ColdFusion: Integer "0" doesn't convert to ASCII character - encryption

I have a string (comprised of a userID and a date/time stamp), which I then encrypt using ColdFusion's Encrypt(inputString, myKey, "Blowfish/ECB/PKCS5Padding", "Hex").
In order to interface with a 3d party I have to then perform the following:
Convert each character pair within the resultant string into a HEX value.
HEX values are then represented as integers.
Resultant integers are then output as ASCII characters.
All the ASCII characters combine to form a Bytestring.
Bytestring is then converted to Base64.
Base64 is URL encoded and finally sent off (phew!)
It all works seamlessly, APART FROM when the original cfEncrypted string contains a "00".
The HEX value 00 translates as the integer (via function InputBaseN) 0 which then refuses to translate correctly into an ASCII character!
The resultant Bytestring (and therefore url string) is messed up and the 3d party is unable to decipher it.
It's worth mentioning that I do declare: <cfcontent type="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> at the top of the page.
Is there any way to correctly output 00 as ASCII? Could I avoid having "00" within the original encrypted string? Any help would be greatly appreciated :)

I'm pretty sure ColdFusion (and the Java underneath) use a null-terminated string type. This means that every string contains one and only one asc(0) char, which is the string terminator. If you try to insert an asc(0) into a string, CF is erroring because you are trying to create a malformed string element.
I'm not sure what the end solution is. I would play around with toBinary() and toString(), and talk to your 3rd party vendor about workarounds like sending the raw hex values or similar.

Actually there is a very easy solution. The credit card company who is processing your request needs you to convert it to lower case letters of hex. The only characters processed are :,-,0-9 do a if else and convert them manually into a string.


How can I decode an http string name

I am trying to decode filenames in HTTP but the string from browser messages are different.
In my test file I put the name ç.jpg.
What I need is the name %C3%A7.jpg.
But the browser is sending %C3%83%C2%A7.jpg.
It's not UTF8, UTF16 or UTF32.
For another example I test the file name €.jpg.
What I need is the name %E2%82%AC.jpg.
But I am receiving %C3%A2%E2%80%9A%C2%AC.jpg.
how can I convert this names to UTF8?
Ok I played with this for about 30 minutes and I finally figured it out.
This is how the original string was encoded:
The string was in UTF-8
Some encoding mechanism thought it was CP1252, and based on that wrong assumption re-encoded it to UTF-8 again.
The resulting string was url-encoded.
To get back to a real UTF-8 string, this is what I did. (note, I used PHP, don't know what you are using but it should be doable in other languages just the same).
$input = '%C3%A2%E2%80%9A%C2%AC %C3%83%C2%A7';
$str1 = urldecode($input);
echo iconv('UTF-8', 'CP1252', $str1);
// output "€ ç"
So that conversion is counter intuitive. We're converting to CP1252, but still end up with a UTF-8 string. This only works because an existing UTF-8 was falsely treated as CP1252, and that incorrect interpretation was then converted to UTF-8. So I'm just reversing this double-encoding.
In other languages there might be a few more steps, this works in just 1 line with PHP because strings are bytes, not characters.

Why one AL32UTF8 character not display the I-Acute, yet other one displays the tilde-N?

My Oracle 11g is configured with AL32UTF8
Why does the tilde-N display as tilde-N in the second record, but the Acute-I and K
not display with Acute-I and K in the first record?
Additional Information:
The hex code for the Accent-I is CD
When I take the HEX code from the dump and convert it using UNISTR(), the character displays with the accent.
as hex_to_unicode
from dual;
This is probably an issue with whatever client you are using to display the results than your database. What are you using?
You can check if the database results are correct using the DUMP function. If the value in your table has the correct byte sequence for your database character set, you're good.
OK, I'm pretty sure your data is bad. You're talking about
LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH ACUTE, which is Unicode code point U+00CD. That is not the same as byte 0xCD. You're using database character set AL32UTF8, which uses UTF-8 encoding. The correct UTF-8 encoding for the U+00CD character is the two-byte sequence 0xC38D.
What you have is UTF-8 byte sequence 0xCD4B, which I'm pretty sure is invalid.
The Oracle UNISTR function takes the code point in UCS-2 encoding, which is roughly the same as UTF-16, not UTF-8.
Demonstration here:!4/7e9d1f/1

