read more problem -

I did read more function but it's not working correctly. I mean I can split my test post and I can cut my string with substring function. And I did this using < !--kamore--> keyword.
But after I cut this with substring and do innerhtml and if there is some html tag before the index the css is going crazy. (< p>< !--kamore-->) I can't solve this. If I'm using regex it just make all of them like text and there is no html tags in my post and it's not good. I mean if there is some links or table in my post they will not showing. They are just text.
Here is my little code.
#region ReadMore
string strContent = drvRow["cont"].ToString();
//strContent = Server.HtmlDecode(strContent);
//strContent = Regex.Replace(strContent, #"</?\w+((\s+\w+(\s*=\s*(?:"".*?""|'.*?'|[^'"">\s]+))?)+\s*|\s*)/?>", string.Empty);
// More extension by kad1r
int kaMoreIndex;
kaMoreIndex = strContent.IndexOf("<!--kamore-->");
if (kaMoreIndex > 0)
if (strContent.Length >= kaMoreIndex)
aReadMore.Visible = true;
article.InnerHtml = strContent.Substring(0, kaMoreIndex);
// if this ends like this there is a problem
// < p>< !--kamore--> or < div>< !--kamore-->
// because there is no end of this tag!
article.InnerHtml = strContent;
article.InnerHtml = strContent;

I fix it. I found this code and after finding I added to my string. Now everything works fine.


How does TextRenderInfo work in iTextSharp?

I have got some codes from online and they are providing me the font sizes. I did not understand how the TextRenderInfo is reading text. I tried with renderInfo.GetText()) which is giving random number of characters, sometimes 3 characters, sometimes 2 characters or more or less. I need to know how the renderInfo is reading data ?
My intention is to separate every lines and paragraphs from pdf and also read their properties individually such as font size, font style etc. If you have any suggestion, please mention them.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using iTextSharp.text.pdf.parser;
using iTextSharp.text.pdf;
namespace FontSizeDig1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// reader ==>
PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(System.IO.Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop), "document.pdf"));
TextWithFontExtractionStategy S = new TextWithFontExtractionStategy();//strategy==>
// for (int i = 1; i <= reader.NumberOfPages; i++)
// {
string F = iTextSharp.text.pdf.parser.PdfTextExtractor.GetTextFromPage(reader, 1/*i*/, S);
// PdfTextExtractor.GetTextFromPage(reader, 6, S) ==>>
// }
public class TextWithFontExtractionStategy : iTextSharp.text.pdf.parser.ITextExtractionStrategy
//HTML buffer
private StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
//Store last used properties
private Vector lastBaseLine;
private string lastFont;
private float lastFontSize;
private enum TextRenderMode
FillText = 0,
StrokeText = 1,
FillThenStrokeText = 2,
Invisible = 3,
FillTextAndAddToPathForClipping = 4,
StrokeTextAndAddToPathForClipping = 5,
FillThenStrokeTextAndAddToPathForClipping = 6,
AddTextToPaddForClipping = 7
public void RenderText(iTextSharp.text.pdf.parser.TextRenderInfo renderInfo)
string curFont = renderInfo.GetFont().PostscriptFontName; //
//Check if faux bold is used
if ((renderInfo.GetTextRenderMode() == 2/*(int)TextRenderMode.FillThenStrokeText*/))
curFont += "-Bold";
//This code assumes that if the baseline changes then we're on a newline
Vector curBaseline = renderInfo.GetBaseline().GetStartPoint();
Vector topRight = renderInfo.GetAscentLine().GetEndPoint();
iTextSharp.text.Rectangle rect = new iTextSharp.text.Rectangle(curBaseline[Vector.I1], curBaseline[Vector.I2], topRight[Vector.I1], topRight[Vector.I2]);
Single curFontSize = rect.Height;
//See if something has changed, either the baseline, the font or the font size
if ((this.lastBaseLine == null) || (curBaseline[Vector.I2] != lastBaseLine[Vector.I2]) || (curFontSize != lastFontSize) || (curFont != lastFont))
//if we've put down at least one span tag close it
if ((this.lastBaseLine != null))
//If the baseline has changed then insert a line break
if ((this.lastBaseLine != null) && curBaseline[Vector.I2] != lastBaseLine[Vector.I2])
this.result.AppendLine("<br />");
//Create an HTML tag with appropriate styles
this.result.AppendFormat("<span style=\"font-family:{0};font-size:{1}\">", curFont, curFontSize);
//Append the current text
Console.WriteLine("me=" + renderInfo.GetText());//by imtiaj
//Set currently used properties
this.lastBaseLine = curBaseline;
this.lastFontSize = curFontSize;
this.lastFont = curFont;
public string GetResultantText()
//If we wrote anything then we'll always have a missing closing tag so close it here
if (result.Length > 0)
return result.ToString();
//Not needed
public void BeginTextBlock() { }
public void EndTextBlock() { }
public void RenderImage(ImageRenderInfo renderInfo) { }
Take a look at this PDF:
What do you see?
I see:
Hello World
Hello People
Now, let's parse this file? What do you expect?
You probably expect:
Hello World
Hello People
I don't.
That's where you and I differ, and that difference explains why you ask this question.
What do I expect?
Well, I'll start by looking inside the PDF, more specifically at the content stream of the first page:
I see 4 strings in the content stream: ld, Wor, llo, and He (in that order). I also see coordinates. Using those coordinates, I can compose what is shown:
Hello World
I don't immediately see "Hello People" anywhere, but I do see a reference to a Form XObject named /Xf1, so let's examine that Form XObject:
Woohoo! I'm in luck, "Hello People" is stored in the document as a single string value. I don't need to look at the coordinates to compose the actual text that I can see with my human eyes.
Now for your question. You say "I need to know how the renderInfo is reading data" and now you know: by default, iText will read all the strings from a page in the order they occur: ld, Wor, llo, He, and Hello People.
Depending on how the PDF is created, you can have output that is easy to read (Hello People), or output that is hard to read (ld, Wor, llo, He). iText comes with "strategies" that reorder all those snippets so that [ld, Wor, llo, He] is presented as [He, llo, Wor, ld], but detecting which of those parts belong to the same line, and which lines belong to the same paragraph, is something you will have to do.
NOTE: at iText Group, we already have plenty of closed source code that could save you plenty of time. Since we are the copyright owner of the iText library, we can ask money for that closed source code. That's something you typically can't do if you're using iText for free (because of the AGPL). However, if you are a customer of iText, we can probably disclose more source code. Do not expect us to give that code for free, as that code has too much commercial value.

