CSS sprite problem, screwing up layout - css

I'm trying to update some code to use CSS sprites. In some situations it works fine, in others it screws up the page layout, and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.
Here's a fragment of the html ....
<div id="footer"><!-- footer -->
<div class="footer-top">
<div class="footer-left">
<div class="footer-right">
<img src="footer-logo.gif" />
<br /><br />
<p>blah blah blah</p>
<div class="clearfloat"></div>
... and the CSS:
.footer-left {
background: url(/images//footer-left_.gif) no-repeat left top;
I've created my sprite, and tried changing the CSS to:
.footer-left {
background:url('/images/sprites.gif') -66px -2px no-repeat;
The dimensions and offsets are correct, but the result isn't pretty. The sprite region shows in roughly the right place, but footer-logo.gif and the text are messed up.
Any ideas please?

The only things that have any effect on the logo and the text, are the dimensions you added; you set the width of the footer to 20px and if that wasn´t there before, that definitely has an effect on your bla bla bla text and .footer_right.
Note that .footer_right and the text are both located inside your 20px wide footer_left.
Are you sure your nested div structure is correct?


CSS float issue

I have a page where there are two images on top which are floated to left and right as below :
.floatLeft{ float:left;}
.floatRight{ float:right; }
<img src="firstImage" class="floatLeft"/>
<img src="secondImage" class="floatRight"/>
<!-- wright here -->
Issue is when i write anything after images (be it in div or a plain text ) and if it goes beyong page width ,
the text after maximum width shifts downwords entirely after images . That is text doesn't wrap inbetween two images
What i understand about float is text should "FLOW" in between two images (unless we use clear which "clears" area around images ) , but its not working like that.
I want to have a text in between two images.
Any help is higly appreciated as a I have done a lot of efforts but it is not working.
Logically, you have 3 blocks of data here, so I suggest using 3 floating divs with set width:
.floatLeft{ float:left}
.overflow{overflow: hidden} /* this is optional */
<div class="overflow">
<div class="floatLeft div1">
<img src="firstImage"/>
<div class="floatLeft div2">
<!-- text here -->
<div class="floatLeft div3"><!-- or make it float right if you want -->
<img src="secondImage"/>
If you want your images a fixed width, try using CSS calc:
.div2{width:-moz-calc(100%-300px);-webkit-calc(100%-300px);calc(100%-300px);} /* not supported in some browsers */
But honestly I recommend to go classic way and use a table here:
.table {width:100%;border-collapse:collapse}
.table td {padding:0;margin:0}
.block1 {width:X%} /* or width:Xpx */
.block3 {width:Z%} /* or width:Zpx */
/* do not touch block2 here */
<table class='table'>
<td class='block1'>
<img src="firstImage"/>
<td class='block2'>
<!-- text here -->
<td class='block3'>
<img src="secondImage"/>
Remember to wrap your content in "blocks", it always helps when you mark up.
I guess this is the answer that you need jsfiddle
I will explain a little about.
in your div add a class of imgcontainer
in your css, add the following
you can add the width of the div, in jsfiddle I set it as 150px. and each of the image is 50px. there you add paragraph with some text
Try this way
<img src="firstImage" class="floatLeft"/>
<p class="floatLeft">Some textgoes here</p>
<img src="secondImage" class="floatRight"/>
but give proper width
Another variation is using a CSS version of the table approach proposed by igorpavlov. You have to replace the table/tr/td by divs and to adapt the CSS as proposed here :
.table {width:100%; display: table;}
div{ display: table-cell; vertical-align: top;}
.block1 {width:33%} /* or width:Xpx */
.block3 {width:33%} /* or width:Zpx */
img {width: 100%; height: auto;}
<div class='table'>
<div class='block1'>
<img src="firstImage"/>
<div class='block2'>
<!-- text here -->
<div class='block3'>
<img src="secondImage"/>
It provides better semantics and works IE8+!

