How to render a report using the ReportService2010 namespace -

I'm working on a project where we will be interacting with the ReportService2010 reporting web service under SQL Server 2008 R2. In the past, I've worked with the ReportService2005.asmx, and my problem here is, I can't find any reasonable examples on how to render a report with this new (2010) reporting web service.
When using the 2005 web service, there was a "Render" method that was provided when creating your proxy with the wsdl.exe utility. Is there an equivalent method (or set of methods), to accomplish the same thing using the ReportService2010 service? Or are there any decent examples of an end-to-end intialization and calling of the new proxy?
Even MSDN doesn't have much information, and in certain parts of the ReportService2010 API docs, there are old snippets of code that were only applicable to the 2005 web service.
UPDATE: A better question might be how have things changed between SSRS 2008 and SSRS 2008 R2 with regard to calling the report service(s) programmatically...I can see that even under SSRS 2008 R2, there still exists a ReportService2005.asmx, as well as a ReportExecution2005.asmx, but there is not a corresponding ReportExecution2010.asmx.
After talking to someone at my company, I was informed of the following:
The 2006 web service was introduced to support sharepoint integration in 2008.
The ReportService2010 web service was introduced to merge all the functionality introduced by 2006 with the 2005 web service.
ReportService2005 web service will continue to be used for report execution. I don't know why, but something tells me it has to do with business decisions for backwards compatibility. My coworker said we are intended to continue to use ReportExecution2005 for rendering, and ReportService2010 for all other functionality (querying the SSRS server for reports, params, etc).
Unfortunately all the above information was culled from a variety of links, none of which concisely stated all of the above. It's the kind of thing that you would normally assume a vendor to explain to client developers.

SQL Report Server provides 3 different endpoints.
ReportService2010: Provides the APIs for managing a report server that is configured for either native or SharePoint integrated mode.
ReportExecution2005: Provides the APIs for running and navigating reports.
ReportServiceAuthentication: Provides the APIs for authenticating users against a report server when the SharePoint Web application is configured for Forms Authentication.
Thus, in order to render the report you must use this one ReportExecution2005.
Here it says what I have pasted above:
Here you can find an example (it has some errors though) to get started
Good luck!!


I have to Create mvc application to fetch outlook emails attachments

I don't have any idea how to connect mvc application with outlook so if some know
How to Connect MVC .net project with Outlook Mail.
Microsoft does not currently recommend, and does not support, Automation of Microsoft Office applications from any unattended, non-interactive client application or component (including ASP, ASP.NET, DCOM, and NT Services), because Office may exhibit unstable behavior and/or deadlock when Office is run in this environment.
If you are building a solution that runs in a server-side context, you should try to use components that have been made safe for unattended execution. Or, you should try to find alternatives that allow at least part of the code to run client-side. If you use an Office application from a server-side solution, the application will lack many of the necessary capabilities to run successfully. Additionally, you will be taking risks with the stability of your overall solution. Read more about that in the Considerations for server-side Automation of Office article.
If you deal with Exchange accounts you may consider using EWS or Graph API. See Explore the EWS Managed API, EWS, and web services in Exchange for more information about EWS.

SQL Server and iPad app interaction

I have to write an app for iPad that would take data from SQL Server and post it to the iPad. I looked up on this over the Internet and found that i have to write a web service to expose the data from SQL server using ASP.NET. I did an app previously in android that would take data from my dropbox a/c and display it to the user. I made use of the drop-box api available. I was wondering if anything like that exists for SQL? Also, i have to code in Obj-C for the iPad, so how will
i write ASP.NET code? I have more doubts.
Thanks in advance.
There are many options for web services. If you are developing in ASP.NET and don't want to invest to much time in just accessing the data I would suggest some software that will help you generate the source code.
WSSF (Web Service Software Factory) is software that will assist you in creating a SOAP web service and it generates source code for you. I do recommend however working through a tutorial first before just jumping into using this. WSSF uses visual studio as well.
Once you have a web service that packages your SQL data for communication through http requests. You will need to parse the data communicated in Objective-C. For this you'll find SudzC to be very helpful.
SudzC generates all the source code for accessing your web service in Objective-C, given the WSDL.xml file of your web service (a file that lays out the design of your web service).
Although these software will save you a lot of coding, I wish I could tell you that this will be a short and easy process. However this is vary rarely the case, developing this will take you a couple of days.
I do know that people often use RESTful web services when dealing with the iOS enviroment, although I do not have the same kind of experience with them as I do SOAP web services. I hope that this information is helpful to you.
I've done this. The best way is to use .NET 3.5 or higher to create a WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) project. These projects will let you communicate with your mobile application using REST or SOAP. They also let you send data in XML or JSON format. You will then need to create a REST or SOAP client in your IPad application to communicate with the server.
Use OData. See Creating an OData API for StackOverflow including XML and JSON in 30 minutes for how to publish your SQL Server data as an OData service. See Consuming OData using Objective-C for how to consume the OData service from your iPhone app.

