The Ghost of a Renamed Table -

I have renamed a table in a SQL Server 2008 database, from eL_CourseStepUserNotes to StepUserNotes. I renamed the table using the SSMA.
The table is used in a ASP.NET 4.0 app. I use LINQ to SQL for all CRUD. The problem is that the following code:
dbDataContext db = new dbDataContext();
var k = (from c in db.StepUserNotes
where ((c.CourseStepFK == q.CourseStepFK) && (c.UserFK == q.UserFK))
select c).FirstOrDefault();
Fails on the db.SubmitChanges line, saying:
SqlException was caught. Invalid object name 'eL_CourseStepUserNotes'.
Ie, the old name for the table has come back to haunt me.
I have deleted the old LINQ to SQL dbml file and created a new one. I have searched through all the source code for strings that contain the old table name. Nothing. The code compiles...
Where else can I look?
The error is coming back from SQL Server, and using the utility for listing all foreign keys in a sql server database shown in SO question:
sql:need to change constraint on rename table?
reveals no sign of the old table name in FKs either.
I am at a complete loss as to where to look or what to try next. Any suggestions?

The problem, as stated by Stu and Stark was a trigger. Stu gave me the SQL to run that nailed the problem. It is documented here in case anyone else runs into this:
Select Object_Name(ID) From SysComments
Where Text Like '%el_CourseStepUserNotes%'
This revealed a trigger with the following name:
The trigger referenced the old name as follows:
FROM eL_CourseStepUserNotes PP
INNER JOIN inserted i ON PP.UserNoteId = i.UserNoteId
Everything is now working again.
Silly me, I should have realised that a trigger was the problem as the first error I got was related to the DateAmended field.
I have no idea why a trigger would update when a table name changed. I had checked all Keys and relationships, but forgot this trigger.
Live and learn.

When you recreated your linq to sql file, did you remember to refresh the server browser to reflect the table name change first?
Edit - I mean the visual studio server browser.

you need to rebind your LINQ To SQL class, drop all the tables, then add them again from the Server Explorer

open your project in visual studio.
open your dbml file.
find the table you just have renamed.
select and delete it.
Open server Explorer.
Connect to your database.
Find the table which you have renamed.
Drag and drop on the designer of your dbml file.
Save the file again.
Compile your project.

It is not necessary to drop the tables from your DBML file. You can simply open the designer, click on the class diagram representing your table and type the new name of the table.
However, if you're recreating from scratch it is important to refresh in Server Explorer otherwise it will still pull the old name from the schema.


how to sqlDrop an existing query (not table!) in R // delete existing query that is stored in an Access database

I often use RODBC to work with MS Access files in R. For removing existing tables sqlDrop works fine, e.g.:
db <- odbcConnectAccess(choose.files(caption="select database"))
sqlDrop(db, "existing_dummy_table")
What I need to do now is to delete an existing query that is stored in the Access database. sqlDrop does only seem to work with tables, not with querys.
sqlDrop(db, "existing_dummy_query")
brings up:
Error in odbcTableExists(channel, sqtable, abort = errors) :
‘existing_dummy_query’: table not found on channel
Is there any solution how to delete/remove existing queries?
Thank you!
After a lot of testing I found a soultion myself:
sqlQuery(db, "DROP TABLE existing_dummy_query";)
Maybe its helpful for others. DROP VIEW did not work. I don't know why.

SQLite Importer will overwrite my database when I load my application?

I have an Ionic App using SQLite. I don't have any problems with implementation.
The issue is that I need to import an SQL file using SQLitePorter to populate the database with configuration info.
But also, on the same database I have user info, so my question is:
Everytime I start the app, it will import the sql file, fill the database and probably overwrite my user data too? Since it is all on the same base?
I assume that you can always init your table using string queries inside your code. The problem is not that you are importing a .sql file. Right?
According to it is obvious that you always create a table with [IF NOT EXISTS] switch. Writing a query like :
CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] [schema_name].table_name (
column_1 data_type PRIMARY KEY);
you let sqlite to decide if it's going to create a table with the risk to overwrite an existing table. It is supposed that you can trust that sqlite is smart enough, not to overwrite any information especially if you use 'BEGIN TRANSACTION' - 'COMMIT' procedure.
I give my answer assuming that you have imported data and user data in distinct tables, so you can manipulate what you populate and what you don't. Is that right?
What I usually do, is to have a sql file like this:
DROP TABLE configutation_a;
DROP TABLE configutation_b;
CREATE TABLE configutation_a;
INSERT INTO configutation_a (...);
CREATE TABLE configutation_b;
INSERT INTO configutation_b (...);
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXIST user_data (...);
This means that every time the app starts, I am updating with the configuration data I have at that time (that's is why we use http.get to get any configuration file from a remote repo in the future) and create user data only if user_data table is not there (hopefully initial start).
Conclusion: It's always a good practice, in my opinion, to trust a database product 100% and abstractly let it do any transaction that might give you some risk if you implemented your self in your code; since it gives a tool for that.For example, the keyword [if not exists], is always safer than implementing a table checker your self.
I hope that helps.
PS: In case you refer in create database procedure, SQLite, connects to a database file and it doesn't exist, it creates it. For someone comfortable in sqlite command line, when you type
sqlite3 /home/user/db/configuration.db will connect you with this db and if the file is not there, it will create it.

