Is there a way to right-justify text within cells of a restructured text table? - restructuredtext

When I put numbers in tables I generally want them to be right justified and in a fixed width font. Otherwise the numbers become hard to compare.
Is there a way to right justify fields within a table?
Eg how do I get this to render with the numbers all right justified?
.. csv-table::
:header: x, x*x

The best solution I have found so far is to use sphinx:
This supports the tabularcolumns directive, this does the right thing with latex output.
.. tabularcolumns:: |r|r|
.. csv-table::
:header: x, x*x

I was able to solve a similar problem. In my case, I was using a grid table.
I noticed that I could provide HTML to be used when a restructuredText "line block" was used.
I put the following in my restructuredText source file:
.. raw:: html
<style> .line {text-align:right;} </style>
Then, in my table cells, I used the "|" character at the start (extreme left edge) of each cell that I wanted to be right-justified.
This hack does "take over" the formatting of the line block construct. That may or may not be acceptable in a given context.


How to increase row height in vaadin grid accordingly to data in the cell

I am consuming data from the list and some list may contain multiple line data, so how that can be reflected in the vaadin grid at runtime.
This is the code
public Grid GridBasic() {
grid.addColumn(TopicConsumedDetails::getPartitionNumber).setHeader("PARTITION ");
grid.getColumns().forEach( col -> col.setAutoWidth(true));
return grid;
This just displays all the data in a single line and it requires scrolling left to right.
Vaadin Version :23.3.1
Use the built-in "wrap cell content" variant:
As per the previous answer, I think that using this is the correct approach:
However, you are overriding this setting by calling
grid.getColumns().forEach( col -> col.setAutoWidth(true));
According to the documentation, this automatically sets the column width based on the contents, leading to the right scroll problem.
If you remove this call, you should get the proper wrapping behavior. I was able to reproduce the problem and then see a result like this once I removed the auto width setting:
Alternatively, if you have sensible line breaks in the content you want to wrap, you can do that--but it won't happen automatically, as mentioned by #Rolf in a comment above. That is because the line breaks in the text are basically just whitespace and aren't respected as such by the HTML. So in order to do that, one option is to add an "Html" component column. You can then replace your text's line breaks with <br/> tags, which you could do with a regular expression. It would look like this:
String myColumnText = colText.replaceAll(....); //Some regex to match on your particular line breaks
grid.addComponentColumn(item -> new Html("<p>" + myColumnText +"</p>");
The <p> tags (or some wrapper tags) are required as the Html component requires a wrapper tag.
Note that (1) using this approach means that you won't get the automatic wrapping behavior any more so the line breaks in your source need to be sensible and (2) you have to be certain you trust the incoming content or it is otherwise sanitized, as this kind of rendering-text-as-html opens up some security holes with untrusted content.

How to preserve white space at the start of a line in .Rd documentation?

I need to indent some math stuff in the \details section of my .Rd documentation to enhance its readability. I am using mathjaxr. Is there any way to indent without installing roxygen2 or similar?
The math stuff is inline, so simply setting to display using \mjdeqn won't solve this.
I seem to have a reasonable "cheating" work around for indenting the first line using mathjaxr, at least for the PDF and HTML output.
We need to do two things:
Use the mathjax/LaTeX phantom command. phantom works by making a box of the size necessary to type-set whatever its argument is, but without actually type-setting anything in the box. For my purposes, if I want to indent, say, about 2 characters wide, I would start the line with a \mjeqn{\phantom{22}}{ } and following with my actual text, possibly including actual mathy bits. If I want an indent of, say, roughly 4 characters wide, I might use \mjeqn{\phantom{2222}}{ }.
Because mathjaxr has a problem with tacking on unsolicited new lines when starting a line with mjeqn, we need to prefix the use of phantom in 1 above with an empty bit of something non-mathjaxr-ish like \emph{}.
Putting it all together, I can indent by about 2 characters using something like this:
\emph{}\mjeqn{\phantom{22}}Here beginneth mine indented lineā€¦
I need to explore whether the { } business actually indents for ASCII output, or whether I might accomplish that using or some such.

paste0 regular and italicized text in R

I need to concatenate two strings within an R object: one is just regular text; the other is italicized. So, I tried a lot of combinations, e.g.
paste0(" This is Regular", italic( This is Italics))
The desired result should be:
This is Regular This is Italics
Any ideia on how to do it?
In plot labels, you can use expressions, see mathematical annotation :
plot(1,xlab=expression("This is regular"~italic("this is italic")))
To provide an string for which an HTML parser will recognise the need to render the text in Italics, wrap the text in <i> and </i>. For example: "This is plain text, but <i>this is in Italics</i>.".
However, most HTML processors will assume that you want your text to appear as-is and will escape their input by default. This means that the special meanings of certain characters - including < and > will be "turned off". You need to tell the processor not to do this. How you do that will depend on context. I can't tell you that because you haven't given me context.
Are you for example, writing to a raw HTML file? (You need do nothing.) Are you writing to a Markdown file? If so, how? In plain text or in a rendered chunk? Are you writing a caption to a graphic? (Waldi has suggested a solution.) Etc, etc....

Create new emphasis command R Markdown

In R Markdown, to make a text bold, we just need to do:
The the word code shows in bold.
I was wondering if there is a way to create a new command, let's say:
That would make the text highlighted?
It is not easily possible to create new markup, but one can change the way existing markup commands are rendered. Text enclosed by three stars is interpreted as emphasized strong emphasis. So one has to change that interpretation and change it to something else. One way to do so is via pandoc Lua filters. We just have to match on pandoc's internal representation of emphasized strong text and convert it to whatever we want:
function Strong (strong)
-- if this contains only one element, and if that element
-- is emphasized text, convert it to highlighted text.
local element = #strong.content == 1 and strong.content[1]
if element and element.t == 'Emph' then
table.insert(element.content, 1, pandoc.RawInline('html', '<mark>'))
table.insert(element.content, pandoc.RawInline('html', '</mark>'))
return element.content
The above works for HTML output. One would have to define what "highlighted text" means for each targeted format.
See this and this question for other approaches to the problem, and for details of how to use the filter with R Markdown.

Multiple lines of text in single cell of simple table?

I found this question, but I don't want explicit <br>s in my cell; I just want it to line-wrap where necessary.
================ ============
a short sentence second cell
a much longer bottom right
================ ============
I want "a much longer sentence" to all fit in one cell. I'd need to use very long lines of text unless I can find a way to wrap it. Is this possible?
I'm using NoTex w/ PDF output if relevant.
There is a clean way. The issue is by default the columns are set to no-wrap, so that's why you get the scroll. To fix that you have to override the css with the following:
/* override table no-wrap */
.wy-table-responsive table td, .wy-table-responsive table th {
white-space: normal;
The simple table style does not support wrapping blocks. Use the grid style instead, like this:
| a short sentence | second cell |
| a much longer | bottom right |
| sentence | |
These tables are more tedious to work with, but they're more flexible. See the full documentation for details.
A workaround for this problem is to use a replace directive:
================ ============
a short sentence second cell
|long_sentence| bottom right
================ ============
.. |long_sentence| replace:: a much longer sentence
The example ddbeck presented may work because the sentence is to short. In the case of the lenght of the sentence dont fit in the screen, the sentence will not continue in a new line. Instead, the table will create a horizontal scrollbar. There is no clean way for solving this problem. You can implicit use pipe to implicitly change line like you saw here.
If you want alternatives to write your tables in restructuredtext, more pratical ways, you can check it in Sphinx/Rest Memo.
I wrote a python utility to format fixed-width plaintext table with multiline cells: Hope it helps.
