Alternative to ViewState -

I'd like to store a few variables which will be referenced throughout lifecycle, starting with a db access in PreInit event. ViewState isn't an option, since it won't persist if saved so early during the page lifecycle. Given that data should not be altered by a user, what would be the best alternative?

You could use the Session to store your data. I am not sure on the number of users of your system, but assuming the data you want to store is small this won't be a problem.'
Also, unless you are using a SessionPageStatePersister (or another server side persister) or encrypting your ViewState it is still possible for the user to change the ViewState. It may be harder, but it is still possible. By default ViewState uses HiddenFieldPageStatePersister and it stores the ViewState in a hidden field on each page (as an encoded string). Just something worth considering.

Depending on the scope: Session or Application
If you want the data stored per user
If you want the data stored available for all users

You could store data in hidden fields, and if you want to obscure it, you could use some kind of encription. Of course these values would also only load in a later stage of the page lifecycle. The session object would be the obvious choice, although it's not everybody's favourite method.

Session probably wouldn't be available at PreInit, but you could store them in variables until a later page lifecycle task, and then store them in session at that time. I could be wrong about the session feature. Additionally, cache is an option but caching is not user-specific; you can make it user specific by appending their user ID or session ID.

Session is probably your best bet. We have to use the session to store some user information, but hit a bug due to accessing it too early. The bug is [HttpException]: Session state has created a session id, but cannot save it because the response was already flushed by the application." But it will often manifest as PageRequestMangerParserErrorException. Super fun hunting that down. One hackish fix is to write into your Global.asax code behind:
public Session_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
string sessionId = Session.SessionID;
Accessing the SessionID forces the ASP.NET engine to go build the session before it normally would, making it possible to use it early.
Outside of session (or application) you have two other options: client storage and persistent storage. The latter is a fancy way of saying "stuff it in the database", though similar alternatives exist, of course.
Client Storage is like viewstate, but more controlled. You can use hidden fields or cookies. In fact, a cookie might work out well for you, but you'll need to encrypt the information in it if you want the user to leave it alone. Regardless, anything you send to the client you must assume is compromised, so always do a validity check.


Why is viewstate serialized to a hidden field in the form and not kept on the server?

I am quite new to WebForms and I'm trying to understand the ViewState. AFAIK today, it keeps modifications of the UI over postbacks to the same page. But why does it send the state (= stored modifications) to the client and does not keep it on the server saving CPU cycles and bandwidth?
Am I understanding something completely wrong?
The view state is something intrinsically connected to the view, as the name implies, and trying to manage it separately while maintaining that relation is not something that is easily accomplished.
You would need to store view state per page, so you would still have to send to the client an ID in order to be able to get the correct view state on a postback. Another serious issue is that you send a page to the client but you don't know when or if the client is going to postback that page to the server, so you would need to store view state at least until the session expires.
This could lead to a waste of server resources, as all those view states are being stored for users that may never postback to the server. If you keep your view state slim you'll agree that the best place to store it is to send it with view.
Finally, if you're still not happy with the view state on the client you can override the SavePageStateToPersistenceMedium and LoadPageStateFromPersistenceMedium methods of the page and save it to another medium. I've already heard many people complain about view state on the client, and most time I just tell them to go ahead and implement persistence to another medium on the server... however, I believe no one ever did, probably because it's complicated and you'll end up with a solution that's not that clean.
ViewState is used when a page performs a post back in order to restore the control tree of the page to what is was when the page was last rendered.
This allows for instance a GridView control to keep it's state (what is shown in the GridView) on post back without having to rebind it to the same data.
The reason why the ViewState per default is serialized and sent to the client is (I guess) that it's the easiest way to get it back when the client performs a post back.
What if for instance a user has several browser windows open with the same page loaded and you have the viewstate stored in the Session? Assigning the correct viewstate to the different windows in such a case can of course be solved, but having the client explicitly post it seems to be the easiest way.
That said, it is possible to have the viewstate stored in the Session. See for instance this link.
Other possibilities are available by implementing your own System.Web.UI.PageStatePersister.

