Browsing to .ASHX files on Windows Phone 7 -

We have a whole bunch of WML pages that are served out using ASHX files and we've had no problems with them. However, someone has just got a Windows 7 Phone and when they browse to one of these pages they get:
Can't download file!
Windows Phone doesn't support .ashx files
Is there some IIS configuration that we need to do to make this work?

The phone actually doesn't care about the extension. It sounds like it's actually a problem with the mobile data provider.
You might want to check this out:
In particular pay attention to: "Actually - all resolved now. I contatcted my mobile data provide and they knew what the issue was - they lifted a website restriction setting that had defaulted to. All in ordre now." (sic)

Change .ashx to .aspx and override response.


ASP.NET page formatting does not works

I have deployed an ASP.NET website on IIS 7. I was able to access my site using the URL http://**local host**/sitename.aspx and all the formatting of my pages is looking good.
But when I access the same page by using the URL http://**servername**/sitename.aspx from another system or on the same server where I have been deployed, the page formatting is not working properly.
What would be the best solution for this? Thanks
First a fall to check your Js/Css file path where you have not mention static file path with localhost name.
For more detail go to browser and browse your url and press F+12 so development tool will be open and check there for broken url.
I am not sure why you are worrying about formatting soo much. I mean formatting should not affect you much unless you use <pre> in your html.
There are ways to modify the HTTP Response Using Filters. Can you please makesure none of these filters present in your application for release mode.
Generally i use HTTP compression feature of IIS to compress my content, but in browser it looks correct to me.

Can Asp.Net support streaming of 320kbps mp3 files?

I have a piece of my site being built for me that works like this... when you click a song, the song loads in the player and plays it.
I'm being told by the guy who's developing it for me that Asp.Net does not support 320kbps files, so that's why the player isn't working. This seemed a little ridiculous so I did some research on it and couldn't find anything that says so:
He found this on that page:
24 bit audio will return silence.
But that's under the WMA section, not the MP3 section, I can't even tell if they're 24 bit or not anyways... The only info I have is that the songs are 320kbps and they're all .mp3 files. I can provide more info if you tell me where to look. Please let me know why he would be saying that these files can't be streamed... he says he's tried 128kbps and it worked, but that these are incompatible.
I'm being told by the guy who's
developing it for me that Asp.Net does
not support 320kbps files, so that's
why the player isn't working.
You're right, he's wrong. That page is irrelevant. doesn't care -- doesn't know! -- what's inside the file. If the connection doesn't overtax the available bandwidth, you're fine.
Assuming you're using a static file and not a dynamic one, ASP.NET will never even see it. All references to static files are handled by IIS, without involving the ASP.NET runtime.
However, by default static files aren't streamed. Instead, they are sent at the maximum speed that the connection will support. If you want true streaming, you will need to add an appropriate plug-in to IIS, or use something like Windows Media Server.

Programmatically set name of file to upload in webpage

Is there a way to programmatically set the name of a file to be uploaded from a web page? I suspect that browser security restrictions make this impossible, but I'm hoping someone will prove me wrong.
I have a web application that needs to let the administrator upload HTML. The admin selects the HTML file, then the app uploads that file, plus figures out all the supporting files (images, stylesheet, etc) and uploads them too. There doesn't seem to be a way to programmatically upload the supporting files from a web page, since the user has to specify each file explicitly.
Currently I have a separate Windows app to do this, but it would be ideal to have this functionality integrated with the rest of the app. My back end is ASP.NET with C#.
There is no way to programatically grab files from a user's computer via the browser. This would be a security violation if a website could just grab things.
Yes you can (in modern browsers)...
You can get and set the value of HTMLInputElement.files.
See this answer.
No, you cannot do this without a client-side application or special plug-in.
Browser security doesn't allow the server to obtain information about the hard drive contents of the client.
You may be able to do this using some form of browser plug-in. This is more work for you (and there are potential security implications for this beyond those found when you just have users run your app). However, it may prevent a more integrated experience for your users. I'd hesitate to eliminate the application completely, though. Browser compatibility issues are common.

