Multiple Entity Framework models and the objectcontext -

I have a web application that uses Entity Framework. The application data layer uses a method outlined by Jordan Van Gogh found here. In a nutshell, this method uses one shared objectcontext instance per http request and is disposed of using a AspNetObjectContextDisposalModule that inherits IHttpModule.
I have added another project, a few additional tables, and setup a data layer that copies (exactly) the example I described above to my application. This additional project and subsequent different data model all work perfectly. I can perform different operations using the 2 data layers with seemingly no consequences. Of course the objectsets are different in the 2 data layers as they represent different tables.
My question is this:
Is this approach a good idea? I get most of what is going on behind the scenes but both of these models use System.Data.Objects.ObjectContext. If user A performs an operation using the first data layer while simultaneously user B performs an operation using the second data layer, are there going to be problems with the "shared" objectcontext?
Thanks. And be gentle.
Note: I am using different oc keys

You should be OK:
The object context is per http request so the context from different users will not interfere with each other
Each context updates different tables so they will not interfere with each other
One thing that you may have to watch out for is what happens it two users update the same data at the same time.


How to handle Complex Object in the ngrx?

I'm working on a project in which the main part of the data has a complex structure as you can see in the above picture.
Now, the object, in reality, is much complex than that but what I showed it servers the purpose.
Because in DB they are linked together in tables relationship the first time when the website is launched, after log in, a list of projects will come together with some small details of technology and dataObjects.
I created separated action and effects files but everything is handled by a single reducer. What I mean is at the start, the list of projects will be saved on a state, than any other actions like Create a project, technology, data object, edit, delete has to perform actions over the same state "projects-state".
For example besides technologyAPIS will be another 3-4 technologies, inside each technology object will be another list of objects.
The issue here is that the reducer file is getting bigger and bigger when it handles all kinds of actions that will perform actions over the specific data from the state. It is important that the chain of Objects stay together.
My question is, is this a bad approach? it can be handled in a different way? I know I can create a reducer for each entity (project, technology, data app) but I will lose that relationship between them, where one belongs to the other?
Thank you so much for your feature response
I've only been doing reactive/NGRX for a few months now, but from my understanding, thats defiantly a bad approach. It should still work, but may be a hassle to debug/maintain.
Ngrx seems to be promoting 'Normalising' data, just like the usual Relational Database concept.
You could break down your project-state into smaller states, with relational keys in them.
Projects state (not to be confused with project-state)
techAPIs:number[] //where the content here is the id of the TechApi
TechApi state
And then when you need to access the TechApi state for a project, you retrieve it and filter/map it in a selector.
This is a some what General Example if my explanation is not understandable.

Reason to integrate Spring Web-flow with Spring MVC

Why(In what scenarios) do we need to integrate Spring Webflow with Spring MVC? Both these frameworks are used to create web-app and I do not see any point why we would integrate them. I would appreciate if someone could clarify me about it.
This is really late but I don't see a satisfactory answer to this question and would like to share an approach I had tried in a recent project which I feel is better than the spring web flow approach which is strictly tied down to spring views and unnecessarily adds to the already existing xml load . I created a SPA(Single Page Application) using angular js with Spring MVC. In angular js I did not use routers or state, rather I created a div within the controller like below
On the server side to capture all possible transitions from one frame(I am referring to a particular screen in the SPA) to another I created a tree of rules using MVEL . So in the database I had a structure which stored a tree of rules for every frame . The data in the MVEL expressions were being set by the various services each action invoked. Thus on any action the following steps were followed.
1) Validate the action.
2) Invoke various services.
3) Capture the data from these services and merge it with the existing data of the user.
4) Feed this captured data into collection of rules for each frame along with the details of the current frame.
5) Run the rules of the tree w.r.t to current frame and fetch its output.
6) If there is only one transition then that is the final transition. If there are 2 transitions and one is default then ignore the default transition and use the other transition.
7) Return the template name of the transition to the angular controller and set the value of the page variable in the scope of the controller.
Using this approach all my services had to do was store data in different data fields w.r.t a particular action. All the complex if-else conditions for Web Flows or any complex process definitions(like the one defined in Spring-Web Flow) were not required. The MVEL rule engine managed all that and since it was all in the database it could be changed without needing a server re-start.
I believe this generic approach with MVEL is a flexible approach which comprehensively handles the problem of a convoluted flow without making the application code a mess or adding additional unnecessary xml files.
We combine both. Web Flow for the multi-step activities, where it doesn't make sense to jump into the middle of a process, and plain-MVC Controllers for the single-step activities. Things you might bookmark individually.
For example, an appointment-scheduling application, "find my appointment" might be a single Controller that accepts identifying information. "Make a new appointment" is a flow, with multiple steps of selecting a location, date, time, confirm the appointment, etc.
If your application have complex Flow pages, events which need to be defined as Finite state machine then use Webflow. It would be justified to use webflow for website where you buy Insurance, Flight Tickets. Web Flow conditions are like:
There is a clear start and an end point.
The user must go through a set of screens in a specific order.
The changes are not finalized until the last step.
Once complete it shouldn't be possible to repeat a transaction accidentally