ASP.NET Session Management With Variables

Ran into a stupid problem...
So right now I implement Application_Start to load up the hash tables, which works fine. Next in Session_Start I parse a user's cookie to retrieve his name, which, again, works fine. The problem happens when I store his username in a variable in Global.asax.cs. I didn't really realize that this is a variable shared among all processes/threads. So I guess my question is how do you parse a user's cookie one time and then save the data for sure elsewhere in the process/thread.
You can store cookies in session and use it later. You can store any object in session collection and retrieve it later before it expires. You can read more over here
Assigning to session
Session["anyName"] = "value";
Retrieving from session object
string str = Session["anyName"].ToString();
That's exactly what the ASP.NET session is meant for. Store this information there. It will be only specific to the current user and not shared among all users.
By the way you might also want to checkout Forms Authentication in ASP.NET, just to make sure that you don't reinvent some wheels.
Can't you just use Session?
Session["username"] = username;
var username = Session["username"];
Session is definitely the way I would go. Having HUGE amounts of data in Session could potentially lead to performance problems, but only storing small strings for each user shouldn't matter at all.

What is exact event(global.asax) to clear cache in

Im working on website.
In some pages I'm saving the datatable into chache as
and using whereever I want in that page by fetching from chache.
I'm thinking that whenever session close I want to clear session in session_end event of global.asax file.
as cache["dt"]=null;
What is the better location to close either application_end or session end.
If I close in session_end will it affect to another user?
Please provide me clear helpful info regarding this.
Since you are putting the datatable in Cache, meaning, that it's shared by all the users, then there's no right place/need to do this, since the only time when it actually needs to be removed is when the application ends and at that point all resources are freed; your application is no longer running.
Perhaps what you should/meant to do was to put the datatable in Session. If that is what you want, then you could remove it OnSession_End in Global.asax but know that SessionEnd is not guaranteed to fire. You can also do Session.Abandon() when the user logs out, which will clear all session objects.
I think you misunderstood the concept between Application Data, Session Data, and Cache. These three of them all different things.
Application Data/State stores the information available in application scope, i.e. all session/user can access these data.
Session Data store info for the current session data. The duration of the session can be specified in the configuration files.
Cache stores frequently used data. And this data may be costly to regenerate every time.
In your case, since you are using cache, I assume that this cache stores some frequently used data. Ideally, this cache should always be valid, as long as the information does not changes.
As such, my recommendations is to keep this cache value as long as possible.

How to cache a List of objects in ASP.NET

I have a List of objects in an page. when the page loads in the browser for the first time, I fetch data from the database, create objects with those data and populate the list. All these are done inside the page load event handler. Now when the page is posted back to the page, the previous list is gone, since the variables were all freed.
How can I cache that List, so that when this page is posted back, all my objects are available?
As #Eilon asked, is this data user-specific or is it site specific?
If the data is user specific you can use the Session State to store it, however it will expire when the users session ends, and in some cases can still invoke a roundtrip to your database server (if for instance it is backed by SQL server instead of being in-proc, etc).
If the data is application wide you can also use the Application Cache. It is site wide, resides in the process domain and is therefore available to everyone who has sessions on that server. Special care must be taken when using this in a multi-server scenario, but it is easily doable.
It should be noted that the Application Cache (and any other global setup) can make your app load slow for the first user to hit the site if the setup takes time. IIS7 and ASP.NET have attempted to address this with a module released recently that periodically wakes your app up to ensure that the global cache is either pre-populated, or remains alive.
Use Cache.Add(key_name, list_object, ...) to save the list, and then Cache[key_name] to retrieve it (you will need to cast the retrieved object to the appropriate type). The Add method has several more parameters to specify if and when the cached object expires.
The Cache object is actually System.Web.Caching.Cache and is accessible from your aspx page, or as HttpContext.Current.Cache.
if it's only relevant for this page, i would use the ViewState.
The syntax is familiar if you used sessionstate before:
to set:
ViewState["Persons"] = new List<Person>();
to read
List<Person> persons = ViewState["Persons"] as List<Person>;
The viewstate data is only kept for this page, but is sent as (serialized) text with your page, so don't use it for 1000 Persons because your page will be a very large download .
If you have lots of data, you're better of using the Cache object, but only if you're not on a web farm and remember to clear the data once in a while when you no longer need the data and use a cache key per user if it is per user data.
Last you can use the Session state, it is a per-user store, but remember to clear the data once in a while when you no longer need the data.
So, a lot to choose from depending on the situation.
use HttpContext.Current.Session.
To add to GrayWizard's answer, you can use viewstate too, but since it's included in postbacks, make sure you're not persisting something that takes up alot of space or needs to be secure since it's not encrypted by default.
Here's an overview - it's dated, but still relevant.