Export Multpile Tables Data as Insert Statements in to single file Oracle DB [duplicate]

The only thing I don't have an automated tool for when working with Oracle is a program that can create INSERT INTO scripts.
I don't desperately need it so I'm not going to spend money on it. I'm just wondering if there is anything out there that can be used to generate INSERT INTO scripts given an existing database without spending lots of money.
I've searched through Oracle with no luck in finding such a feature.
It exists in PL/SQL Developer, but errors for BLOB fields.
Oracle's free SQL Developer will do this:
You just find your table, right-click on it and choose Export Data->Insert
This will give you a file with your insert statements. You can also export the data in SQL Loader format as well.
You can do that in PL/SQL Developer v10.
1. Click on Table that you want to generate script for.
2. Click Export data.
3. Check if table is selected that you want to export data for.
4. Click on SQL inserts tab.
5. Add where clause if you don't need the whole table.
6. Select file where you will find your SQL script.
7. Click export.
Use a SQL function (I'm the author):
select fn_gen_inserts('select * from tablename', 'p_new_owner_name', 'p_new_table_name')
from dual;
p_sql – dynamic query which will be used to export metadata rows
p_new_owner_name – owner name which will be used for generated INSERT
p_new_table_name – table name which will be used for generated INSERT
p_sql in this sample is 'select * from tablename'
You can find original source code here:
Ashish Kumar's script generates individually usable insert statements instead of a SQL block, but supports fewer datatypes.
I have been searching for a solution for this and found it today. Here is how you can do it.
Open Oracle SQL Developer Query Builder
Run the query
Right click on result set and export
You might execute something like this in the database:
select "insert into targettable(field1, field2, ...) values(" || field1 || ", " || field2 || ... || ");"
from targettable;
Something more sophisticated is here.
If you have an empty table the Export method won't work. As a workaround. I used the Table View of Oracle SQL Developer. and clicked on Columns. Sorted by Nullable so NO was on top. And then selected these non nullable values using shift + select for the range.
This allowed me to do one base insert. So that Export could prepare a proper all columns insert.
If you have to load a lot of data into tables on a regular basis, check out SQL Loader or external tables. Should be much faster than individual Inserts.
You can also use MyGeneration (free tool) to write your own sql generated scripts. There is a "insert into" script for SQL Server included in MyGeneration, which can be easily changed to run under Oracle.

Entity framework error "Invaid column name" while update record after renaming table

I am using 4.5 with EF to add/update/delete record.
I renamed a database table StatusMaster to Status.
To reflect this change in entity, I have used "update model from database" in which I have deleted the table first.
Then I have deleted the table from the diagram using "Delete Model".
Then I added table to the edmx file using "Update Model from Database".
I also have update related code in application.
Now Add() method is working well but while update method it gives me error "Invalid column name 'Id'". This column was the primary key before I update but I have also renamed it to "StatusId" but I don't think it should affect it because I already have deleted and added the table using "Update model from database".
Please help me.
All the more reason I prefer code first. More work to set up but easier to make changes down the line. Ill suggest you do the following.
Delete the entire EDMX
Delete Connection Details from config section in Web.config
Re-Create EDMX
I discovered that is faster that trying to debug ur relationship in the EDMX diagram

Sqlite: How do I reset all database tables?

I want a debug function to do this, but I'm unaware of whether one already exists. Going through and using 'drop table' for each of my tables will be a pain.
Help appreciated.
Since the database is just one file, you can indeed just erase it. If you want something more automatic, you can use the following to do it all programmatically:
Recover your schema:
SELECT group_concat(sql,';') FROM sqlite_master;
Disconnect from the database
Delete the database file
Create your schema again with what was returned from the above query
If you used any particular options for your original database (page_size, etc), they will have to be declared manually as well.
to "drop database" for sqlite, simply delete the database file (and recreate if needed)
