Identical files from different servers. Why might IE 8 display them differently? - css

I'm working on a site that will go on my company's intranet. I developed it locally on my computer, checking it in different browsers and on colleague's computers, and when it was done I handed it off to IT. They put identical copies on a staging server, and on the production server. This is a site built only with html, javascript, and css. No server side scripting. It also uses a DWF viewer plugin from Autodesk. It is a single standalone page (not part of a CMS) that allows users to load drawings into the viewer and then click to see info from a database of space info saved in a series of js arrays (the space DB software spits out a js file with all the info listed in array literals, creating a crap ton of global variables - ugh, but I digress).
When I followed their links (using IE 8) the version on the staging server looked as expected, but the layout is hosed on the version from the production server. Specifically, it seems like a div that is supposed to flow to the right of a div that is float: left is displaying below the floated div at full width, as though it was clear: left (which it is not). It also has the wrong height.
I downloaded the files from each and they are identical to my local version. Frustrated, I cleared my browser's cache, restarted my computer, checked it on a colleague's computer who also has IE 8. All the same issue. Staging server good. Production server bad.
Finally I uninstalled IE 8 and looked at it in IE 6. Both versions looked fine.
So, to recap. Two different servers. No server side scripting. Identical files. One browser agrees they are identical, the other does not. What could cause this?

Have you checked that IE8 isn't rendering it in compatibility view (IE7 rendering)? By default IE8 renders things in the "Intranet Zone" in compatibility view with everything else in normal mode.
You can change the mode with the little broken page button to the right of the URL bar.

Apart from the compatibility setting, other things that could differ from computer to computer for an identical page:
Font size. Windows allows system-wide font resizing, impacting layouts. It could account for the second div falling underneath the first one.
Resolution. Could it be a resolution issue? Could also account for the div problem.


Content larger on server than localhost

Everything seems to be displaying larger online (heroku) than running on localhost. Text, buttons, images, everything. I am using chrome to access both versions. Any reason this may be?

Strange display behavior with IE8 on localhost vs dev server

Just started a site, using standard html/css - nothing fancy. Just divs to create a framed look. The server code is (4.0).
When I debug the program locally out of visual studio 2012, the page looks exactly as I designed it in all of my browsers (ie8/ff/chrome). When I publish it to my dev server and open it in IE8, the layout is messed up (i.e, my login box is now at bottom of page instead of center). However, if I open that same page on the dev server with firefox or chrome, it looks correct.
I've tried deleting all the files and republishing. I've viewed the source behind both the working (localhost) and broken (dev server) and it is identical.
Any ideas or additional troubleshooting steps I can try?
Screenshot: (side by side of dev vs localhost)
Login page: (the page that is messed up in IE8):
You could try:
make sure all of your resources are being loaded correctly (IE8 can do this, but other tools are available)
validating HTML/CSS
checking your render modes locally vs in production. If this is the issue, you can probably use the X-UA-Compatible meta tag to force a specific version of the IE render engine.
checking for any page/script errors
checking that the source in production matches the source when viewed locally
checking differences between IIS
Also by "standard html/css", I assume this is HTML4/CSS2? Do you have a link to check out?
Removed the top level div and it worked. Still not sure why it worked in ie8 on the local box, but not the dev box.

Javascript not downloading fully

Ok, this might be more of a networking question than programming but I'm not really sure what is going on here:
I'm having intermittent problems with my site where I am only partially downloading javascript documents. By intermittent, I mean that on the same browser (Safari in this case) I can view that javascript file in my browser and refresh the page and still only see the file partially downloaded, but another browser (Chrome) I see the file correctly downloaded. Clearing the browser cache has no effect either.
The odd thing is that it appears to be location specific, as when I check the site from home, still using Safari, I have zero issues. The problem also seems to be machine independent, as I also occasionally get the same javascript errors on my iPad (when at work on the same network).
I'm 100% sure it isn't a syntax error or anything with the javascript, as the file that fails most often is a minified copy of jQuery (downloaded from their site, though hosted on my site's server)
I have tried turning off mod_deflate on the idea that it might be compression that was causing the issue, but this had no effect.
I have spoken to the network admins at both my end, and the hosting server end and they claim that it isn't anything wrong with their network, though they are possibly just deflecting a complex issue.
Any ideas on how I can narrow down the issue?

2 servers, same website on both: IE shows two slightly different version

I'm getting a weird issue involving IIS and IE, and I'll try to describe it clearly.
I have a regular html-css-js/jquery website that I've developed locally. Now that it's ready, I'm trying to deploy it on a server.
Once it's hosted on the server, I see two problems in IE only:
The rendering is slightly different: there's a few pixels of additional white space all around my website (so the contents is actually more 'compressed' than when viewed locally).
Some JS issues: I'm using the Impromptu jQuery popup plug-in, and the callback I specify in its 'loaded' event pre-populates its forms fields. In FF it works, but in IE the fields don't get populated until I close the popup and open it again. This worked locally on all browsers.
As weird as it sounds, the text in my jQuery popup dialog does not seem to have the 'ClearType' technology applied. The text is like '1 pixel thin' and not anti-aliased like everywhere else.
I have uploaded my website to another server and it runs perfectly fine. The issue is that I need to put it on the first server and I don't know what's wrong. Both servers are on Win 2k3 with IIS 6, .NET 3.5.
Any pointers as to what is going wrong? Thanks a lot.
Make sure that the "security zone" in the Internet Explorer status bar is the same when viewing the site between the 2 servers.
Use the IE developer toolbar to debug your css. Could also be a caching issue if it looks like an older version.

ASP.Net MVC - Images taking a long time to load

I have tested my pages in Firefox & IE and looking at Firebug in Firefox for some reason some images are taking a long time to load. They are not very big in comparison to the ones which are loading quicker.
Attached is a screenshot of Firebug.
I especially notice it in IE with the progress bar at the bottom of the page, it just sits there saying loading image...
Could it be the path or something which is http://localhost:49211/Content/_layout/images/bg-footer.png for example
I guess you are running the site in VS (using Cassini) this is really slow, I had the same issue. I used Chrome, as it shows when the browser makes a requests to the images and file, which showed a large delay on Cassini delivering them.
if this is a case, try putting you site on the local IIS (if you have an instance). the site should run a lot faster.
It may be related to the number of available connections. It is just sitting there since it is waiting for a connection.
With older browsers there was a limit of 2 connections from the browser to a site.
