continuation passing style vs monads - functional-programming

What are the differences between continuation passing style (cps) and monads.

As mentioned in The essence of functional programming:
Programming with monads strongly reminiscent of continuation—passing style (CPS), and this paper explores the relationship between the two. In a sense they are equivalent: CPS arises as a special case of a monad, and any monad may be embedded in CPS by changing the answer type. But the monadic approach provides additional insight and allows a finer degree of control.
That paper is quite rigorous, and actually it doesn't quite expand on the relationship between CPS and monads. Here I attempt to give an informal, but illustrative example:
(Note: Below is an understand of Monad from a newbie (myself), though after writing it it does appear to look like one of those high-rep users' answer. Please do take it with a ton of salt)
Consider the classic Maybe monad
-- I don't use the do notation to make it
-- look similar to foo below
bar :: Maybe Int
bar =
Just 5 >>= \x ->
Just 4 >>= \y ->
return $ x + y
bar' :: Maybe Int
bar' =
Just 5 >>= \x ->
Nothing >>= \_ ->
return $ x
GHCi> bar
Just 9
GHCi> bar'
So the computation stops as soon as Nothing is encountered, nothing new here. Let's try to mimic such a monadic behavior using CPS:
Here is our vanilla add function using CPS. We are using all Int here instead of algebric data type to make it easier:
add :: Int -> Int -> (Int -> Int) -> Int
add x y k = k (x+y)
GHCi> add 3 4 id
Notice how similar it is to a monad
foo :: Int
foo =
add 1 2 $ \x -> -- 3
add x 4 $ \y -> -- 7
add y 5 $ \z -> -- 12
GHCi> foo
OK. Suppose that we want the computation to be capped at 10. That is, whatever computation must stop when the next step would result in a value larger than 10. This is sort of like saying "a Maybe computation must stop and return Nothing as soon as any value in the chain is Nothing). Let's see how we can do it by writing a "CPS transformer"
cap10 :: (Int -> Int) -> (Int -> Int)
cap10 k = \x ->
if x <= 10
let x' = k x in
if x' <= 10 then x' else x
else x
foo' :: Int
foo' =
add 1 2 $ cap10 $ \x -> -- 3
add x 4 $ cap10 $ \y -> -- 7
add y 5 $ cap10 $ \z -> -- 12
GHCi> foo'
Notice that the final return value can be undefined, but that is fine, because the evaluation stops at the 3rd step (z).
We can see that cap10 "wraps" the normal continuation with some extra logic. And that's very close to what monad to -- glue computations together with some extra logic.
Let's go one step further:
(>>==) :: ((Int -> Int) -> Int) -> (Int -> Int) -> Int
m >>== k = m $ cap10 k
foo'' :: Int
foo'' =
add 1 2 >>== \x -> -- 3
add x 4 >>== \y -> -- 7
add y 5 >>== \z -> -- 12
GCHi> foo''
Woa! Maybe we have just invented the Cap10 monad!
Now if we look at the source code of Cont, we see that Cont is
newtype Cont r a = Cont { runCont :: (a -> r) -> r }
The type of runCont is
Cont r a -> (a -> r) -> r
((a -> r) -> r) -> (a -> r) -> r
Which lines up nicely with the type of our >>==
Now to actually answer the question
Now after typing all this I reread the original question. The OP asked for the "difference" :P
I guess the difference is CPS gives the caller more control, where as usually the >>= in a monad is fully controlled by the monad's author.

You might want to have a look at this

An interesting paper which explores the issue is "Imperative functional programming", by Peyton Jones and Wadler.
It's the paper which introduced monadic IO, and it has comparisons to alternative approaches, including CPS.
The authors conclude:
So monads are more powerful than continuations, but only because of the types! It is not clear whether this is only an artifact of the Hindley-Milner type system, or whether the types are revealing a difference of fundamental importance (our own intuition it's the latter -- but it's only an intuition.)

There is no relation, thus the question makes about as much sense as asking about the difference between the color blue and Pluto.


