difficulty with japanese character encoding in wordpress - wordpress

I have a wordpress installation in english but all of the content is in Japanese. I have set the charset to utf-8 in the head section of the page and all the characters display fine. However if I use the wordpress search widget to search for something in japanese, all of the characters get encoded into some wierd encoding that looks like this: %E3%82%92%E8%A1%8C%E3%81%84%E3%81%BE%E3%81%99%E3%80%82 and so the search doesn't work. I have looked for about 2 hours trying ot find out what the problem is but I can't work it out. Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks

1 You have to know encoding of your Japanese contents.
2 Then you have to convert all of the contents to UTF-8, then put into Wordpress DB.
I guess you skipped step 1. Therefore wordpress DB has Shift-JIS or EUC Japanese contents.
But wordpress believed all contents were UTF-8.
Then Wordpress sent its search result with Charcterset=UTF-8 meta tag.


Wordpress Contentberg theme latine extended - polish characters missing - issue

I have problem with wordpress page.
When in post, page is polish character - is not visible on web (like it was never be wrote). So instead of 'Śląsk' you will see: 'lsk'
Theme used on wordpress : Contenberg
Font setup on theme: Lato
Everywhere: turned on latine extend.
When you go to edit post you will see all this polsih characters - on live page there is not.
in database all data is correct and have proper characters.
font loaded when you run page:
developer tool fonts loaded
Have no idea where can I find any other settings that can change displaying properly this characters.
I also check database encoding - UTF8, PHP - UTF8
I resolved this problem after few days fighting with.
The cause of the issue was plugin 'PB SEO friendly images'.
This plugin change encoding of whole wordpress, but do this in fly-mode so you will not see the changes in sources .
In settings there is information where you can change encoding:
PB SEO encoding settings
when you leave blank teoretically it should leave WP encoding deafult (which was utf8), but for some reason it changed. I just put there utf-8 and bang - polish characters back.
So issue resolved.

Wordpress site displays replacement character � in posts

Launched a new WP site about 1 month ago, and there were no issues at the time. Now there are instances of this character (�) inserting itself into posts. Looks to be happening where an open tag begins. Some sort of character encoding problem? Only happening in posts, not pages, so possibly a database issue?
You haven't copied and pasted the content from another editor like Word, have you?
It's encoding causing the problem, where Wordpress doesn't recognise the character you're using. If you hand code it rather than using the visual editor you shouldn't see it, and the most likely cause is inheriting the character from a piece of software that you have previously edited in.
Step 1) Open the wp-config.php file in a text editor such as notepad (the wp-config.php file can be found on the directory where you installed WordPress).
Step 2) Find the following two lines and comment them out:
define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8');
define('DB_COLLATE', '');
They should look like the following after you comment them out:
//define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8');
//define('DB_COLLATE', '');
Step 3) Now upload the updated wp-config.php file to your webhost (overwriting the old one).

Disable URL encoding

Hello I'm not trying to use space or anything like that. all my urls are standard with dash separated words but the characters are in persian so instead of
I wanna see
The links are already saved as the second one but when it shows it on webpage it automatically encodes it.
My CMS can handle getting requests like the second one and auto redirect. I've tried changing config file and some globalization settings but no luck yet.

HTML entities are not displayed properly

I'm building a website with Wordpress, but sometimes (I don't know why) the html entities declared in my php files are displayed as a � (a black diamond with a white question mark). My charset attribute is already set to UTF-8 (as shown in the picure below). It could be a problem of the text editor (I'm currently using the built-in editor of Aruba)... How can I make sure that the encoding is right?
Try copying your code files into notepad++ and make sure that the encoding is actually set to UTF-8 without BOM.

German special character did not showing correctly in Wordpress

Currently I am working with word press plugin development , I have form contains some German special characters , but it does showing properly in the webpage
For eg : - when I put ä German letter , the page displaying � type things.
how it comes ??
I have tried <meta charset="UTF-8">, but it doesn't change anything and also tried
define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8');
define('DB_COLLATE', 'utf8_general_ci');
But it' does change anything, still getting � type of character , anyone please help thank in advance ....
Some German special character you can't directly write that.
Please use &auml for for ä
For more details Refer the links
