Where to find pdb/symbol files for old OS (like Windows 2000) - pdb-files

I am looking for symbol files for Windows server 2000 but does not seem like its any more available to download on microsoft web site

Have you tried using their symbol server? I don't know if that [still?] has symbols for 2000 or not, but it's worth a shot.


The 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine. and install Access Database Engine 2010 don´t work

I have trouble when I try to upload an Excel file, I've searched in a lot of places how to solve this, but the solution the give (only install Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable) doesn´t work for me. I have VS2017 and I've installed Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable, I´m kinda new doing this so I donn´t know what I´m missing.
a pleasure to greet you, an hour ago I had the same problem, the only thing I did was download both versions (both the 32-bit and the 64-bit version) and the first thing I did was install the 64-bit version of normal way, downloading from the official page, but I installed the 32-bit version from Command Prompt with the following code:
CD: [path]/AccessDataEngine.exe /passive
in this way I managed to solve that error

Server script files are showing while Remote debugging with visual studio 2017 windows 10

I m able to connect to the server and attach to process sucessfully. But I m not able to see the server side script files to debug. the classic asp files are not appearing in the scrripts folder shown below.
But if I attach locallly I m able to see the files. what could be the problem ? please help.
screen shot of vs 2017 solution explorer
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/HkZPO.png
Server script files are showing while Remote debugging with visual
studio 2017 windows 10
It is quite strange and I have reported the issue on our DC Forum. You can vote it or add any comments if I did not describe the issue in detail.
And anyone who is interested in it will vote it so that it will get more Microsoft's attention.

Azerothcore sql assembler script isnt working

I followed the instructions in
keep getting this
my OS is windows 10
It looks like you have a space in your username. From my understanding the db_assembler.sh does not currently support spaces in the path. I would suggest moving your azerothcore source folder to a different directory.

Adaptive server anywhere ASA SqlAnywhere 8.0 ODBC driver

Well, I've searched the interwebs like crazy and I am unable to find this driver.
I am trying to convert data from a client's database that was built using the ASA 8.0 engine. ASA 8 has been out of support since 2008. The software company that created this no longer supports it, so can't provide me with the drivers. I've scoured the web and can't find anything.
I managed to get the installation files for this old software called BailCredit built by a company called SentryLink. I found what I presume to be the ODBC driver in the installation files (dbodbc8.dll) and I've tried manually registering that (Windows Server 2008 R2) but didn't get anywhere. When I try to create a new datasource, the ODBC Data Source Administrator gives me an error.
My company has done hundreds of data migrations and this is the first time I've had to resort to this.
I'd post a link to the database file, but simply can't because of privacy.
Please help if you can! Thanks in Advance.
For 64 Bit operating system you need to copy the dll's to %windir%\syswow64\ so you need to change install.cmd to the following code. The rest is the same.
COPY %~dp0dbcon8.dll %windir%\syswow64\dbcon8.dll
COPY %~dp0dblgen8.dll %windir%\syswow64\dblgen8.dll
COPY %~dp0dbodbc8.dll %windir%\syswow64\dbodbc8.dll
regedit %~dp0SAS8.REG
It take's me a few hours to figure it out i hope it help someone else.
This is how I finally solved it.
Get a copy of the following files from a computer with a working setup of the SQL Anywhere ODBC driver:
Create an install.cmd file with this:
COPY %~dp0dbcon8.dll %SystemRoot%\system32\dbcon8.dll
COPY %~dp0dblgen8.dll %SystemRoot%\system32\dblgen8.dll
COPY %~dp0dbodbc8.dll %SystemRoot%\system32\dbodbc8.dll
regedit %~dp0SAS8.REG
Create an SAS8.REG file with this:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"Adaptive Server Anywhere 8.0"="Installed"
Run install.cmd
This will work when Windows is installed in C:\WINDOWS, otherwise edit the registry entries.
If someone left a copy of the Powerbuilder CD in the client's computer, look for the folder asa801runtime and install that to get the ODBC driver working
Example connection string with default username/password:
Driver={Adaptive Server Anywhere 8.0};UID=dba;PWD=sql;DatabaseName=base;EngineName=gestion;CommLinks=TCPIP(HOST=GRA06:2638)
Answering my own question:
I wasn't able to find this commercially available anywhere. I happened to be able to get my hands on the installation for the software package that was using SQLAnywhere 8. By installing this, it installed the necessary drivers (but only worked on 32-bit OS).

asp.net : need to see the difference between 2 web.config file

What is the fastest and safest way to download a tool and see the difference between the 2 web.config files? Does windows xp has a built in tool to do a visual Diff on 2 files?
I am running Windows XP professional SP3 on my computer.
Would downloading Windows XP Service Pack 2 Support Tools cause an issue?
WinMerge. However unless this is some simple throwaway code, or web.config from two different projects, you should have this all in a version control system. It could be SVN like Aliostad mentioned. In that case you can see the history of changes and compare them.
Try WinDiff, it should come with XP.
try windiff which comes with Windows SDK.
You can also install SVN tortoise and create a dummy repository and add web.config to see the difference. Diff viewer on tortoise is excellent.
Nothing built in, but there are plenty of free diff tools around.
If you want something from Microsoft, you could try windiff, which is included in the Windows XP Service Pack 2 Support Tools
