Implementing RadPanelBar -

I have a table with 3 columns Itemid(int),Itemname(string),ItemDesc(string).. Im trying to use a radpanelbar to display this information, where the bar initially shows the item name and on clik/expansion it will show the item description.. I tried looking at the examples on telerik site but didnt understand the point of datafieldid and datafieldparentid. What are they used for and what would their values be for my table.. I tried using different combination of column names for these two ids but I still didnt get it..
Can someone point me in the right direction..
J. Adams

These properties are used when you bind the panelbar to self-referencing hierarchical table with id->parentid columns related in primary->foreign key style. Your table structure does not seem to be hierarchical and you can populate the control only with root items or build its items with your own logic.


VLOOKUP for Octoparse to extract data

I have an issue that is quite complex to solve using Octoparse. Let's say we have a value extracted from one page, let's call that value as ID. Then we have a pop-up window that shows up when you click on a button that is on a different page. The pop-up window contains a table with different IDs in one column and links in another column. I want Octoparse to compare unique ID from the very first page with different IDs in the popup window, find the match (IDs are all unique, but only one matches), and extract the link right next to it (in the second column). Basically, it sounds like using a vlooukup function in Excel. Is this possible? Can you help me out with that, please?
Maybe there's a way to solve this issue using XPath, I don't know.
I couldn't solve this issue using Octoparse.

Impala add column to existing VIEW

I went through the Cloudera docs.
It doesn't mention how to add a column to an existing view. Is it because there is no way to achieve that?
If I use DESCRIBE FORMATTED and use the original view definition of select * from xyz(an example is shown here) to drop the existing view and recreate the view with the same userId, will it work exactly as it did before?
You are right - DROP-CREATE should work. Even ALTER VIEW view_name AS SELECT ..., new_col FROM table should work. May be you can share what query you are trying and what is the error you are facing.

Google App Maker Many-to-Many relations

I have a Google App Maker project where I have a Many-To-Many Relation between 2 tables A and B.
I can build a page for table A where I have a table of related B records and add new ones using a dialog.
However, this approach enables me to create new B records and associate them to an A record but how can I make the user able to select an existing B record and associate it to an A record via UI?
I will need to have it work both ways (Select A records from B record page as well).
I was to accomplish this by creating a separate dialog for selecting existing records which would show all available B records in a table widget with a SELECT button on each row. clicking the button will add the record to the B related records of the A record. However, I know there has to be an automatic way built by Google that will be less work and better design.
Thanks and I appreciate your help.
Your solution is a good one, another solution, depending on the number of existing records, is to use the multi-select widget. (You can bind the items to B's datasource, and values to the relation on a record in A. But as I mentioned, this only works well if the number of items in B is small.)
Making this easier is something we've been looking in to, the main challenge is the correct UI in this case depends a lot on the kind of app you're writing.
It took me a while to figure out the bindings for a multi-select but I think I am right in saying that they are
Datasource: inherited: A
Values: #datasource.item.B
Option: #datasource.B.items
With this that Values are/is what you are updating in A(ie. A.B), but the Options you are updating it with are listed in B(ie. B.items).
Devin Taylor is right in his assertion that if you have a lot of records it may not work so well.

How to dispolay more tables in single vaadin table?

I have three tables. One table is referred as two tables. How to display the table in the following manner.
Thanks in advance.
You can place components in table so you can create columns which contains tables. The down side is the inside table will be duplicated each row (with headers for each table). Perhaps the vaadin 7.4 Grid will make a better job here.
Please read the docs for this feature: -> Components Inside a Table

How do I use the ASP.NET grid view to instert new records?

Using the ASP.NET grid view. It displays 3 columns with 1 row for each, displaying an integer saved in the database. I would like to have a text input one for each column, so the user can add a new row of integers to the database. (The table only displays the last row updated, that part seems to be working OK)
Here is the code I have that displays data but without the input option I would like.
What is the way this is done in ASP.NET (3.5)? Are there more options in the control or do I need to manually bring in text input controls and give each one manual code to update the database? Any help is appreciated.
Thank You.
Do you know the website? There are a lot of tutorials, e.g. about data access. You might find the information you need, e.g An Overview of Inserting, Updating, and Deleting Data.
Also check out the ASP.NET Dynamic Data section on the same page.
