ASP.NET page formatting does not works -

I have deployed an ASP.NET website on IIS 7. I was able to access my site using the URL http://**local host**/sitename.aspx and all the formatting of my pages is looking good.
But when I access the same page by using the URL http://**servername**/sitename.aspx from another system or on the same server where I have been deployed, the page formatting is not working properly.
What would be the best solution for this? Thanks

First a fall to check your Js/Css file path where you have not mention static file path with localhost name.
For more detail go to browser and browse your url and press F+12 so development tool will be open and check there for broken url.

I am not sure why you are worrying about formatting soo much. I mean formatting should not affect you much unless you use <pre> in your html.
There are ways to modify the HTTP Response Using Filters. Can you please makesure none of these filters present in your application for release mode.
Generally i use HTTP compression feature of IIS to compress my content, but in browser it looks correct to me.


Single page app in AngularJS and ASP.Net works fine, but when I refresh my page in the browser I get 404 errors

So I've set up an HTML5 single page application, and it's working well. The page is at /App/ and when some one goes to content it looks like /App/Content/1234.
One problem: If the user refreshes the page the server can't find that URL because it doesn't actually exist. If I send them to /App/#/Content/1234, they're golden, but what is the best way to do this? I have a LOT of different styles of URL under /App.
What is the best way to globally catch any request under ~/App/(.*) and redirect it to ~/App/#/$1?
The only route registered in MVC is the standard OOTB route.
Sounds like your server is not re-writing the urls to the app's base URL.
The URL re-writing needed on the web server is server-dependent. For Apache, you'd use mod_rewrite.
Instead, switch Angular to the "Hashbang mode" (the default) so the urls will all store the local state after the # in the url.
I don't want my apps to require server configuration changes, so I recommend hashbang mode.
See AngularJS docs. See section "Hashbang and HTML5 Modes" The HTML5 mode section describes all the configuration issues needed to support HTML5 mode for the urls.
This awesome dude describes how to fix this here.
In brief:
Remove MVC nugets (unless you use MVC controllers for anything) -
you can keep the Web API nugets. Keep WebPages and Razor packages.
Also delete MVC controllers and views.
You can keep using .cshtml
files with some web.config modifications. You'll need this for
Finally you add a rewrite rule on web.config to point all urls (excluding content, images, scripts etc) to index.html

Problem with Default Document and IIS7.5/Windows 7

I'm having a problem with a component used in a Sitecore solution on our Windows 7 workstations that is driving me batty.
In short, the component in question adds <script> tags to the page that load supporting JavaScript files. The src attributes are set to something like:
Those paths are not working - I'm getting a 404 back.
You might thing "oh ... well, the path doesn't exist." But it does, and it also has a Default.aspx page in it. In fact, if I try the following path, the JS is generated and returned by the server:
We're testing the site using IIS7.5, not Visual Studio's debugging web server. Of course, on the production machines, which are Win Server 2008, things work just fine.
The component in question is a third-party component and I have no access to the source code, so I can't just modify it to append default.aspx to the SRC path.
I have checked to verify that Default.aspx is set up as a default document for the site, and it is.
I tried to work around the problem using ISAPI_Rewrite, but for some reason, rules that I set up for /path/to/scriptgenerator are ignored.
I've tried the solution described in these questions, and that has no effect on my problem:
IIS 7 Not Serving Default Document
ASP.NET 2.0 and 4.0 seem to treat the root url differently in Forms Authentication
I'm really not sure what to try or look for next ... any suggestions?
Is this component set up within the same IIS Site as the Sitecore application?
If so, have you added path /path/to/scriptgenerator to IgnoreUrlPrefixes setting in web.config?

