2 servers, same website on both: IE shows two slightly different version - asp.net

I'm getting a weird issue involving IIS and IE, and I'll try to describe it clearly.
I have a regular html-css-js/jquery website that I've developed locally. Now that it's ready, I'm trying to deploy it on a server.
Once it's hosted on the server, I see two problems in IE only:
The rendering is slightly different: there's a few pixels of additional white space all around my website (so the contents is actually more 'compressed' than when viewed locally).
Some JS issues: I'm using the Impromptu jQuery popup plug-in, and the callback I specify in its 'loaded' event pre-populates its forms fields. In FF it works, but in IE the fields don't get populated until I close the popup and open it again. This worked locally on all browsers.
As weird as it sounds, the text in my jQuery popup dialog does not seem to have the 'ClearType' technology applied. The text is like '1 pixel thin' and not anti-aliased like everywhere else.
I have uploaded my website to another server and it runs perfectly fine. The issue is that I need to put it on the first server and I don't know what's wrong. Both servers are on Win 2k3 with IIS 6, .NET 3.5.
Any pointers as to what is going wrong? Thanks a lot.

Make sure that the "security zone" in the Internet Explorer status bar is the same when viewing the site between the 2 servers.

Use the IE developer toolbar to debug your css. Could also be a caching issue if it looks like an older version.


404 error - File or directory not found. This is happening with certain pages when using Chrome Web Browser

I've been hired into a company that uses ASP.NET for all of their external and internal sites. I'm not too familiar with ASP.NET.
I'm currently working on a external site that runs perfectly in Internet Explorer.
When using the site on chrome, I have certain pages that give me the 404 - File or directory not found.
What can I do to help prevent this error code from showing up when using this site the chrome?
From your description, I understand that your site is a legacy site that is compatible with the IE browser but it is not working properly with modern browsers.
The 404 error information generally informs us that something is not found but if the site works fine in the IE browser then it could be possible that the issue is something else. In that case, this is too little information to predict the cause of the issue.
You may need to provide detailed information about which exact piece of code has the issue. Which version of the Asp.Net project and which kind of project(Web application, web API, etc.) it is. You may need to modify your code or project to make it work with modern browsers including Google Chrome.
At present, if you don't want to make any changes in your code then you could try to use the IE mode in the MS Edge browser to load your legacy site.
You could configure the IE mode manually or using the group policy.
To quickly check it, Launch the Edge browser. Paste edge://settings/defaultBrowser in the address bar and press the Enter key. Add your page to the Internet Explorer mode pages. Visit your site, it should load properly in the IE mode in the Edge browser.

My ASP.NET website is not displayed correctly in Internet Explorer 10 after server deployment

I've created a website using ASP.NET (C#) Framework 4.0
When running on my local IIS (in debug/release - before and after deployed) - the website is displayed correctly - as intended (checked on Internet Explorer 9, 10, Chrome and FireFox)
After I've deployed the website to my server (Windows Server 2008 DataCenter - Amazon hosting) - and only in IE 10 - the website is NOT displayed correctly - spacing is sometimes wrong, background colors sometimes disappeared, links not working properly, padding/margin is missing in some of the places and more... - it seems like the styles/CSS are partial... On other browsers (Chrome/FireFox/IE9) - it is displayed correctly (as intended)
I've tried to add the compatibility meta tags to IE=9 - didn't work (by the way, in IE10 - if I open the F12 tool - and change the Browser Mode to IE9 - it works!, but if I just change the Document Mode - it doesn't seem to help)
Why is Internet Explorer 10 evil??? Has anyone encountered this issue? any suggestions?
Thanks a lot! :)
As you write you are using F12 tools. My experience is that with Developer Tools running IE10 often does not apply all CSS rules (especially in at the end of external files). Refreshing the page or closing F12 tools usualy solves the problem. Also if you know which style is not applied it helps to disable and enable it again.
i have passe through a similar situation and some things just don't stay they way i want in every browser, so perhaps the better way out is to create CSS hacks tos specific spacing or styling issues you may have encoutered.
After a lot of searching and frustration, I've found the solution to my problem (here: http://www.nuget.org/packages/App_BrowsersUpdate)
Apparently the website should be updated to allow IE10 compatibility...
In your solution - install the ASP.NET Browser Capabilities Update using the following command in the "Package Manager Console" (can be started from "Tools"->"Library Package Manager" in your VS):
Install-Package App_BrowsersUpdate
(this will add ".browser" files to your website and few lines in your "web.config" file)
Rebuild and re-deploy your website and that's it! now my deployed website looks as intended on IE10!
(I still don't understand why it worked correctly on my localhost and not on the web server but at least the problem is solved)