Depending source for drop down list

I have one drop down list in my pages that its source comes of below code. Now I like to put 1 text box adjusted on my drop down list and when I type on that, source of drop down list (DocumentNo) depend on what I type in the text box and when text box is null drop downs list shows all the (DocumentNo) , please help how I have to change my code,
protected void ddlProjectDocument_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
var query = from p in _DataContext.tblDocuments
orderby p.DocumentNo
select p;
int maxs = 0;
foreach (tblDocument v in query)
if (v.DocumentNo.Length > maxs)
maxs = v.DocumentNo.Length;
foreach (tblDocument vv in query)
string doctitle = vv.DocumentNo;
for (int i = vv.DocumentNo.Length; i < maxs; i++)
doctitle += " ";
doctitle += " | ";
doctitle += vv.TITLE;
// Use HtmlDecode to correctly show the spaces
doctitle = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(doctitle);
ddlProjectDocument.Items.Add(new ListItem(doctitle, vv.DocId.ToString()));
First, I would highly recommend storing the result of that query at the beginning of the method into something like a session variable so that you don't have to continually query the database every time you hit this page.
Second, you should use the OnTextChanged event in ASP.NET to solve this problem. Put in the OnTextChanged attribute to point to a method in your code behind that will grab the query result values (now found in your session variable) and will reset what is contained in ddlProjectDocument.Items to anything that matched what was being written by using String.StartsWith():
var newListOfThings = queryResults.Where(q => q.DocumentNo.StartsWith(MyTextBox.Value));
At this point all you need to do is do that same loop that you did at the end of the method above to introduce the correct formatting.