ASP.Net Session

I am wanting to store the "state" of some actions the user is performing in a series of different ASP.Net webforms. What are my choices for persisting state, and what are the pros/cons of each solution?
I have been using Session objects, and using some helper methods to strongly type the objects:
public static Account GetCurrentAccount(HttpSessionState session)
return (Account)session[ACCOUNT];
public static void SetCurrentAccount(Account obj, HttpSessionState session)
session[ACCOUNT] = obj;
I have been told by numerous sources that "Session is evil", so that is really the root cause of this question. I want to know what you think "best practice", and why.
There is nothing inherently evil with session state.
There are a couple of things to keep in mind that might bite you though:
If the user presses the browser back button you go back to the previous page but your session state is not reverted. So your CurrentAccount might not be what it originally was on the page.
ASP.NET processes can get recycled by IIS. When that happens you next request will start a new process. If you are using in process session state, the default, it will be gone :-(
Session can also timeout with the same result if the user isn't active for some time. This defaults to 20 minutes so a nice lunch will do it.
Using out of process session state requires all objects stored in session state to be serializable.
If the user opens a second browser window he will expect to have a second and distinct application but the session state is most likely going to be shared between to two. So changing the CurrentAccount in one browser window will do the same in the other.
Your two choices for temporarily storing form data are, first, to store each form's information in session state variable(s) and, second, to pass the form information along using URL parameters. Using Cookies as a potential third option is simply not workable for the simple reason that many of your visitors are likely to have cookies turned off (this doesn't affect session cookies, however). Also, I am assuming by the nature of your question that you do not want to store this information in a database table until it is fully committed.
Using Session variable(s) is the classic solution to this problem but it does suffer from a few drawbacks. Among these are (1) large amounts of data can use up server RAM if you are using inproc session management, (2) sharing session variables across multiple servers in a server farm requires additional considerations, and (3) a professionally-designed app must guard against session expiration (don't just cast a session variable and use it - if the session has expired the cast will throw an error). However, for the vast majority of applications, session variables are unquestionably the way to go.
The alternative is to pass each form's information along in the URL. The primary problem with this approach is that you'll have to be extremely careful about "passing along" information. For example, if you are collecting information in four pages, you would need to collect information in the first, pass it in the URL to the second page where you must store it in that page's viewstate. Then, when calling the third page, you'll collect form data from the second page plus the viewstate variables and encode both in the URL, etc. If you have five or more pages or if the visitor will be jumping around the site, you'll have a real mess on your hands. Keep in mind also that all information will need to A) be serialized to a URL-safe string and B) encoded in such a manner as to prevent simple URL-based hacks (e.g. if you put the price in clear-text and pass it along, someone could change the price). Note that you can reduce some of these problems by creating a kind of "session manager" and have it manage the URL strings for you but you would still have to be extremely sensitive to the possibility that any given link could blow away someone's entire session if it isn't managed properly.
In the end, I use URL variables only for passing along very limited data from one page to the next (e.g. an item's ID as encoded in a link to that item).
Let us assume, then, that you would indeed manage a user's data using the built-in Sessions capability. Why would someone tell you that "Session is evil"? Well, in addition to the memory load, server-farm, and expiration considerations presented above, the primary critique of Session variables that they are, effectively, untyped variables.
Fortunately, prudent use of Session variables can avoid memory problems (big items should be kept in the database anyhow) and if you are running a site large enough to need a server farm, there are plenty of mechanisms available for sharing state built in to ASP.NET (hint: you will not use inproc storage).
To avoid essentially all of the rest of Session's drawbacks, I recommend that implement an object to hold your session data as well as some simple Session object management capabilities. Then build these into a descendent of the Page class and use this descendent Page class for all of your pages. It is then a simple matter to access your Session data via the page class as a set of strongly-typed values. Note that your Object's fields will give you a way to access each of your "session variables" in a strongly typed manner (e.g. one field per variable).