F# Strange difference in behavior of two recursive function definitions

I am trying to define a power function to compute x^y.
let rec powFunA (x,y) =
match (x,y) with
| (_,0) -> 1
| (x,y) -> x * powFunA (x,y-1);;
let rec powFunB x y =
match y with
| 0 -> 1
| y -> x * powFunB x y-1;;
The call powFunA (2,5) works and as expected gives me 32 as result. But somehow, I don't understand why, the second call powFunB 2 5 leads to a StackOverflowException.
I also came across a definition:
let rec power = function
| (_,0) -> 1.0 (* 1 *)
| (x,n) -> x * power(x,n-1) (* 2 *)
Can you please explain the absence of parameters and the usage of function on first line of definition.
This stack overflow error has to do with F#'s precedence rules. Consider this expression:
powFunB x y-1
This expression has some function application and the minus operator. In F# (as in all ML languages), function application has the highest precedence ever. Nothing can be more binding.
Therefore, the above expression is understood by the compiler as:
(powFunB x y) - 1
That is, function application powFunB x y first, minus operator second. Now, I hope, it's easy to see why this results in infinite recursion.
To fix, just apply parentheses to override precedence rules:
powFunB x (y-1)
The "parameterless" definition uses F# syntax for defining multicase functions. It's just a shortcut that allows to write = function instead of x = match x with. So, for example, the following two function are equivalent:
let f a = match a with | Some x -> [x] | None -> []
let g = function | Some x -> [x] | None -> []
Just some syntactic sugar, that's all. So the definition you found is exactly equivalent to your first snippet.

Function cannot use type inference, but I don't understand why

So here is my goofy sandbox to play with Applicatives in PureScript
module Main where
import Debug.Trace
data Foo a
= Foo a
instance showFoo :: (Show a) => Show (Foo a) where
show (Foo a) = "I pity da (Foo " ++ (show a) ++ ")"
instance functorFoo :: Functor Foo where
(<$>) f (Foo a) = Foo (f a)
instance applyFoo :: Apply Foo where
(<*>) (Foo a) (Foo b) = Foo (a b)
m :: Number -> Number -> Number -> Number
m x y z = x * y - z
main = trace <<< show $ m <$> Foo 14
<*> Foo 2
<*> Foo 5
The above works fine, but if I remove:
m :: Number -> Number -> Number -> Number
it does not compile
Error at pure.purs line 18, column 1:
Error in declaration m
No instance found for Prelude.Num u1150
However (+) and (-) are both of type
forall a. (Prelude.Num a) => a -> a -> a
Why can't Number be inferred?
The reality is that when learning PureScript and coming from a dynamic language (JavaScript), I run into type errors frequently. Developing skills in diagnosing and understanding these errors is challenging without a grasp of when inference can occur and when it can't. Otherwise I will have to write types every single time in order to feel confident in my code (lameness).
This is because at the moment the compiler can't infer typeclass constraints, and as you noted the arithmetic operators are all defined in the Num typeclass.
The type that would be inferred for m (if the compiler could) would be something like:
m :: forall a. (Num a) => a -> a -> a -> a
On your second point typing top level declarations is considered good style anyway, as it helps to document your code: see here for a fuller explanation.

F# - Treating a function like a map

Long story short, I came up with this funny function set, that takes a function, f : 'k -> 'v, a chosen value, k : 'k, a chosen result, v : 'v, uses f as the basis for a new function g : 'k -> 'v that is the exact same as f, except for that it now holds that, g k = v.
Here is the (pretty simple) F# code I wrote in order to make it:
let set : ('k -> 'v) -> 'k -> 'v -> 'k -> 'v =
fun f k v x ->
if x = k then v else f x
My questions are:
Does this function pose any problems?
I could imagine repeat use of the function, like this
let kvs : (int * int) List = ... // A very long list of random int pairs.
List.fold (fun f (k,v) -> set f k v) id kvs
would start building up a long list of functions on the heap. Is this something to be concerned about?
Is there a better way to do this, while still keeping the type?
I mean, I could do stuff like construct a type for holding the original function, f, a Map, setting key-value pairs to the map, and checking the map first, the function second, when using keys to get values, but that's not what interests me here - what interest me is having a function for "modifying" a single result for a given value, for a given function.
Potential problems:
The set-modified function leaks space if you override the same value twice:
let huge_object = ...
let small_object = ...
let f0 = set f 0 huge_object
let f1 = set f0 0 small_object
Even though it can never be the output of f1, huge_object cannot be garbage-collected until f1 can: huge_object is referenced by f0, which is in turn referenced by the f1.
The set-modified function has overhead linear in the number of set operations applied to it.
I don't know if these are actual problems for your intended application.
If you wish set to have exactly the type ('k -> 'v) -> 'k -> 'v -> 'k -> 'v then I don't see a better way(*). The obvious idea would be to have a "modification table" of functions you've already modified, then let set look up a given f in this table. But function types do not admit equality checking, so you cannot compare f to the set of functions known to your modification table.
(*) Reflection not withstanding.

