Can drupal do this? - drupal

I am a php developer using mostly CakePHP, magento, and wordpress. I want to create a community driven website aimed at the volunteering community that will let users sign up, create profiles, add previous voluntary positions, let organisations sign up and post jobs, etc. Is this something that drupal can handle? Is this what drupal was built to do?
I'm just wondering how drupal deals with custom methods. Say I wanted to have a user request a reference from someone, I'd have to write methods that did this. Would that be possible in drupal?
I'd love to hear from anyone doing something similar!

Can Drupal do this?
You may want to take a look at drupal commons a distribution of drupal with a lot of community features built in.

My answer is exactly the same as Jeremy... I have never done a project that has not benefited from drupal and its highly extendible nature.
It sounds like your project is quite large and is going to require a fair few modules to get going. I would have an extensive google for the different spec points you need to meet (for example: "drupal user profile module") and be sure to look at the related modules down the side.
I'm just wondering how drupal deals
with custom methods. Say I wanted to
have a user request a reference from
someone, I'd have to write methods
that did this. Would that be possible
in drupal?in drupal?
Drupal provides hooks which allow you to interact with most aspects of it. Custom functionality goes into modules and pretty much everything you will deal with is a module.
Lastly I can't find any examples, but I know that projects like yours have successfully been done using drupal!

And If you are going to use the drupal 7 then it can be done very easily. You just have to manage some fields and just to assign a proper permissions to the users.

These tasks can be done with drupal. There are already module exists for User Profile, User Relationships, Groups etc. All post can be handled as node concept. User registration, user sign up all are available at the installation of Drupal. And it is extensible.


How can I restrict access of content to paid users in wordpress

I have working on wordpress based website, where I want to keep certain sections (pages/posts) open to all kind of users (free+paid), while some sections available to only those users who have paid. Is there any plugin available or do I need to work on code part. How can I do this. Thanks
The reason you've been given a -2 on your question is that this is not a programming question.
You need a paid service for that kind of functionality or program that out from scratch by yourself. There are plenty of plugins that do that for you. Or perhaps your can find some "free" plugin to do that (Not recommended).
I've used wishlist before and it works great. Lots of setting to deal with though.

Setting up multiple small sites

I have no experience with Drupal.
I'm looking to use a cms but I have a requirement that, while it sounds simple, I'm not sure how easy, or possible, the implementation will be.
I have many small sites (let's say 100). Each site is basically setup the same way except the content and images are different. Each site would need an admin(s) that would manage content and have the ability to add new pages where needed.
Is Drupal the kind of cms that could handle requirements like this or is there another cms that is more suited for this kind of implementation?
Drupal is definitely suited to this, you should use the latest version (Drupal 7) and perform a multisite installation. That way you can keep the same core code base (which will make updating Drupal a cinch across 100 or so sites).
Have a look in the /sites/default/example.sites.php file for instructions on how to set it up, and if you get stuck post another question on here and I'm sure someone will be able to help.
In fact there's a guide to the installation here.

Architecture ideas to allow customers to build their own site, based off external site's data?

I'm not entirely sure how to properly ask this, so please bear with me.
I have an idea for a site I would like to build, which would basically be a site for members to create some data and have it housed in my database. I would like to offer a value-add to the site which would allow people to spin off their own website via my own "website builder" tool (probably some sort of CMS). Their website would be able to communicate with my master database to display their data.
Getting down to the crux of the topic, I'm looking for architectural advice/ideas/etc. regarding what services I could use to do this. I'm not looking a 100% automated solution, but something along these lines (which may not be completely correct, I admit):
Customer puts in an order to create their own site, using my tools.
I setup a separate domain for them, roll out the CMS foundation to the site, and the customer has full editing control of the CMS to design it however they would like.
The CMS would have some customizations so that it includes functionality to call APIs located on the master site, which would return the relevant data.
In the research I have done on SO, I've seen a lot of mentions of Umbraco which honestly looks like a good start. I'm just worried that when I go to upgrade a version, I have to deal with overwriting my custom API functionality. I'm guessing this is the nature of the beast, and requires me to accept/plan for it.
Does anyone have any thoughts about this? Some high-level starting points? Thanks!
I've been thinking about this same issue for my customers.
It is not hard to automatically roll out a stock cms such as Wordpress or Joomla. This sort of thing is done all the time by "1 click installers" that DreamHost and others have.
Including custom widgets or plugins for the CMS that can connect to your main app is also not hard.
For dns, you can use Amazon Route 53 or other DNS services that include a good api at the dns management level.
I suggest that you focus on using a CMS that is very popular (eg Wordpress or Joomla) rather than something less well known such as Umbraco. Using a more popular system will drastically reduce your training costs--remember that if you supply the CMS to your customers, then they'll also expect you to supply the support for it...

Need to submit the register info in eloqua from Drupal

Need to post the registration info to eloqua too.
I am using Drupal 6.14
I didn't ask the original question, but I might be able to shed a little more light. I am a consultant, and I work at Eloqua.
Eloqua is a marketing automation database. Having the registrations flow from Drupal into Eloqua would allow things like moving that info over into a CRM system, or sending a follow up email with the registration details.
Our clients have integrated with other CMS systems.
Now, in terms of the registrations, there are a couple of ways Eloqua could receive that data. Perhaps the simplest way would be through some sort of form repost, IF that is allowed in Drupal. So, someone would register, that data would enter Drupal, and then be reposted into Eloqua. It looks like people (including the initial poster) have been able to make this work succesfully on regular forms The other way would be to utilize Eloqua's API. This would require someone to build out a module that would facilitate that.

Joomla Blog/Wordpress Integration

I'm looking for a wordpress-like blog interface to put inside a Joomla hosted site. The admin interface of Joomla is quirky enough and hard enough to use that daily updates are infeasible.
What I am looking for is an easy-to-use posting interface that supports multiple users with different accounts/names, a tagging scheme, and easy find by date/user/tag functionality.
In particular I'm looking for a relatively easy-to-deploy, out-of-the-box solution, and would prefer not to hack rss feeds together or write too much custom code. I know there are several extensions out there but they all receive largely mixed reviews... Has anyone used any of these? Or has anyone had experience putting something like this together?
Well you could do this - have a wordpress installation. Get the users to post there and then use the RSS feed from it (or the XML RPC Blogging API) to update the Joomla installation. You will have to write the update piece once, but then all the headache is gone.
I'm not trying to be smart here, but if the admin interface of Joomla isn't working for you, aren't you doing yourself a disservice by trying to patch their UI instead of spending your time looking for a CMS that is easier to manage/a better fit for your user base?
Edit: All of the CMS's I've dealt with in ASP.NET are homegrown. However I'm looking into checking out Umbraco based on the recommendations of two well-respected friends. In the case you presented where you already have content in Joomla and a migration out to another CMS is going to be overkill, I think that vaibhav has got it right. You should look into setting up Wordpress or some other blogging engine and then simply have Joomla consume the content and display it in the Joomla site. I've not done it, but from what I remember of Joomla when I was looking at it, I believe that it would support this.
After doing a bit more research I decided to go with the open source MojoBlog. It was quite easy to install and configure and after a few stalls and hang ups that were resolved via perusal of their forums I was up and running. The edit interface is not ideal but it much better than Joomla admin, and it has multi-user-support, tag categorization, modules for viewing by tag, date, etc. Think it will suffice for my needs in the short term.
We at 'corePHP' have successfully integrated the WordPress and WordPress Multi-User blogging platforms into Joomla!. Please visit us to see what these feature-rich components have to offer you.
Happy Blogging,
Michael Pignataro
VP of Operations
