for the next few weeks.
Thanks in advance!
I am completely guessing here however lets start with this, does it work if you try and connect to the share using IP?
A few things to consider in the mean time? What O.S is it?
-> Is network discovery off?
-> Have any firewalls been accidentally turned on
-> We had a similar sort of problem when the server lost it's trust relationship with AD (required a reboot I am afraid).
Unfortunately this error can relate to a range of problems including network devices, anti-virus, firewalls, shares, user accounts etc etc.

How to view webpage on my server from another computer?

I have a web application I have developed on a server on my home computer. Is it possible to access that web page from another computer on my home network?
My naive approach was just enter my ip address followed by the port number :8888 which the server is listening on...
Any help would be great thank you.
I don't know if it will help but you can use an ssh connection to your computer. But you need to do it from a shell (from terminal on a mac, use putty on a PC)
In the end it was easier to set up remote access to the server by setting up port-forwarding on my router and using no-ip for DNS management. They have a decent walkthrough to get it all up and running. So i simply have to type in to access my site from any remote device.
Otherwise the links to questions on superuser that Sampo posted are worth a try.

Network link between multiple VirtualBox machines

I am trying out a conferencing application (BigBlueButton).
For this I created an Ubuntu virtual machine that functions as the application server. On this machine I can test the application by navigating to the app url (for example
I also created a second virtual machine that should function as a client. On this machine I want to be able to navigate to the server as well, but that doesn't seem to be working. If I try to navigate from the client to the server by using the app-url I get nothing, followed by a timeout.
To establish a network between the two machines I tried the following solutions:
Create a second network adapter on each virtual machine and attach to "Host-only Adapter" with name "vboxnet0"
Create a second adapter on each machine and attach to "Internal network" named "intnet".
I thought that either of above options would be a good solutions, but none of them works.
Can anyone help me out here?
FYI I am using MacOS X as host system.
I created my second machine by cloning the first one (using the clone utility). Maybe this causes both machines to be identical which makes them indistinguishable on a network. Would this cause a problem? (As a desktop developer I'm a bit of a noob when it comes to I.T.)
I just got this to work. What I did was the internal network with the tasteful name on both VMs, but THEN I went to Advanced and set the Promiscuous Mode to "Allow All". I connect just fine now. Try it!
OK, just looked at the dates and it was last updated 2009, but for anyone looking for the answer, here you go!
IF you cloned the machine and didn't change the ip, they will never connect...
Also - make sure there is something listening on the url that you're trying to reach.
each machine should have a different ip
(but on the same network of-course)
Set the interfaces you created to internal networking. Choose a tasteful and interesting name, like "mynet". Use that name as the network name for both of the virtual machines and they will automatically be able to talk to each other over those interfaces.
Sorry, I see you already did that. In this case just give those two machines static IP addresses on the interfaces of "internal networking" type. Like, and
Also, once you've changed the IPs make sure the server is listening on the right interface.
I realize this is long overdue... But I just got mine set up and am able to ping each virtual machine from one another.
Assuming you're running boot2docker like I am, simply right-click the boot2docker VM in VirtualBox and click clone. In the box that pops up, be sure to check the box that says "Reinitialize the MAC address of all network cards" so that the two virtual machines don't have the same MAC address.
That's it, seems to be working for me. I can ping, scan (via nmap) and even SSH into the virtual machines from one another or from my host machine.

Why can I see my website even though it's down?

I'm wondering if anyone knows how this happens? My website is down, but every computer on my internet connection/router can see it. I've cleared my cache etc, but another computer in the house shouldn't be seeing a site that's offline. How weird?
It's hosted remotely, not on my network or anything.
The first question to ask yourself is, how certain are you that it's down? If computer A can access it and computer B cannot, either one could be "right":
The site could be down, and computer A could be looking at a cached version from the ISP.
The site could be up, but computer B could be having general internet connectivity problems, or problems accessing this site in particular (bad DNS cache, etc.)
One way to tell is to add some new content to the site (via FTP or an in-place content management system like wordpress, for example) and see if the computer that can access it (computer A) can see the changes. If so, then you're looking at a "live" site, where the pages are being served directly from the server. (If the server is active and runs web software like PHP or ASP, then that would be another way to "prove" that the site is up and running).
Do you know the IP address of your web server?
Do you have direct access to the Internet on port 80?
Tell if your server is up or down by doing the following
telnet 80
Where is your web server's IP address. On windows the screen will go blank if the server answers. Then type
GET / HTTP/1.0
And hit enter twice. You should see the content of your default page. If your running as a virtual host, you'll probably need to use HTTP/1.1 and the Hostname tag.
GET / HTTP/1.1
There is one return after HTTP/1.1 and two returns after your hostname. If you get content (the correct content) back from your web server it is definitely not down. If the server fails to connect then your web server is really down, and the content your computers are seeing could be any of the following:
local page cache
local proxy server
ISP proxy server
local ARP poisoning attack redirecting you to attacker's local web server which mirrored your site.
DNS poisoning to direct your browsers to someone else's web server which mirrored your site.
If your site is up, but geographically separated folks can't see your site, it is most likely a DNS issue or an ISP level routing issue.
A good tool to check for DNS issues is OpenDNS's CacheCheck. As for the routing issue, the best bet is to call your web hosting company and see if they've had any other complaints from their other customers, or if they are currently working on a routing issue.
Internet provider cache maybe.
What DNS servers are your friends using? Same as yours?
Your ISP is probably caching the content.
i know it's down cause i asked my friends in other locations to look at it. then i ran a test using this site i found.
i'm switching hosts and we're dealing with my main domain name. that's the other reason i expected this interuption. i just want to know when it's finally switched.
is ISP cache a bad thing?