Web File Security best practices for ColdFusion 8 in IIS6 or IIS7

Let's say we have a web site with a CF app that was written in-house.
Assume that:
Server 2003 IIS6 or 2008 IIS7 will be used
ColdFusion 8 will be used
Directory browsing is denied
SSL is required to connect
The account login process is secure (yeah I know that is a whole other
ball of wax but that concept is discussed ad nauseum on the web).
Say I have a file at with a name like picture92352.ext imagine it as a jpg or pdf or whatever. The entire path between the domain name and the file varies widely in naming structure, depth, etc. Files are not all lumped together in one folder.
The app restricts links by user such that a user would have to have access to that file to find it in the first place but as it stands now if a person knew the full URL to that file they could retrieve it without logging in to the app. It's the classic security by obscurity situation. A random person isn't likely to find a file they shouldn't get to but once someone is given access they know how to access it from another PC where their actions might not be traced back to them.
How do I restrict access to these files before someone logs in and still make them accessible to outside users after they log in? Is there a way to do it with permissions only or is the only answer to have code dynamically moving files around at the time of the request or is there some obvious step I'm not even thinking of?
Let me clarify this slightly. No matter how the file is presented on a page a user can use the browser IE, Firefox, etc to examine the URL the file comes from. If the image is a link there is always copy shortcut in the right click menu for IE and the same functionality in FF is called copy link location. If the image is displayed inline as part of the page an IE user can right click and choose properties to see the URL, in FF the same functionality is present to see properties but there is an even quicker more convenient option labeled copy image location. Once a user knows the URL to a file if the location or file name doesn't change they can use that URL without authenticating in the CF app.
If I change the NTFS/share permissions so that IUSR can't see the content then my CF app and IIS can't push it. What strategy do I use to provide the file in the CF app that doesn't leave this hole open?
You could write a CFM page that serves up the images. Then you just make sure they are authenticated inside the CFM.
<!-- something like this -->
In GetFile.cfm, you would do something like:
<!-- the filename part is what the browser will pre-popualate the file name in the download dialog as -->
<CFHEADER name="Content-disposition" value="attachment;filename=picture92352.ext">
<CFCONTENT type="text/plain" file="\\fileserver\folder1\folder2\picture92352.ext">
Take a look at the various MIME types.
If you wanted to do something similar but keep a more natural URL, I think you would need to leverage the Java servlet underpinnings of ColdFusion to create a handler for any URL matching a certain pattern.

How would you allow users to edit attachments in a web application?

We have created a web application, using ASP.NET, that allows users to upload documents and attach them to business entities, like customers, contacts and so on.
The application runs on the intranet and all files are uploaded through the web application into a shared folder on the server.
I would like, right from the web page, for the user to open the actual file, edit it and then save the changes back to the original location. This is a piece of cake in a Windows environment, I'm just wondering what, if any, is the best way to handle this in a web environment?
The files are usually Word documents, Excel documents and images.
We would display all the attachments in a list format. We would like it so that the user would click on an edit link and the file would be opened in the appropriate application, for example, Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel. I think the file associations in Windows would already handle this. We are just trying to save our user the time to download the original file, make their changes, delete the old file, and the upload the new file.
SharePoint does this by exposing FrontPage extensions which Word and Excel know how to deal with.
If you want to look at a commercial product for ASP.NET that allows you to edit images with AJAX (no need for installed software), I work for a company that has one (Atalasoft)
WebDAV is probably what you want. (Free)
If all your client computers are Windows, map a shared folder on the server to the same drive letter on every client and use the file:// format.
Let's say you share \ServerName\ShareName to H: on every client's computer, the you can make the link as file://h:\pat_to_the_file_under_your_share\fileName.doc
If not every one of the client's computers are in Windows, then you might try to make your links as follows (not sure if ot works):
I'm trying to do something with using file:// instead of http:// but it's real sporadic based on the browser. Seems to work fine in IE, okay in Firefox, and goes nowhere in Chrome.
Looks like I may just be stuck with downloading, editing, and re-uploading the document.
It sounds like you want something similar t eRoom, where the browser works in conjunction with a component that intercepts a stream from http, stores it in a temp folder, then fires up Word or Excel and allows you to edit the stream.
You may have to create a component that will intervene and create a temporary local copy of the file.
This tool should do what you need.