Suitable platform for developing browser based database application (reporting) with SQL Server?

I need to develop a dynamic web page retrieve data from a stored procedure on a SQL Server.
Considering the licensing issue, development resources, security and maintainability, can someone suggest a suitable platform for this project?
I have a Ubuntu server running Drupal and also a Windows Server 2003 running SQL Server 2000 and IIS for FTP server only.
Is ASP.NET and Reporting Service the natural choice? What are my other options? Ruby On Rails? Since the SQL Server on the server is mission critical and I don't feel very comfortable asking anymore from it.
SSRS is very good for the price; though in SQL 2000 its a bit limited - especially for charting. If you have a small budget you could write nice looking reports using stored procedures and something like telerik reporting if you want to do a bit more of the work on the web server. There is a trial version you could use for a quick prototype to see how it fits in; but it works very nicely with development and is nicely integrated with Visual Studio.

Publishing Access database reports to the web

Client has a bunch of Access databases and associated reports.
He wants to make the reports available (live, not snapshots) via a secure extranet.
He's willing to recreate the reports using a proprietary GUI if necessary, but ideally would like a solution that exports his reports "as is" to the web.
Had a look at Caspio Bridge. It's pretty slick but doesn't appear to offer grouping and summing (key requirement) without a nasty Javascript hack - seems like a rather glaring omission to me!
Any suggestions?
I'm an ASP.NET developer so if there's coding involved, an ASP.NET based solution would be preferred.
You can try Access Reporter.
You might like to consider Access 2010, point 3 of the linked document says:
Access your application, data, or
forms from virtually anywhere.
Extend your database to the Web so
that users without an Access client
can open Web forms and reports via a
browser and changes are automatically
synchronized.1 Or work on your Web
database offline, make your design and
data changes, and then sync them to
Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 when
you’re reconnected. With Access 2010
and SharePoint Server 2010, your data
can be protected centrally to meet
data compliance, backup, and audit
requirements, providing you with
increased accessibility and
SQL Server Express edition is free. It includes Reporting Services
You can connect to the MS Access database (or any other database that you have OLEDB or ODBC connectivity for)
For your existing reports, here is a link on how to migrate just the reports to SQL Server (leave data in MS Access)
Actually, the suggestion being given here is to move your back and data up to SQL server , but keep your front end application part as is in Access.
So the suggestion isn’t to move your application to SQL server. The suggestion here is to move only the data part of your application to SQL server but continue to use the desktop access application.
So, you link your tables to sql server, and continue to use the access application.
What this means that is you can use SQL server reporting services, or some other web based interface that pulls the data from SQL server. So your access application will be directly updating the data on that SQL server.
This setup works well since you not tying to shuttle data between two separate systems. I know a number of companies that successfully migrated their backend data to SQL server for this very purpose of allowing the Executives and the company Managers to view reports on a web based system.
However, they did not have to throw out or lose the investment and time they spent building the access application part.

Web Reporting Solution without Reporting Services?

I'm working on a solution to create reports in a web application but don't have the budget or personnel to manage a SQL Server Reporting Services install. What alternatives do I have, given these constraints?
I'm using ASP.NET 3.5 on SQL Server 2005.
You could use SSRS but in local mode not server mode. From my understanding you don't need SSRS when reports are rendered with this method. You will also be required to write more code to support the reports.
Other options then include looking at other reporting packages out there. Crystal Reports is one possibility but if you can't manage SSRS, I'm guessing CR would not be a possibility.
Anyways here's some links for SSRS in local mode:
Perhaps you can use Jasper:
I believe there is a jTDS driver to connect to sql server.
I have no clue if this will work or is supported, just an idea.
HTML is a reporting layer. Do you need another one?
