How can I show that a function is always not commutative - math

I have the following vexing problem.
I have implemented the following function:
function bool less(nat x, nat y) {
if (y<>0) then
if (x<>0) then
return less(x-1,y-1);
return true;
return false;
How can I show that for all x,y the following
less(x,y) and less(y,x) are not possible at the
same time?

Well, first of all I would ask you to consider the case of less(-1, -2), so we will have to define the function to be on the bounds of n ≥ 0. Also when the first input is equal to the second it will return true for both orderings, so we will have to assume that x ≠ y.
I would use Proof by Contradiction.
Assume that for some x and some y where x and y are both ≥ 0 and x≠y, that less(x,y) and less(y,x) are both true.
This would imply that while x and y are both nonzero, you subtract one from them n times until one of them is zero, checking x first. The function returns true when the first operand reaches zero, false when the second operand reaches zero while the first is nonzero.
There are two cases for this:
x reaches zero first. In this case n = x, because 0 = x - n(1).
y reaches zero first. In this case n = y, because 0 = y - n(1).
By our assumption, less(x,y) returned true, meaning that the function iterated x times, after which x - x(1) = 0 and y - x(1) > 0 (because y ≠ x, and the function didn't return false before hand).
Similarly, less(y,x) returned true, meaning that the function iterated y times, after which y- y(1) = 0 and x - y(1) > 0 (same reasons as before).
This gives us two useful relations: y - x > 0 and x - y > 0. rearranged: y > x and x > y (the semantic meaning of the function, but we have achieved this from the definition of how the function works and we have reduced it to the pure mathematics which we can work with certain axioms for).
From y > x and x > y, you can rearrange as x > x and y > y (If x is greater than y, then it is greater than all things y is greater than. y is greater than x, therefore x is greater than x).
This is a logical contradiction, and therefore our assumption (that they were both true) is incorrect.
Therefore, by Proof by Contradiction, when x ≠ y, and x,y ≥ 0, the function less cannot return true for both less(x,y) and less(y,x).
(it's been a while since I had to do a proof (though I'm going to have to do some coming up so it is good practice) so I might be a bit rusty. If any one sees an error, please point it out and I will try to fix it)


"Syntax error" while writing OCaml function?

I am writing a function in OCaml to raise x to the power of y.
My code is:
#let rec pow x y =
if y == 0 then 1 else
if (y mod 2 = 0) then pow x y/2 * pow x y/2 else
x * pow x y/2 * pow x y/2;;
When I try to execute it, I get an error for syntax in line one, but it doesn't tell me what it is.
When you wrote the code, did you type the #? The # is just a character that the OCaml REPL outputs to prompt for input; it is not part of the code. You should not type it.
Here are some other errors that you should fix:
== is physical equality in OCaml. = is structural equality. Although both work the same for unboxed types (such as int), it's better practice to do y = 0. Note that you use =, the recommended equality, in the expression y mod 2 = 0.
You need parentheses around y/2. pow x y/2 parses as (pow x y) / 2, but you want pow x (y / 2).

Prolog:: f(x) recursion

I'm a beginner to Prolog and have two requirements:
f(1) = 1
f(x) = 5x + x^2 + f(x - 1)
f(X,Y) :-
Y is 5 * X + X * X + f(X-1,Y).
ERROR: is/2: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated
How can I add value of f(X-1)?
This can be easily solved by using auxiliary variables.
For example, consider:
f(1, 1).
f(X, Y) :-
Y #= 5*X + X^2 + T1,
T2 #= X - 1,
f(T2, T1).
This is a straight-forward translation of the rules you give, using auxiliary variables T1 and T2 which stand for the partial expressions f(X-1) and X-1, respectively. As #BallpointBen correctly notes, it is not sufficient to use the terms themselves, because these terms are different from their arithmetic evaluation. In particular, -(2,1) is not the integer 1, but 2 - 1 #= 1 does hold!
Depending on your Prolog system, you may ned to currently still import a library to use the predicate (#=)/2, which expresses equality of integer expressesions.
Your example query now already yields a solution:
?- f(4, X).
X = 75 .
Note that the predicate does not terminate universally in this case:
?- f(4, X), false.
We can easily make it so with an additional constraint:
f(1, 1).
f(X, Y) :-
X #> 1,
Y #= 5*X + X^2 + T1,
T2 #= X - 1,
f(T2, T1).
Now we have:
?- f(4, X).
X = 75 ;
Note that we can use this as a true relation, also in the most general case:
?- f(X, Y).
X = Y, Y = 1 ;
X = 2,
Y = 15 ;
X = 3,
Y = 39 ;
X = 4,
Y = 75 ;
Versions based on lower-level arithmetic typically only cover a very limited subset of instances of such queries. I therefore recommend that you use (#=)/2 instead of (is)/2. Especially for beginners, using (is)/2 is too hard to understand. Take the many related questions filed under instantiation-error as evidence, and see clpfd for declarative solutions.
The issue is that you are trying to evaluate f(X-1,Y) as if it were a number, but of course it is a predicate that may be true or false. After some tinkering, I found this solution:
f(X,Y) :- X > 0, Z is X-1, f(Z,N), Y is 5*X + X*X + N.
The trick is to let it find its way down to f(1,N) first, without evaluating anything; then let the results bubble back up by satisfying Y is 5*X + X*X + N. In Prolog, order matters for its search. It needs to satisfy f(Z,N) in order to have a value of N for the statement Y is 5*X + X*X + N.
Also, note the condition X > 0 to avoid infinite recursion.