Recursive anonymous functions in SML

Is it possible to write recursive anonymous functions in SML? I know I could just use the fun syntax, but I'm curious.
I have written, as an example of what I want:
val fact =
fn n => case n of
0 => 1
| x => x * fact (n - 1)
The anonymous function aren't really anonymous anymore when you bind it to a
variable. And since val rec is just the derived form of fun with no
difference other than appearance, you could just as well have written it using
the fun syntax. Also you can do pattern matching in fn expressions as well
as in case, as cases are derived from fn.
So in all its simpleness you could have written your function as
val rec fact = fn 0 => 1
| x => x * fact (x - 1)
but this is the exact same as the below more readable (in my oppinion)
fun fact 0 = 1
| fact x = x * fact (x - 1)
As far as I think, there is only one reason to use write your code using the
long val rec, and that is because you can easier annotate your code with
comments and forced types. For examples if you have seen Haskell code before and
like the way they type annotate their functions, you could write it something
like this
val rec fact : int -> int =
fn 0 => 1
| x => x * fact (x - 1)
As templatetypedef mentioned, it is possible to do it using a fixed-point
combinator. Such a combinator might look like
fun Y f =
exception BlackHole
val r = ref (fn _ => raise BlackHole)
fun a x = !r x
fun ta f = (r := f ; f)
ta (f a)
And you could then calculate fact 5 with the below code, which uses anonymous
functions to express the faculty function and then binds the result of the
computation to res.
val res =
Y (fn fact =>
fn 0 => 1
| n => n * fact (n - 1)
The fixed-point code and example computation are courtesy of Morten Brøns-Pedersen.
Updated response to George Kangas' answer:
In languages I know, a recursive function will always get bound to a
name. The convenient and conventional way is provided by keywords like
"define", or "let", or "letrec",...
Trivially true by definition. If the function (recursive or not) wasn't bound to a name it would be anonymous.
The unconventional, more anonymous looking, way is by lambda binding.
I don't see what unconventional there is about anonymous functions, they are used all the time in SML, infact in any functional language. Its even starting to show up in more and more imperative languages as well.
Jesper Reenberg's answer shows lambda binding; the "anonymous"
function gets bound to the names "f" and "fact" by lambdas (called
"fn" in SML).
The anonymous function is in fact anonymous (not "anonymous" -- no quotes), and yes of course it will get bound in the scope of what ever function it is passed onto as an argument. In any other cases the language would be totally useless. The exact same thing happens when calling map (fn x => x) [.....], in this case the anonymous identity function, is still in fact anonymous.
The "normal" definition of an anonymous function (at least according to wikipedia), saying that it must not be bound to an identifier, is a bit weak and ought to include the implicit statement "in the current environment".
This is in fact true for my example, as seen by running it in mlton with the -show-basis argument on an file containing only fun Y ... and the val res ..
val Y: (('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
val res: int32
From this it is seen that none of the anonymous functions are bound in the environment.
A shorter "lambdanonymous" alternative, which requires OCaml launched
by "ocaml -rectypes":
(fun f n -> f f n)
(fun f n -> if n = 0 then 1 else n * (f f (n - 1))
7;; Which produces 7! = 5040.
It seems that you have completely misunderstood the idea of the original question:
Is it possible to write recursive anonymous functions in SML?
And the simple answer is yes. The complex answer is (among others?) an example of this done using a fix point combinator, not a "lambdanonymous" (what ever that is supposed to mean) example done in another language using features not even remotely possible in SML.
All you have to do is put rec after val, as in
val rec fact =
fn n => case n of
0 => 1
| x => x * fact (n - 1)
Wikipedia describes this near the top of the first section.
let fun fact 0 = 1
| fact x = x * fact (x - 1)
This is a recursive anonymous function. The name 'fact' is only used internally.
Some languages (such as Coq) use 'fix' as the primitive for recursive functions, while some languages (such as SML) use recursive-let as the primitive. These two primitives can encode each other:
fix f => e
:= let rec f = e in f end
let rec f = e ... in ... end
:= let f = fix f => e ... in ... end
In languages I know, a recursive function will always get bound to a name. The convenient and conventional way is provided by keywords like "define", or "let", or "letrec",...
The unconventional, more anonymous looking, way is by lambda binding. Jesper Reenberg's answer shows lambda binding; the "anonymous" function gets bound to the names "f" and "fact" by lambdas (called "fn" in SML).
A shorter "lambdanonymous" alternative, which requires OCaml launched by "ocaml -rectypes":
(fun f n -> f f n)
(fun f n -> if n = 0 then 1 else n * (f f (n - 1))
Which produces 7! = 5040.

