Need to submit the register info in eloqua from Drupal - drupal

Need to post the registration info to eloqua too.
I am using Drupal 6.14

I didn't ask the original question, but I might be able to shed a little more light. I am a consultant, and I work at Eloqua.
Eloqua is a marketing automation database. Having the registrations flow from Drupal into Eloqua would allow things like moving that info over into a CRM system, or sending a follow up email with the registration details.
Our clients have integrated with other CMS systems.
Now, in terms of the registrations, there are a couple of ways Eloqua could receive that data. Perhaps the simplest way would be through some sort of form repost, IF that is allowed in Drupal. So, someone would register, that data would enter Drupal, and then be reposted into Eloqua. It looks like people (including the initial poster) have been able to make this work succesfully on regular forms The other way would be to utilize Eloqua's API. This would require someone to build out a module that would facilitate that.


Drupal unique login

I have two instances of Drupal on same server instance 1 and instance 2 with different databases. I want to do following functionality so I will go ahead for my work.
Unique login for both instances. When I login to instance 1 then if I open url of instance 2 on same browser then it should not ask for me login.
While any add/update operation perform on instance 1 or instance 2 then user table should be updated in both databases.
Please let me know so I will go ahead.
Thanks in advance.
If there you I would utilize Drupal`s openid (oAuth) technologies. That could be done with some minor coding or even a couple of modules.
That would allow you to create linked accounts but different profiles for each site. You would have a setup like it is here at stackexchange network and some additional functionality.
EDIT: There is a module called OpenID URL.It will give your users ability to use their profile pages as OpenID URLs. You could do it with a just a tad of coding.
Then you could simply copy "Loin with OpenID" URL form your other site and name it "Create joined account..." or something like that.
You could use oAuth technology if you want more advanced connections.
There is also a possibility to create a multisite website.
I have not tried this module yet, but it sounds promising, to solving your first part of the problem: project bakery.
Bakery provides a "single sign on" feature for Drupal based sites that
are on the same second-level domain (i.e.,, It could also provide
support for any other website that implements the same web cookie,
xmlrpc, and POST methods.
For the second part I'm very interested in a solution. The only thing I can come up with at the moment, is some kind of RSS feeds. I know you can create nodes based on that.

Can drupal do this?

I am a php developer using mostly CakePHP, magento, and wordpress. I want to create a community driven website aimed at the volunteering community that will let users sign up, create profiles, add previous voluntary positions, let organisations sign up and post jobs, etc. Is this something that drupal can handle? Is this what drupal was built to do?
I'm just wondering how drupal deals with custom methods. Say I wanted to have a user request a reference from someone, I'd have to write methods that did this. Would that be possible in drupal?
I'd love to hear from anyone doing something similar!
Can Drupal do this?
You may want to take a look at drupal commons a distribution of drupal with a lot of community features built in.
My answer is exactly the same as Jeremy... I have never done a project that has not benefited from drupal and its highly extendible nature.
It sounds like your project is quite large and is going to require a fair few modules to get going. I would have an extensive google for the different spec points you need to meet (for example: "drupal user profile module") and be sure to look at the related modules down the side.
I'm just wondering how drupal deals
with custom methods. Say I wanted to
have a user request a reference from
someone, I'd have to write methods
that did this. Would that be possible
in drupal?in drupal?
Drupal provides hooks which allow you to interact with most aspects of it. Custom functionality goes into modules and pretty much everything you will deal with is a module.
Lastly I can't find any examples, but I know that projects like yours have successfully been done using drupal!
And If you are going to use the drupal 7 then it can be done very easily. You just have to manage some fields and just to assign a proper permissions to the users.
These tasks can be done with drupal. There are already module exists for User Profile, User Relationships, Groups etc. All post can be handled as node concept. User registration, user sign up all are available at the installation of Drupal. And it is extensible.

The appropriate way to build a registration form in Drupal?

I just started studying Drupal 7 and learned how powerful CCK and Views are. But it still confuses me a bit because it behaves so differently compared to Wordpress. Now I want to build registration form, is it appropriate to build it using CCK? If so, how do I make it so it would make the login system aware that a new user has registered? Or would it be better and easier to modify the built-in registration system to my liking?
A registration form for... what exactly? The site? An event? RSVP? If this is just to register and post comments or blog articles, then use the core login system- thats what it's there for. You can add fields to this form by enabling Profile module and adding fields to capture more data about the user.

FacebookConnect integration with ASP.NET

I'm working on a site with a Facebook Connect integration on blog posts. I want a Facebook .NET SDK that will allow me to:
Authenticate that a user is logged into FB. The actual login will be done via the typical FBML login button and simple JS with the XD Receiver.
Be able to push data from my WebForm to the user's FB profile, such as a status update.
I do not need to:
Create an actual FB application that goes on your profile, like "Cheer for the Red Sox" app or whatever. I do completely understand that I need to create an app using the Developer application but I'm not indenting to create a real full app.
Do any special stuff other than know the user's basics and push data to the profile.
Now are there any good starting points or SDKs I should look at. I've tried Facebook.NET and also peeked into FBConnectAuth. It seems like the former is too much and the latter is too little of what I need. However, that was a quick glance so are there any people with good experiences that did simple things?
Help is much appreciated!
Have you tried this example?
Post status to Facebook profile without Facebook modal window using ASP.NET
If you have any feature requests for FBConnectAuth, please let me know.
For me, Raya's integration of Facebook Connect is the best example out there. The author also has a good blog post where he describes how he integrated it with his existing web application..

ASP.NET Roles with Windows Auth

Super simple question from an ASP newb: I've got an internal-only ASP.NET website I'm working on that uses Windows integrated auth across the board. There are essentially three roles I want to associate with the site: user, manager, and admin. The site is open to the entire org, so anyone who is authenticated is a user, unless they are a manager or an admin.
The list of admins and managers needs to be in a database, not in the web.config. The role information for this site is not in any way associated with what can be learned from a user's AD profile.
I've been picking up ASP.NET pretty quickly and I'm definitely capable of researching the correct solution, but I was hoping someone could start me down the right road here. What's the best way to get this done? I imagine it involves using a role provider on top of the integrated auth, but before I started researching a million options and possibly picked the wrong one, I thought I'd ask here.
I had to do this also and I used the below blog entry from Scott Guthrie to get me going....
Worked great for me.
I didn't create a new provider or anything. Scott's blog post lays it out nicely. Although it is quite a hack but got me going quickly and did the trick.
With this trick you can use windows auth with DB based roles.
You could use MembershipProvider using ActiveDirectory Info here