Plone, behaviour of URLs

The situation is the following: I created a site with Plone, developed, used, but behind a test URL. Now it has to be published, but the test URL is not appropriate and I don't want to move the site. I think, if I use a redirect, it won't be appear in the URL-bar, only in the case of site start page. Am I wrong? (The test URL should not be used, because it will be a "semi-official" site.) What do you suggest to do?
As far as I can see Plone uses absolute URLs everywhere. I can add relative URLs, but if I create a new page, a new event, etc., then they have absolute URLs on other automatically generated inner pages. Is there any way to convert these URLs to relative paths? Is there any setting possibilty where only a checkbox changes this default setting?
Plone does not store your URLs in the database. It uses the inbound host header (and any virtual hosting configuration set up with rewrite rules in Apache or Nginx) to calculate the correct absolute URL when rendering the page.
In other words - as soon as you actually point the relevant domain name to the server with your Plone instance, it'll just work.
You should put a bit more effort into asking your question. This is just a copy and paste of a half-finished email chain where you tried to get the answer from me in private. It's not very easy to understand what you're asking.
I think what you are looking for is url rewriting to handle virtual hosting. ie to get your site to appear as if it's the root url of a domain.
This is normally done via the webserver that normally sits in front of plone. For apache, here is a howto
for other servers
You can also achieve this directly in zope (via ZMI) using something called the Virtual Host
Monster. see
PS. I don't think your question is badly worded. Plone does serve pages with a "base" tag and what appears to be absolute urls. They aren't baked into the database but it's also not obvious that the solution to getting the url you want is the VHM url syntax and a proxying frontend webserver. There is a reason why it doesn't use relative urls... which I can't remember it was so long ago.

Why in some dynamic website , their pages are in html format?

I've seen a lot of dynamic website through the internet that their pages are in html or htm format . I don't get it why is that ? And how they do that ?
Just look at this website :
What you see in the URL can be set at will by the people running the web site. The technique is called URL rewriting.
On Apache, the most popular solution to that is the mod_rewrite module.
Seeing as you've tagged ASP.NET: As far as I know, ASP.NET has only limited rewriting support out of the box. This blog entry promises a complete URL rewriting solution in ASP 2.0
As for the why, there is no compelling technical reason to do this.
It's just that htm and html are the recognized standard extensions for HTML content, and many (including myself) think they simply look nicer than .php, .php5, .asp, .aspx and so on.
Also, as Adam Pope points out in his answer, this makes it less obvious which server side technology/language is used.
The .html/.htm extension has the additional effect that if you save it to disk, it is usually automatically connected with your installed browser.
Maybe (a very big maybe) there are very stupid simple client programs around that recognize that they have to parse HTML by looking at the extension. But that would be a blatant violation of rules and was hopefully last seen in 1994. Anyway, I don't think this is the case any more.
There are a number of potential reasons, these may include:
They could be trying to hide the technology they built the site with
They could be serving a cached version of a page which was written out to HTML.
They could simply perceive it to look friendlier to the user
They might be using a server-side scripting language like PHP or ASP. You can configure what file extensions get parsed by the language by editing the web server configuration files.
For example in PHP the default extension is .php but you could configure the server to use .html, that would mean any files with the .html extension could contain PHP code they would get parsed before the page is sent to the clients web browser.
This is generally not recommend as it adds an overhead and .html pages that don't have any PHP would be parsed by the PHP engine anyway which is slower then serving pages direct to the browser.
The other way would be to use some form of URL rewriting. See URL Rewriting in ASP.NET
Another reason is SEO(Search engine optimization). Many search engines like html pages and many guys(I mean some SEO specialists) think the html can improve the rank of their content in search engine.
One possibility is just historical reasons. Pages that started static, now are generated dynamically, but sites don't want to break old customer's favorites.
They keep some pages as html because their content is not supposed to change frequently or not at all.
But you should also keep in mind the fact that some sites are dynamic but they change the page extention to html but original page remains same eg php or aspx, etc using htaccess or some frameworks like codeigniter etc.

Using HttpModule to Display Images

I have an HttpModule that displays images that follow a certain URL pattern. For example, /images/employees/jason.jpg is handled by the module, but all other images aren't. It works just fine on my local machine (Cassini and IIS 7). However, the IIS6 production server isn't working. I've had the hosting company map the images to the ASP.NET worker process. Now, all images are showing that they can't render except for the images that should be rendered by the module. They are working correct.
I ran an HttpWatch instance on one of the files and received the following error:
Any ideas?
Final Answer:
The module needed to be updated to transmit server files. So, I added an else to my original if and checked to see if it was an image type (by using a utility method) then use Response.TransmitFile() to pass on the file to the browser.
I then ran into a spacing issue with the images. This was because I forgot that I had .aspx files registered as an image type to perform the testing. So each page would crash during the debug process or add padding that was established from CSS. Doh!
Everything is just peachy now. Thanks to all!
There's doesn't seem to be anything particularly wrong with your module, so the issue must be coming from somewhere else. Have you got security that might be blocking the images? What actually gets returned when you request a static file?
I'd suggest seeing what gets returned (and its headers) using something like firebug to check things like the response code, content type, the actual raw response, etc...
check your web.config IIS6 / IIS7 have different places to add modules and depends on what mode your IIS7 is running in.