Let me know if this is a straightforward task for you or if you'd like some sample code!
As far as I know, Session is the intended way of storing this information. Please keep in mind that session state generally is stored in the process by default. If you have multiple web servers, or if there is an IIS reboot, you lose session state. This can be fixed by using a ASP.NET State Service, or even an SQL database to store sessions. This ensures people get their session back, even if they are rerouted to a different web server, or in case of a recycle of the worker process.
One of the reasons for its sinister reputation is that hurried developers overuse it with string literals in UI code (rather than a helper class like yours) as the item keys, and end up with a big bag of untestable promiscuous state. Some sort of wrapper is an entry-level requirement for non-evil session use.
As for "Session being evil" ... if you were developing in classic ASP I would have to agree, but ASP.NET/IIS does a much better job.
The real question is what is the best way to maintain state. In our case, when it comes to the current logged in user, we store that object in Session, as we are constantly referring to it for their name, email address, authorization and so forth.
Other little tidbits of information that doesn't need any long-term persistence we use a combination of cookies and viewstate.
When you want to store information that can be accessed globally in your web application, a way of doing this is the ThreadStatic attribute. This turns a static member of a Class into a member that is shared by the current thread, but not other threads. The advantage of ThreadStatic is that you don't have to have a web context available. For instance, if you have a back end that does not reference System.Web, but want to share information there as well, you can set the user's id at the beginning of every request in the ThreadStatic property, and reference it in your dependency without the need of having access to the Session object.
Because it is static but only to a single thread, we ensure that other simultaneous visitors don't get our session. This works, as long as you ensure that the property is reset for every request. This makes it an ideal companion to cookies.
I think using Session object is OK in this case, but you should remember Session can expire if there is no browser activity for long time (HttpSessionState.Timeout property determines in how many minutes session-state provider terminates the session), so it's better to check for value existence before return:
public static Account GetCurrentAccount(HttpSessionState session)
if (Session[ACCOUNT]!=null)
return (Account)Session[ACCOUNT];
throw new Exception("Can't get current account. Session expired.");
hope this helps.
Short term information, that only needs to live until the next request, can also be stored in the ViewState. This means that objects are serialized and stored in the page sent to the browser, which is then posted back to the server on a click event or similar. Then the ViewState is decoded and turned into objects again, ready to be retrieved.
Sessions are not evil, they serve an important function in ASP.NET application, serving data that must be shared between multiple pages during a user's "session". There are some suggestions, I would say to use SQL Session management when ever possible, and make certain that the objects you are using in your session collection are "serializable". The best practices would be to use the session object when you absolutely need to share state information across pages, and don't use it when you don't need to. The information is not going to be available client side, A session key is kept either in a cookie, or through the query string, or using other methods depending on how it is configured, and then the session objects are available in the database table (unless you use InProc, in which case your sessions will have the chance of being blown away during a reload of the site, or will be rendered almost useless in most clustered environments).
I think the "evil" comes from over-using the session. If you just stick anything and everything in it (like using global variables for everything) you will end up having poor performance and just a mess.
Anything you put in the session object stays there for the duration of the session unless it is cleaned up. Poor management of memory stored using inproc and stateserver will force you to scale out earlier than necessary. Store only an ID for the session/user in the session and load what is needed into the cache object on demand using a helper class. That way you can fine tune it's lifetime according to how often that data us used. The next version of may have a distributed cache(rumor).
Session as evil: Not in ASP.NET, properly configured. Yes, it's ideal to be as stateless as possible, but the reality is that you can't get there from here. You can, however, make Session behave in ways that lessen its impact -- Notably StateServer or database sessions.