Prolog: Variable with multiple values

I'm trying to implement a program that takes a variable with multiple values and evaluates all the values. For instance:
foo(X,R) :-
X > 2,
Z is R + 1,
R = Z.
This program might not be valid, but it will help me ask the question regardless.
My question: If X has multiple values, how would I increment the counter for each value X > 2?
In order to instantiate X to increasingly larger integers you can use the following:
?- between(0, inf, X).
X = 0 ;
X = 1 ;
X = 2 ;
X = 3 ;
X = 4 ;
PS1: Notice that you have to instantiate R as well since it is used in the arithmetic expression Z is R + 1.
PS2: Notice that your program fails for all instantiations of X and R since R =\= R + 1 for finite R. The for instance means that the following query will not terminate:
?- between(0, inf, X), foo(X, 1).
Alternatively, the program can be rewritten in library CLP(FD) (created by Markus Triska):
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
X #> 2,
Z #= R + 1,
R #= Z.

Prolog - making a recursive divisor

Okay, so I'm a beginner in Prolog so I'm sorry if I can't quite get my question across very clearly but this is where I'm struggling:
divide_by(X, D, I, R) :- (D > X), I is 0, R is X.
divide_by(X, D, I, R) :-
X >= D,
X_1 is X - D,
I_1 is I + 1,
divide_by(X_1, D, I_1, R),
R is X_1.
I'm trying to write a program that will accept two arguments (X and D) and return the Iterations (I) and Remainder (R) so that it can display the result of X / D when the user enters:
divide_by(8,3,I,R). for example.
When tracing the code I know that I is incorrect because the first increment makes it equal to 0 and so the count for that is wrong. But I don't know how to declare I is 0 without it resetting every time it recurses through the loop. (I don't want to declare I as 0 in the query)
I also realised that when it has finished recursing (when X < D) then I is going to be set to 0 because of the base case.
Would anyone be kind enough to show me how I can fix this?
You need to introduce an accumulator and use a helper predicate, something like this:
divide(_,0,_,_) :- !, fail . % X/0 is undefined and so can't be solved.
divide(0,_,0,0) :- !. % 0/X is always 0.
divide(X,Y,Q,R) :- % the ordinary case, simply invoke the
divrem(X,Y,0,Q,R) % helper with the accumulator seeded with 0
divrem(X,Y,Q,Q,X) :- % if X < Y, we're done.
X < Y . %
divrem(X,Y,T,Q,R) :- % otherwise...
X >= Y , % as long as X >= Y,
X1 is X - Y , % compute the next X
T1 is T + 1 , % increment the accumulator
divrem(X1,Y,T1,Q,R) % recurse down
. % Easy!

When exactly do we use let rec?

I know that let rec is used when I want recursive.
For example,
let rec power i x = if i = 0 then 1.0 else x *. (power (i-1) x);;
Ok, I understand that.
But how about this one:
let x y = y + y in x 2?
Should I use rec inside?
I think I should, because it has x 2 inside, loading itself, but it seems it is fine with compiler.
So when I should use let rec and shouldn't?
Also, what is the difference between
let (-) x y = y - x in 1-2-3;;
let rec (-) x y = y - x in 1-2-3;;
Are they both legal?
You need to understand the scoping rules of OCaml first.
When you write let f XXX = YYY in ZZZ, if you use f in YYY then you need rec. In both cases (ie with or without rec),f will be defined in ZZZ.
let x y = y + y in
x 2
is perfectly valid.
For you second question: no it is not equivalent, if you try it on the toplevel, the second statement loop for ever and is equivalent to let rec loop x y = loop y x in (). To understand why it is looping for ever, you can understand the application of loop as an expansion where the identifier is replaced by its body. so:
So loop body is function x y -> loop y x, which can be expanded to
function x y -> (function a b -> loop b a) y x (I've renamed the parameter names to avoid ambiguity), which is equivalent to function x y -> loop x y when you apply the body and so on and so on. So this function never does anything, it just loops forever by trying to expand/apply its body and swapping its arguments.
