Wordpress Contentberg theme latine extended - polish characters missing - issue - wordpress

I have problem with wordpress page.
When in post, page is polish character - is not visible on web (like it was never be wrote). So instead of 'Śląsk' you will see: 'lsk'
Theme used on wordpress : Contenberg
Font setup on theme: Lato
Everywhere: turned on latine extend.
When you go to edit post you will see all this polsih characters - on live page there is not.
in database all data is correct and have proper characters.
font loaded when you run page:
developer tool fonts loaded
Have no idea where can I find any other settings that can change displaying properly this characters.
I also check database encoding - UTF8, PHP - UTF8

I resolved this problem after few days fighting with.
The cause of the issue was plugin 'PB SEO friendly images'.
This plugin change encoding of whole wordpress, but do this in fly-mode so you will not see the changes in sources .
In settings there is information where you can change encoding:
PB SEO encoding settings
when you leave blank teoretically it should leave WP encoding deafult (which was utf8), but for some reason it changed. I just put there utf-8 and bang - polish characters back.
So issue resolved.


WordPress responsive menu in chinese language

I am using this plugin in my wordpress website.
But when i translate my website in chinese language menu items not showing. Please can you suggets me how i can translate it?
in this plugins, the folder "lang" is empty... It does not use languages. So you need change php files and i recommend you do not do this.
But if you really need change, use sublimetext or other soft or command line for use best function : "search in folder".
Use WMPL[Multilingual Plugin].
Just install this plugin in your website and just translate each and every menu which has been used in English.{you can even Sync the menus to the selected language}.
When you choose your language the menu gets changed to Chinese language and nothing get affected.
You will most probably need to either change the page encoding or if use an approach like in this answer.
(HTML5) cannot display Chinese characters when using UTF-8

How to stop Diazo from stripping whitespace in Plone?

Plone 4.1.7
plone.app.theming 1.0
I found this question which is similar to my question except this person wants to do the opposite: remove spaces and carriage returns from Plone content with Diazo(minimizing html code)
I want Diazo to stop stripping out whitespace, as it's stripping out a lot of it that is needed for formatting. This seems to be the case even if my rules.xml is empty - just enabling a theme seems to do it, rather than it being an aspect of a particular theme.
Turning the theme on/off also causes a bug on only one particular page (a view named '##upload') where all of the classes in the <body> tag are stripped out. Unsure if that is at all related, although I do know it's Diazo causing it.
Edit: Some further info: I don't have the non-themed side blocked by host name in the control panel, but rather by use of the <notheme> tag in rules.xml. I have to do this because the non-themed side is on the same domain as the themed side.

Fancybox appearing at bottom of page when site is in wordpress

I built a static site initially and am now in the process of converting it to a wordpress site. You can find it here The last image in the right column, when clicked, should open up a fancybox and play a video. It worked very well in the static site, but for some reason in wordpress the box appears at the bottom of the page instead of the center. I'm pretty sure it is seeing the css because I can click on the link and find it.
This is the result of the validation of your page
Notice the comment :
Byte-Order Mark found in UTF-8 File.
The Unicode Byte-Order Mark (BOM) in UTF-8 encoded files
is known to cause problems for some text editors and older
Also notice
Line 1, Column 1: Non-space characters found without seeing a
doctype first. Expected <!DOCTYPE html>
Passing your code through an editor in ansi mode (and showing all symbols), this is what I get :
Those preceding hidden characters before the DOCTYPE in your document makes your browser run in quirks mode hence the unexpected behavior of fancybox (which needs the document in standards mode to run properly)
What you have to do is to save your WP (php) files in an editor using UTF-8 without BOM encoding and upload them again (and alternatively forcing your ftp software to upload in binary mode)

Arabic Locale Support in Flex

Today, I learn how to localize my Flex application and to support multiple languages. The tutorials on-line are great. However, non of them mention the Arabic locale.
So basically, I created the Arabic (Jordan) locale files in the SDK folder by using:
copylocale en_US ar_JO
I navigated to the locale folder and I was able to see the ar_JO folder in there... So I assume everything went smooth.
Next, I followed the tutorials (www.babelfx.org) and was able to localize my test application in English, French, and Arabic. Clicking on any of those languages switches the labels of my simple form/into the desired language... however:
When switching to the Arabic language the labels turn into empty square symbols. If you are wondering, yes I can open a notepad and type Arabic text and save it successfully.
When I type Arabic text into the text boxes, I can see the Arabic words that I typed correctly (the labels are still square symbols).
Any ideas what I might be missing here??
I tried changing the font of my application (right on the application tag I set the fontFamily) into Simplified Arabic which comes by default on Windows.
Have you embedded a font into your swf which can render Arabic? Are you using that font? If the answer is no to either, then I suggest reading up on the subject.
One thing to remember about Flash and fonts is that it has incredible power which comes from the fact that one is able to embed actual fonts into the swf itself. One also needs to remember that Flash is incredibly finicky and is prone to throwing fits if you fail to do so.
The solution is to change the context-type to UTF-8. Three ways to accomplish this from within Flex Builder:
(Option 1) Right click the file from the File Navigator and select Properties
(Option 2) With the file open, navigate to the File menu and choose Properties
(Option 3) With the file open, press Alt + Enter to bring up the file Properties
Once the properties window is displayed, you will see the option to change the file encoding from Default to Other (UTF-8).
Note: At least for me, once I changed the content-type to UTF-8, I had to close my unsaved file, open it back up, and paste my contents back into the file in order to clear the error message. Then clean the project (Project -> Clean...) and let it rebuild.
I found the solution. Actually, I didn't have to embed any fonts or anything in order to get it working.
My problem was the encoding in the resources.properties file. I opened it in Notepad++, then I noticed the Encoding menu. At that time, I remembered reading something about that the encoding of the resources files should be UTF-8. So I converted the encoding to UTF-8 from the menu, compiled, it didn't work! After couple of retries and cleaning the project, it worked successfully!!!
Just a reminder for everybody (as I have fallen into this while working this problem out):
For mx components, embedded fonts must have the embedAsCFF set to false.

difficulty with japanese character encoding in wordpress

I have a wordpress installation in english but all of the content is in Japanese. I have set the charset to utf-8 in the head section of the page and all the characters display fine. However if I use the wordpress search widget to search for something in japanese, all of the characters get encoded into some wierd encoding that looks like this: %E3%82%92%E8%A1%8C%E3%81%84%E3%81%BE%E3%81%99%E3%80%82 and so the search doesn't work. I have looked for about 2 hours trying ot find out what the problem is but I can't work it out. Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks
1 You have to know encoding of your Japanese contents.
2 Then you have to convert all of the contents to UTF-8, then put into Wordpress DB.
I guess you skipped step 1. Therefore wordpress DB has Shift-JIS or EUC Japanese contents.
But wordpress believed all contents were UTF-8.
Then Wordpress sent its search result with Charcterset=UTF-8 meta tag.