Original Base64 value is edited but still it is giving same normal string

I am encrypting the plain text using RSA and converting that value to base64 string.But while decrypting the I altered the base64 string and try to decrypt given me same original text return.
Is there any thing wrong ?
Original Plain Text :007189562312
Output Base64 string : VfZN7WXwVz7Rrxb+W08u9F0N9Yt52DUnfCOrF6eltK3tzUUYw7KgvY3C8c+XER5nk6yfQFI9qChAes/czWOjKzIRMUTgGPjPPBfAwUjCv4Acodg7F0+EwPkdnV7Pu7jmQtp4IMgGaNpZpt33DgV5AJYj3Uze0A3w7wSQ6/tIgL4=
Altered Base64 String : VfZN7WXwVz7Rrxb+W08u9F0N9Yt52DUnfCOrF6eltK3tzUUYw7KgvY3C8c+XER5nk6yfQFI9qChAes/czWOjKzIRMUTgGPjPPBfAwUjCv4Acodg7F0+EwPkdnV7Pu7jmQtp4IMgGaNpZpt33DgV5AJYj3Uze0A3w7wSQ6/tIgL4=55
Please explain. Thank you.
I'm assuming you're asking whether the altered ciphertext should have thrown an error when decrypting. It looks like the altered string only adds two characters to the end and is otherwise the same string.
Your Base 64 library probably makes some reasonable assumptions when parsing Base 64 data. Base 64 works by encoding 3 bytes into 4 characters. If at the end the data length is not a multiple of 3 it must be padded. That is signalized by the = at the end of the encoded string.
This also means that during parsing, the library knows that padding characters are at the end and stops parsing there. If the alteration appeared at the end of the string then the encoded ciphertext didn't effectively change.

What causes XOR encryption to return a "blank"?

What is the cause of certain characters to be blank when using XOR encryption? Furthermore, how can this be compensated for when decrypting?
For instance:
void basic_encrypt(char *to_encrypt) {
char c;
while (*to_encrypt) {
*to_encrypt = *to_encrypt ^ 20;
will return "nothing" for the character k. Clearly, character decay is problematic for decryption.
I assume this is caused by the bit operator, but I am not very good with binary so I was wondering if anyone could explain.
Is it converting an element, k, in this case, to some spaceless ASCII character? Can this be compensated for by choosing some y < x < z operator where x is the operator?
Lastly, if it hasn't been compensated for, is there a realistic decryption strategy for filling in blanks besides guess and check?
'k' has the ASCII value 107 = 0x6B. 20 is 0x14, so
'k' ^ 20 == 0x7F == 127
if your character set is ASCII compatible. 127 is \DEL in ASCII, which is a non-printable character, so won't be displayed if you print it out.
You will have to know the difference between bytes and characters to understand which is happening. On the one hand you have the C char type, which is simply a presentation of a byte, not a character.
In the old days each character was mapped to one byte or octet value in a character encoding table, or code page. Nowadays we have encodings that take more bytes for certain characters, e.g. UTF-8, or even encodings that always take more than one byte such as UTF-16. The last two are unicode encodings, which means that each character has a certain number value and the encoding is used to encode this number into bytes.
Many computers will interpret bytes in ISO/IEC 8859-1 or Latin-1, sometimes extended by Windows-1252. These code pages have holes for control characters, or byte values that are simply not used. Now it depends on the runtime system how these values are handled. Java by default substitutes an ? character in place of the missing character. Other runtimes will simply drop the value or - of course - execute the control code. Some terminals may use the ESC control code to set the color or to switch to another code page (making a mess of the screen).
This is why ciphertext should be converted to another encoding, such as hexadecimals or Base64. These encodings should make sure that the result is readable text. This takes care of the cipher text. You will have to choose a character set for your plain text too, e.g. simply perform ASCII or UTF-8 encoding before encryption.
Getting a zero value from encryption does not matter because once you re-xor with the same xor key you get the original value.
value == value
value XOR value == 0 [encryption]
( value XOR value ) XOR value == value [decryption]
If you're using a zero-terminated string mechanism, then you have two main strategies for preventing 'character degradation'
store the length of the string before encryption and make sure to decrypt at least that number of characters on decryption
check for a zero character after decoding the character

Multiple Base64 encoded parameters that appear as 1 in a URL query string

I need to pass 2 parameters in a query string but would like them to appear as a single parameter to the user. At a low level, how can I concatinate these two values and then later separate them? Both values are Base64 encoded.
where both abc and xyz are separate Base64 encoded strings.
why don't you just do something like this
temp = base64_encode("var1=abc&var2=yxz")
and then call
Later you can decode the whole string and split the vars.
(sry for pseudo code :P)
Edit: a small quote from wikipedia
The current version of PEM (specified in RFC 1421) uses a 64-character alphabet consisting of upper- and lower-case Roman alphabet characters (A–Z, a–z), the numerals (0–9), and the "+" and "/" symbols. The "=" symbol is also used as a special suffix code. The original specification, RFC 989, additionally used the "*" symbol to delimit encoded but unencrypted data within the output stream.
You should either use some separator or store the length of the first item.
First of all, I would be curious as to why you can't just pass two parameters. But with that as a given, just choose any character that's a valid character in a URL query string, but won't show up in your base64 encoding, such as ~