How to get full category path from a keyword in Tridion

Can any one help me to get full category path from a given keyword. I am giving one example as below,
Category 1----> Keyword 1 -----> Keyword 11,
say from metadata i got the value "Keyword 11", but i need whole path i.e. /Category 1/ Keyword 1/Keyword 11.
Can anyone help me how to achieve this in Template Building Block using c#.
Maybe you can try and play with one of the following:
keyword.ParentKeywords recursively to create the path you are looking for.
OrganizationalItem oi = keyword.OrganizationalItem; // to get all the organizational items
Hope that helps!
Below code should help you to get the path.
bool isRecursive = false;
KeywordField kwdField = (KeywordField)metaFields["kwdField"];
Keyword curKwd = new Keyword(kwdField.Value.Id, engine.GetSession());
string kwdPath = curKwd.Title;
while (!isRecursive) {
if (curKwd.ParentKeywords.Count > 0){
foreach (Keyword kwd in curKwd.ParentKeywords) {
kwdPath = kwd.Title + "/" + kwdPath;
curKwd = curKwd.ParentKeywords[0];
} else {
isRecursive = true;
kwdPath = curKwd.OrganizationalItem.Title + "/" + kwdPath;

Change color of past events in Fullcalendar

I'm trying to implement this solution to "grey out" past events in Fullcalendar, but I'm not having any luck. I'm not too well versed in Javascript, though, so I assume I'm making some dumb mistakes.
I've been putting the suggested code into fullcalendar.js, inside the call for daySegHTML(segs) around line 4587.
I added the first two lines at the end of the function's initial var list (Why not, I figured)—so something like this:
var leftCol;
var rightCol;
var left;
var right;
var skinCss;
var hoy = new Date;// get today's date
hoy = parseInt((hoy.getTime()) / 1000); //get today date in unix
var html = '';
Then, just below, I added the other two lines inside the loop:
for (i=0; i<segCnt; i++) {
seg = segs[i];
event = seg.event;
classes = ['fc-event', 'fc-event-skin', 'fc-event-hori'];
if (isEventDraggable(event)) {
unixevent = parseInt((event.end.getTime()) / 1000); //event date in Unix
if (unixevent < hoy) {classes.push('fc-past');} //add class if event is old
if (rtl) {
if (seg.isStart) {
Running this code results in a rendered calendar with no events displayed and an error message: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'getTime' of null
The "null" being referred to is, apparently, event.end.getTime(). But I'm not sure I understand what exactly is going wrong, or how things are being executed. As written, it seems like it should work. At this point in the code, from what I can tell, event.end contains a valid IETF timecode, but for some reason it's "not there" when I try to run it through getTime()?
This isn't a mission-critical tweak for me, but would still be nice—and I'd like to understand what's going on and what I'm doing wrong, as well! Any help greatly appreciated!
If you are using FullCalendar2 with Google Calendar, you will need to use the version of the code below. This uses Moment.js to do some conversions, but since FC2 requires it, you'll be using it already.
eventRender: function(event, element, view) {
var ntoday = new Date().getTime();
var eventEnd = moment( event.end ).valueOf();
var eventStart = moment( event.start ).valueOf();
if (!event.end){
if (eventStart < ntoday){
} else {
if (eventEnd < ntoday){
As per FullCalendar v1.6.4
Style past events in css:
Style future events in css:
There's no need to fiddle with fullcalendar.js. Just add a callback, like:
eventRender: function(calev, elt, view) {
if (calev.end.getTime() < sometime())
you just have to define the correct CSS for .greyclass.
Every event has an ID associated with it. It is a good idea to maintain your own meta information on all events based on their ids. If you are getting the events popupated from a backend database, add a field to your table. What has worked best for me is to rely on callbacks only to get the event ids and then set/reset attributes fetched from my own data store. Just to give you some perspective, I am pasting below a section of my code snippet. The key is to target the EventDAO class for all your needs.
public class EventDAO
//change the connection string as per your database connection.
//private static string connectionString = "Data Source=ASHIT\\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=amit;Integrated Security=True";
//this method retrieves all events within range start-end
public static List<CalendarEvent> getEvents(DateTime start, DateTime end, long nParlorID)