Strange display behavior with IE8 on localhost vs dev server

Just started a site, using standard html/css - nothing fancy. Just divs to create a framed look. The server code is asp.net (4.0).
When I debug the program locally out of visual studio 2012, the page looks exactly as I designed it in all of my browsers (ie8/ff/chrome). When I publish it to my dev server and open it in IE8, the layout is messed up (i.e, my login box is now at bottom of page instead of center). However, if I open that same page on the dev server with firefox or chrome, it looks correct.
I've tried deleting all the files and republishing. I've viewed the source behind both the working (localhost) and broken (dev server) and it is identical.
Any ideas or additional troubleshooting steps I can try?
Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/tNiIFCz.png (side by side of dev vs localhost)
Masterpage: http://pastebin.com/c94Pinih
Css: http://pastebin.com/Txtac3kw
Login page: (the page that is messed up in IE8): http://pastebin.com/BN5bBamP
You could try:
make sure all of your resources are being loaded correctly (IE8 can do this, but other tools are available)
validating HTML/CSS
checking your render modes locally vs in production. If this is the issue, you can probably use the X-UA-Compatible meta tag to force a specific version of the IE render engine.
checking for any page/script errors
checking that the source in production matches the source when viewed locally
checking differences between IIS
Also by "standard html/css", I assume this is HTML4/CSS2? Do you have a link to check out?
Removed the top level div and it worked. Still not sure why it worked in ie8 on the local box, but not the dev box.

Identical files from different servers. Why might IE 8 display them differently?

I'm working on a site that will go on my company's intranet. I developed it locally on my computer, checking it in different browsers and on colleague's computers, and when it was done I handed it off to IT. They put identical copies on a staging server, and on the production server. This is a site built only with html, javascript, and css. No server side scripting. It also uses a DWF viewer plugin from Autodesk. It is a single standalone page (not part of a CMS) that allows users to load drawings into the viewer and then click to see info from a database of space info saved in a series of js arrays (the space DB software spits out a js file with all the info listed in array literals, creating a crap ton of global variables - ugh, but I digress).
When I followed their links (using IE 8) the version on the staging server looked as expected, but the layout is hosed on the version from the production server. Specifically, it seems like a div that is supposed to flow to the right of a div that is float: left is displaying below the floated div at full width, as though it was clear: left (which it is not). It also has the wrong height.
I downloaded the files from each and they are identical to my local version. Frustrated, I cleared my browser's cache, restarted my computer, checked it on a colleague's computer who also has IE 8. All the same issue. Staging server good. Production server bad.
Finally I uninstalled IE 8 and looked at it in IE 6. Both versions looked fine.
So, to recap. Two different servers. No server side scripting. Identical files. One browser agrees they are identical, the other does not. What could cause this?
Have you checked that IE8 isn't rendering it in compatibility view (IE7 rendering)? By default IE8 renders things in the "Intranet Zone" in compatibility view with everything else in normal mode.
You can change the mode with the little broken page button to the right of the URL bar.
Apart from the compatibility setting, other things that could differ from computer to computer for an identical page:
Font size. Windows allows system-wide font resizing, impacting layouts. It could account for the second div falling underneath the first one.
Resolution. Could it be a resolution issue? Could also account for the div problem.

IE backbutton works just once (as if browser history has just one entry)

I'm trying to fix a browser history issue. A customer of ours has a ASP.Net intranet page running for a while now. A colleague made it. Recently they asked to fix the "Back button" we made on their page (the application).
It looks at the sitemap and when clicked loads the parent page. However, in some situations I have to use "javascript:history.go(-1)". All worked fine on our test systems but when we deployed it on their test server it started to malfunctioned. We noticed that their production environment has the same problem.
Apparently all their machines (running IE) can only go back one page in the browser history. This is not intentional. We had one of their IT staff trying some other browsers and OS's. Apparently the problem (so far) only occurs when using IE. All other browsers they tested were fine. On my development system this problem doesn't occur. Also when I let someone else look at the site the problem doesn't occur either.
I have checked what their browser history length is set to and its 20 days. I tried searching here on stackoverflow but the only relevant answers concerning browser history didn't help.
How to clear browsers (IE, Firefox, Opera, Chrome) history using JavaScript or Java except from browser itself?
Also pushing the back button (the one in IE), it only works for just one page back. There is no way we can navigate more than one page back.
How can I fix this?
Server: W2k3 R2 SP2
Clients: XP I guess / IE 8 mostly
This looks very much like a local configuration problem within your customer site and therefore unlikely to be seen elsewhere, as you've proved yourself. What you need to discover is how this could be restricted and SO isn't the place for that. You might want to try posting on SuperUser for further assistance.