Higher-order type constructors and functors in Ocaml

Can the following polymorphic functions
let id x = x;;
let compose f g x = f (g x);;
let rec fix f = f (fix f);; (*laziness aside*)
be written for types/type constructors or modules/functors? I tried
type 'x id = Id of 'x;;
type 'f 'g 'x compose = Compose of ('f ('g 'x));;
type 'f fix = Fix of ('f (Fix 'f));;
for types but it doesn't work.
Here's a Haskell version for types:
data Id x = Id x
data Compose f g x = Compose (f (g x))
data Fix f = Fix (f (Fix f))
-- examples:
l = Compose [Just 'a'] :: Compose [] Maybe Char
type Natural = Fix Maybe -- natural numbers are fixpoint of Maybe
n = Fix (Just (Fix (Just (Fix Nothing)))) :: Natural -- n is 2
-- up to isomorphism composition of identity and f is f:
iso :: Compose Id f x -> f x
iso (Compose (Id a)) = a
Haskell allows type variables of higher kind. ML dialects, including Caml, allow type variables of kind "*" only. Translated into plain English,
In Haskell, a type variable g can correspond to a "type constructor" like Maybe or IO or lists. So the g x in your Haskell example would be OK (jargon: "well-kinded") if for example g is Maybe and x is Integer.
In ML, a type variable 'g can correspond only to a "ground type" like int or string, never to a type constructor like option or list. It is therefore never correct to try to apply a type variable to another type.
As far as I'm aware, there's no deep reason for this limitation in ML. The most likely explanation is historical contingency. When Milner originally came up with his ideas about polymorphism, he worked with very simple type variables standing only for monotypes of kind *. Early versions of Haskell did the same, and then at some point Mark Jones discovered that inferring the kinds of type variables is actually quite easy. Haskell was quickly revised to allow type variables of higher kind, but ML has never caught up.
The people at INRIA have made a lot of other changes to ML, and I'm a bit surprised they've never made this one. When I'm programming in ML, I might enjoy having higher-kinded type variables. But they aren't there, and I don't know any way to encode the kind of examples you are talking about except by using functors.
You can do something similar in OCaml, using modules in place of types, and functors (higher-order modules) in place of higher-order types. But it looks much uglier and it doesn't have type-inference ability, so you have to manually specify a lot of stuff.
module type Type = sig
type t
module Char = struct
type t = char
module List (X:Type) = struct
type t = X.t list
module Maybe (X:Type) = struct
type t = X.t option
(* In the following, I decided to omit the redundant
single constructors "Id of ...", "Compose of ...", since
they don't help in OCaml since we can't use inference *)
module Id (X:Type) = X
module Compose
(X:Type) = F(G(X))
let l : Compose(List)(Maybe)(Char).t = [Some 'a']
module Example2 (F:functor(Y:Type)->Type) (X:Type) = struct
(* unlike types, "free" module variables are not allowed,
so we have to put it inside another functor in order
to scope F and X *)
let iso (a:Compose(Id)(F)(X).t) : F(X).t = a
Well... I'm not an expert of higher-order-types nor Haskell programming.
But this seems to be ok for F# (which is OCaml), could you work with these:
type 'x id = Id of 'x;;
type 'f fix = Fix of ('f fix -> 'f);;
type ('f,'g,'x) compose = Compose of ('f ->'g -> 'x);;
The last one I wrapped to tuple as I didn't come up with anything better...
You can do it but you need to make a bit of a trick:
newtype Fix f = In{out:: f (Fix f)}
You can define Cata afterwards:
Cata :: (Functor f) => (f a -> a) -> Fix f -> a
Cata f = f.(fmap (cata f)).out
That will define a generic catamorphism for all functors, which you can use to build your own stuff. Example:
data ListFix a b = Nil | Cons a b
data List a = Fix (ListFix a)
instance functor (ListFix a) where
fmap f Nil = Nil
fmap f (Cons a lst) = Cons a (f lst)
