Could I host a website under an old one? -

I have a website has already hosted on EasyCgi (suppose that it's called website1).
I have to host another one (website2). So I created a folder called "website2" under the website1 root folder. then I FTP all the content of website2 to the "website2" folder.
After that, I tried to request the URL: and nothing happen...
Just an error page display that contains:
Any help appreciated.

You need to create separate vhost in your hosting management console - it will create separate directory & link it to separate domain name.
If it has no such feature - you are out of luck.


Why the one site redirecting to another in NGINX

there was 2 sites in Nginx web server, i wanted to add another one.
1. i have downloaded new site's content
2. then create new config file in /etc/nginx/conf.d folder, like previous sites.
And add new site's name in DNS server, and now when i try to open new site from browser, i see content of my old sites, but URL is the new ones. Please help to troubleshoot
Actually the problem was only in https, and in main nginx.conf file there was server_name default value, which the reason why i saw another site content.

IIS replaces host of links in web page

I have an static html file with some links to:
The html file is hosted in other site:
If I access the file locally, e.i. in the IIS server. All the links point to the correct Urls ( However if I access the site from another machine all the URL links in file index.html are replaced with:
I am sure this error is related to some configuration mistake but currently I am completely lost.
Any help be will really appreciated

Multiple wordpress installations on 1 AWS EC2 instance

I want to have several wordpresssites on one EC2 instance and folled this tutorial:
Running Multiple Sites on EC2 Instance
So far, so good, it looks, that all works pretty fine, but now I have this folder:
I tried to put a index.html file into /var/www/vhosts/, but if I want to test it in a browser like my-public-ip/vhosts/ it says, that "the requested URL /vhosts/ was not found on this server."
In the html folder it works like a charme, but why not with my vhosts folder?
I've created in the html folder a folder called website and I can access it easily with my-public-ip/website, perhaps I need to configure the php.ini for the standard html folder, but that isn't described in the tutorial and I am a totally newbie, any help would be appreciated.

.aspx file doesn't work on IIS website

I have a big solution that contains a lot of .aspx file, basically it's a big sln file for my whole server
I wanted to add a website in my IIS server that contains inside a child directory within the root site folder, for example: physical path is D:/MyWeb <-- Working well
I added a secondary sites, with no relation to the upper site called mysite which is like that: which its path it D:/MyWeb/MySite/
If I try to reach file it give me an error tells me it's not found, however, when I try to view a .jps file from the same directory (e.g it returns just find.
it's important to tell that all the pages share the same solution, what do I do here and why it is not working? can anyone tell me?
thanks a lot
having the folder separated like you do is a step in the right direction. next step is to configure IIS to point to that separate folder. then you would need to create a DNS entry for your sub-domain at your DNS host. "". You would be creating a new site, so you could use the same IP address, as long as you add the proper host headers for each site.

Main Site With 000WebHost

I am trying to create a site with xhtml I have it done I just need to figure out how to upload it
I am using 000webhost as my web hoster but whenever I go on my main page it says
index of/
then it says all of my sites
I want to go directly to m main site
how do I do that?
You should go to:
Members area,
Select in Action GoTo Cpanel and then:
You should configure your FTP servers, upload an index.html or index.php file and put your main information there.
You should upload everything to your public_html folder always, you should see a file that should say do_not_upload_here before that folder.
Public html is what what it sounds like. The html container folder that contains what will be visible*. (*VERY rough explanation)
You can use their file manager or an FTP client for this pourpose.
BTW beware of the affiliate programe fo 000webhost, check it out, total hoax (the web hosting is very good for being free).
I´ll gladly expand if you have any doubts.
Here is a good FTP basic tutorial:
Do you have an index.html file in your root directory with your host? Without one of those (or another similar index file), you will just see a directory listing of your site.