img fixed width when making float in IE 8

I have a problem with fixed image width only in Internet Explorer (I have IE8)
First the image is not appear at all when padding is not defined
Second when i specify padding:5px; for the img it appears like this
Note that I can't set a special width for image container div because
below is my code
<div class="block_div">
<div class="img_about">
<img src="test_img.jpg" alt="test_img" width="150" />
<div class="img_about">
about: "Adapted from Betty Crocker".
<div class="clear"></div>
.img_about{float:left; }
.img_about img{padding:5px; }
and if i delete the float from .img_and_text dev it looks normal width:150
try this:
.img_about img { width:150px; height:150px; }
Using inline width tags is only helpfull for e-mail clients these days afaik...

displayed 'block' divs inside several 'inline' divs

My problem can be better understood by the image below.
I have several div elements (div A) which have a variable size that depends on their content.
They are displayed inblock inside a larger container with a max-with defined(the large outer rectangle without a name).
Everything works fine until I had inside divs A two other divs (B and C) which I what that look like the image.
I haven´t been successful. I've tried several combinations of css properties like display, margin, padding, float... negative margins... tables...
Any help would be welcome.
the code looks like the example:
<div style="max-width: 800px;">
<div class="div_a">
<div class="div_b">
short text
<div class="div_c">
short text
<div class="div_a">
<div class="div_b">
looooong text
<div class="div_c">
looooong text
<div class="div_a">
<div class="div_b">
huuuuuge text
<div class="div_c">
huuuuuge text
display: inline;
display: block; /* doesn't work*/
display: block; /* doesn't work*/
If I understand correctly, this should do it:
display: inline-block;
...assuming you don't have other styles, besides border and spacing properties.
A fiddle example here

Inserting Search box into header image

I am looking to insert/move my search bar into my header image similar to the example below. If someone had a minute to show me how to accomplish this it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time. Here is the link to my website http://www.jobspark.ca/
Just add your search box inside
<div id="logo" class="image">
"search box code goes here"
Give an id in the search div and Finally position using CSS padding.
you can keep the background image into body tag. set no repeat, use background-size to 100% width.
backgroud-image:url() no-repeat center;
background-size: --;
<div id="header">
<div ="#">
<h1></h1> //float:left
<div id="menu"></div> //float:right;
<div ="search-box">
</form> //use margin and padding for keep it center;

CSS doesn't page properly

I have an html file that I want to use to produce some product tags that will fit a standard 3.5" x 2" business card format.
It uses 3 premade images as backgrounds to fill out 3 div's to specific sizes.
http://www.orcasoul.com/images/bowls/fullpage.jpg is 8.5" x 11", the size of the sheet of paper.
http://www.orcasoul.com/images/bowls/pagebox.jpg is 7" x 10", the size of the area on the paper that holds the cards.
http://www.orcasoul.com/images/bowls/cardbox.jpg is 3.5" x 2", the size of the individual cards.
I have styles for the div for each page image, and 2 div's for the cardbox - left and right.
The style code:
html, body {height:100%;}
background-position:center center;
background-position:center center;
page-break-after: always
In I have the following code:
<div class="fullpage">
<div class="pagecard">
<div class="card-block-left">
<img class="image-bowl" src="http://www.orcasoul.com/scw/MyrtleTiBurl07-005.jpg" />
<div class="info-box">
<p>10½" Tiger Myrtle Burl Bowl</p>
<p class="text-index">Product #337</p>
<div class="price-box">
<div class="link-box">
<img class="logo" src="BowlPhotos/SCW_Logo.jpg" />
<div class="card-block-right">
<img class="image-bowl" src="http://www.orcasoul.com/scw/MyrtleTiBurl07-005.jpg" />
<div class="info-box">
<p>10½" Tiger Myrtle Burl Bowl</p>
<p class="text-index">Product #337</p>
<div class="price-box">
<div class="link-box">
<img class="logo" src="BowlPhotos/SCW_Logo.jpg" />
<p class="single_record"></p>
The actual code repeats the code for 9 pages, to see if everything lines up properly...
It doesn't.
The left to right alignment is perfect, as is the first page of cards (10 in all).
But after a page or so, there seems to be a drift downward on the page and the last page bleeds onto the next one.
The is supposed to go to the top of the next page.
I have uploaded the HTML to http://www.orcasoul.com/images/bowls/testtags.html
This should give me the exact pages - why doesn't it?
Your first page is containing 10 cards, which is OK for your layout, but the next pages only contain 2 cards.
With your 10 inches fixed heights on your page divs, you get that big white space.