How to provide DISTINCT functionality in WCF

I have WCF Data service on top of EF (old-fashioned edmx; not code-first) that has millions of rows of data. I am restricting result set to 500 rows. So far, so good!
I want to give the consumer the ability to "drill" into the data. Ideally, consumer code would run something like select distinct Province from my service, user would choose the state, and then code would run select distinct Zip where Province == p (my business domain is very different, but hopefully you get the picture!).
Obviously, I can't get everything and run distinct on the client side. How do I provide this ability in the service? I don't have EntitySet "Provinces" or "Zips" exposed in the service. Should I extend MyEntities class, and try to simulate those sets there? Or is there a simpler way to expose other collections, besides the ones that are automatically exposed from Entity Framework?
I hope the question makes sense...
UPDATE: I think I caused the confusion when I mentioned that I was using WCF service. I actually am using WCF Data Service trying to provide OData wrapper over Entity Framework 4.1. Hopefully, this clarifies the question...
Have you considered dropping your supposedly propietary interafce and going standards?
It is quit easy to expose ODATA from .NET and that allows the user to drill down. THen all you need are some transformations to expose elements like Province or Zip as in a sane data model and there you go ;)
The good thing about OData is that it allows you to easily pass LINQ to the backend and do projections (get me all proovinces from customers where customer name starts with "a") and doesn ot necessarily deal with compelte entities.

Should I use DTOs or domain objects in flex when connecting to blazeds/java/jpa using remote-services?

I am working on an Adobe Flex front-end with a Java back-end using JPA for persistence. The protocol I am using is remote objects (AMF) implemented with BlazeDS.
I started out with a service-facade and entity DAOs, but without any specific DTOs. The same POJOs, the domain objects, were passed in the service-facade as those used as DTOs passed to the Hibernate DAOs.
However, the latest few days I have been thinking whether this is a good approach or not. The latest article on the subject I read was this one:
Interesting JPA Pattern blog
The situation:
Say I have POJO Book with a unidirection ManyToOne relation with the POJO Category (i.e. each book may only be associated with one category, but the same category may be associated with many books). I see some alternatives:
Alternative 1:
I expose a method/operation addUpdateBook(Book book). In the implementation of this operation I add/update both the book and the referenced category. I mean, if the client submits a book having a category that doesn't exist from before, this would mean that the client implicitly may edit categories using the addUpdateBook operation.
the client is working directly with the domain model!
the entire category information will be sent when a new book is added
even though a reference to the category would be sufficient
Alternative 2:
I expose a method/operation addUpdateBook(Book book,Long categoryId). In the implementation I retrieve the category for the given categoryId and replace the category given in the book POJO and then I persist the book. In other words, I ignore any category in the book object, I just look at the categoryId. This means that the client would need to use another operation in order to modify the category.
pro: the client can still work more or less on the domain model, but ...
con: ... it is confusing for the client that the category of the book
object will be ignored
con: the entire category information of the book will be sent, even
if the server never will read it
pro: it may be more clear when a separate operation should be used
for category modifications
con: I need to retrieve the category before persisting the book. I
guess this means some overhead.
Alternative 3:
I expose a method/operation addUpdateBook(BookDTO bookDto). The POJO BookDTO looks as the POJO Book, but instead of a field Category category it has a field Long categoryId. In the implementation I retrieve the Category for the given categoryId before I persist the Book.
pro: not confusing for the client
con(?): what should the method getBook(Long bookId) return? should it
return only the BookDTO? Then it would be required to invoke also the
operation getCategory(Long categoryId) in order to have "the entire
book information". Then the client would need to set together the
different parts to a local domain representation of the book.
Compared to alternative 1 this would be more complex on the client
con: I need to retrieve the category before persisting the book. I
guess this means some overhead.
con: being forced to use the DTOs in the client makes it deal with physical details thereby and makes it somewhat distant from the actual domain model. It seems like I am missing the point with having an domain model and using JPA in the business layer.
I guess (!) alternative 3 is the way you would design the operations in a SOA context. However, for me, it is not that important to be loosely-coupled between the client and server. My focus is not to provide multiple client-platform support.
Which alternative would you propose? Are there other better alternatives? Do you know any nice resources, such as code examples, which could help me?
I'm using something related to "Alternative 3". In the beginning I've started to use domain objects (probably also because of my experience with dataservices), after a while I found too many problems and I've switched to DTO's. All the publing services are exposing only DTO's (both for input/output parameters).
Some of the problems that I've met during working directly with the domain objects and BlazeDS:
a)you need to break the domain objects encapsulation (like exposing properties, or exposing private constructors) in order to use them for data transfer. Otherwise you will have to write your own serialization/deserialization.
b)you need to use tricks in order to allow data conversion between client/server. For example, using strings instead of dates in order to prevent timezone difference. Or using strings instead of int/double. You can solve some of these issues by writing custom proxies, but I still think that it's easier to use strings instead of other data types.
c)most of the time you don't need all the data from the domain objects, and in order to deal with that you need to use various frameworks with support for data pagination/lazy instantiation on the client. This frameworks are introducing complexity, and I try to stay away from that.
The main disadvantage of using DTO is the amount of boiler code in order to do the conversion between the domain objects-DTOs...but I still prefer using them.

How can I utilize multiple databases in an entity framework solution simultaneously?

I have two unrelated databases and I need to pass data back and forth between them. Right now I have created two separate entity models - one for each database - but this is causing issues in my code b/c I have to do a Using nameofcontext / End Using and when I try to then use some of the results from the first section of the code in a second Using nameofcontext / End Using it doesn't like it - b/c I've closed the connection to the first database!
Since this is a website, you could create one instance of each context in Global.asax's BeginRequest event, and dispose of that instance in EndRequest. Doing that means during the rest of the event lifecycle, you have contexts that will remain open and can do what you need, but you still know they're being properly disposed.
That's how I've gotten around issues like this.
Note: Don't store the context in a global shared variable because that will share it between multiple requests and havok will ensure. HttpContext.Current.Items lets you store something that is easy to retrieve in your code but is specific to the current request, so that's a safe place to store them.