List<CalendarEvent> events = new List<CalendarEvent>();
// your data access class instance
clsAppointments objAppts = new clsAppointments();
DataTable dt = objAppts.SelectAll( start, end);
for(int i=0; i<dt.Rows.Count; ++i)
CalendarEvent cevent = new CalendarEvent(); = (int)Convert.ToInt64(dt.Rows[i]["ID"]);
Int32 apptDuration = objAppts.GetDuration(); // minutes
string staffName = objAppts.GetStaffName();
string eventDesc = objAppts.GetServiceName();
cevent.title = eventDesc + ":" + staffName;
cevent.description = "Staff name: " + staffName + ", Description: " + eventDesc;
cevent.start = (DateTime)dt.Rows[i]["AppointmentDate"];
cevent.end = (DateTime) cevent.start.AddMinutes(apptDuration);
// set appropriate classNames based on whatever parameters you have.
if (cevent.start < DateTime.Now)
cevent.className = "pastEventsClass";
The high level steps are as follows:
Add a property to your cevent class. Call it className or anything else you desire.
Fill it out in EventDAO class while getting all events. Use database or any other local store you maintain to get the meta information.
In your jsonresponse.ashx, retrieve the className and add it to the event returned.
Example snippet from jsonresponse.ashx:
return "{" +
"id: '" + + "'," +
"title: '" + HttpContext.Current.Server.HtmlEncode(cevent.title) + "'," +
"start: " + ConvertToTimestamp(cevent.start).ToString() + "," +
"end: " + ConvertToTimestamp(cevent.end).ToString() + "," +
"allDay:" + allDay + "," +
"className: '" + cevent.className + "'," +
"description: '" +
HttpContext.Current.Server.HtmlEncode(cevent.description) + "'" + "},";
Adapted from #MaxD The below code is what i used for colouring past events grey.
JS for fullcalendar pulling in Json
events: '/json-feed.php',
eventRender: function(event,element,view) {
if (event.end < new Date().getTime())
other options ....
'event.end' in my Json is a full date time '2017-10-10 10:00:00'
.past-event.fc-event, .past-event .fc-event-dot {
background: #a7a7a7;
border-color: #848484
eventDataTransform = (eventData) => {
let newDate = new Date();
if(new Date(newDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0)).getTime() > eventData.start.getTime()){
eventData.color = "grey";
eventData.color = "blue";
return eventData;
//color will change background color of event
//textColor to change the text color
Adapted from #Jeff original answer just simply check to see if an end date exists, if it does use it otherwise use the start date. There is an allDay key (true/false) but non allDay events can still be created without an end date so it will still throw an null error. Below code has worked for me.
eventRender: function(calev, elt, view) {
var ntoday = new Date().getTime();
if (!calev.end){
if (calev.start.getTime() < ntoday){
} else {
if (calev.end.getTime() < ntoday){
Ok, so here's what I've got now, that's working (kind of):
eventRender: function(calev, elt, view) {
var ntoday = new Date();
if (calev.start.getTime() < ntoday.getTime()){
In my stylesheet, I found I needed to restyle the outer and inner elements to change the color; thus the elt.children().addclass addition.
The only time check I could get to work, lacking an end time for all day events, was to look at the start time - but this is going to cause problems with multi-day events, obviously.
Is there another possible solution?

CKEditor to Send Emails with ASP.NET [vb] - Issues with Special Characters

I have a standard HTML page with an CKEditor on it wrapped in a form.
The form submits (POSTS) to Send_Emails.aspx
Send_Emails.aspx reads the content of the FCKEditor into a variable
Dim html As String = Request.Form("ck_content")
Then it sends an email.
Characters such as:
 -> this seems to show as a special character for blank spaces/carriage returns
’ -> this seems to show as apostrophe's
Can you reccomend some methods to cleanze my post data of these non-standard characters?
I figured out how to strip unwanted characters by using this function:
function removeMSWordChars(str) {
var myReplacements = new Array();
var myCode, intReplacement;
myReplacements[8216] = 39;
myReplacements[8217] = 39;
myReplacements[8220] = 34;
myReplacements[8221] = 34;
myReplacements[8212] = 45;
for(c=0; c<str.length; c++) {
var myCode = str.charCodeAt(c);
if(myReplacements[myCode] != undefined) {
intReplacement = myReplacements[myCode];
str = str.substr(0,c) + String.fromCharCode(intReplacement) + str.substr(c+1);
return str;
