Does latest version of Umbraco CMS use mvc? -

I've heard that new version of Umbraco CMS will be completely rewritten and will be based on mvc?
Current version is 4.5 and as I see it is still based on ASP.NET.

It looks like Umbraco 5.0 does/will:
I don't think the current version does though.

Version 4.* of Umbraco curently uses web forms and any further updates to version 4 will continue on this model.
The Version 5 re-write is currently under development and is based on ASP.NET MVC 3 and is planned to be available sometime next year.


ASP.NET 5 and Sitecore 8

I've created a new project in Visual Studio 2015 with ASP.NET 5. I've created a web application, now I want to add Sitecore to the project but I'm not able to find any documentation on this.
So my question is where I can find a guide how to implement Sitecore 8 and C#? Is this even possible?
UPDATE. My fault I understood your question incorrectly :)
As far as I know Sitecore doesn't support ASP.NET 5.0 yet. I checked the ASP.NET 5 road map (ASP.NET Core 1.0 is the new name) and it looks like the first version will be this year ( So I suggest to not use Sitecore with ASP.NET 5 until Sitecore will officially support it.
Some other guys asked same question on community:
I also added Sitecore Compatibility Table from the comments.

Using ASP.NET MVC 4 and Web API components within a .NET f/w 4.0 and VS2010-constructed app

I'm a little confused about one thing with version levels of various .NET software components related to ASP.NET MVC and the web api. Now I know VS2012 and .NET f/w 4.5 are going RTM "real soon now", but I don't want to make that up-transition for awhile (as in 6 months or longer). I am coding a new app right now whose initial incarnation (dictated by consulting client) has to be .NET f/w 4.0 and utilizing VS2010 (yes I know you can target downwards with VS2012 but that is not an option for me in this case - as a consultant you are sometimes dictated the tools/versions etc that you MUST use for a contract). So finally to the crux of my question - I just came across an article on MSDN by Mike Wasson, written in Jan/Feb 2012 timeframe, and it looks as if he used VS2010 and .NET f/w 4.0, but demonstrating the new-ish Web API technology utilizing ASP.NET MVC 4. So it IS possible to install the ASP.NET MVC 4 component within the context of .NET f/w 4.0 and VS2010, AND utilize the Web API component? Which, if that is true, I might want to do with this particular project rather than just using ASP.NET MVC 3 (and without using the Web API stuff at all), which is what i thought I would need to do. It's just that I thought to use ASP.NET MVC 4 and/or the Web API stuff, one HAD to use .NET f/w 4.5 RC and VS2012 RC prior to Sep 12 (or their RTMs after Sep 12). Is that not correct?
You can use mvc 4 and web api with .net 4.0. You cannot use features of .net 4.5 in it but all other will work.
So it IS possible to install the ASP.NET MVC 4 component within the
context of .NET f/w 4.0 and VS2010
Of course. It's RC at the time of this writing but you could download and install it from here: (Download the standalone installer executable for VS2010 from here:
Even when it hits RTM you will be able to use it with VS2010. Of course you won't be able to use .NET 4.5 speicic features with VS2010 though (things like async/await).

Advice for upgrading of website with ASP.NET 1.1 and CGI-BIN code

I am maintaining an internal website for handling our business. The website is running on a Windows 2003 server that is five+ years old and is using both ASP.NET 1.1 and even older CGI-BIN code written in Visual Basic 6 with some other components like Crystal Reports. Also, it is using MySQL 5.0.27 as database.
As the website is hard to maintain, poorly written code, I would like to upgrade it to a modern version of .NET. I have already written some new functions in 4.0 and also tried MVC and Razor which I like. The question is then, how shall I proceed to upgrade the website?
Can I use .NET 4.0 on the old server in parallel to .NET 1.1 and then do a rewrite page by page?
Or should I do a total rewrite? (Which would be very nice but hard to do as I still would have to maintain the old site.)
My ultimate goal is to make the webpage easier to maintain and easier to move to another server before the current breaks.
Yes you can run 4.0 side by sdie with 1.1 as described here. If you have a testing server or a development machine i would load/install dot net 4 on that machine and just rebuild the site in 4.0 while still maintaining the 1.1 version once you have completed the new version then take down the old version and upload the new version.

Should I keep working on my project on MVC 1.0 or stop and learn MVC 2.0?

Few months I've started learning ASP.NET MVC 1.0. Although hard in the beginning, now I've made huge progress so that I'm working on something serious I can show to my colleagues. But, now MVC 2 is almost out there.
Now I would like to know if MVC 1.0 and MVC 2 are profoundly different. In fact, I wonder if I need (first) to finish what I am into or (secondly) I need to stop everything and learn first MVC 2.
To illustrate my point, I'd say: Is migrating from MVC 1.0 to MVC 2 the same scale as migrating from Web Form to MVC 1.0
Thanks for helping.
MVC2 is not a huge leap from MVC1. Most likely your code will run fine on MVC2 as is, with only minor tweaks here and there
here is a guide:
They are not profoundly different. Everything you learnt so far on 1.0 is applicable in 2.0. You could start looking at 2.0 new features though. Quote from Scott Gu's blog:
ASP.NET MVC 2 is the next significant
update of ASP.NET MVC. It is a
compatible update to ASP.NET MVC 1 –
so all the knowledge, skills, code,
and extensions you already have with
ASP.NET MVC continue to work and apply
going forward
There is no such thing as migrating from MVC1 to MVC2.
As the later one is an upgraded version, you will only need to learn new features, introduced with it, like
ModelMetadataProvider Class
Model Validator Providers and others
All the rest is same.
For instance, if you are using .Net Framework 4.0, later on, when version 4.5 or 5.0 comes in, you are not going to migrate! but learn new features in that
As MVC2 is still a Release Candidate you should check the polices of your company, otherwise I dont think you would have any problem using MVC2, since everything from MVC1 still works on 2. And you get the beneffits of MVC2.

Feedback on Mono rails

Has anybody tried Mono rails from Caste project . Unfortunately the client wants to develop in .nET v2.0 and not 3.5 , and I was looking for some MVC framework in .NET 2.0 .
Lots of people have successfully used MonoRail for several years. It's a great framework, and if you later want to migrate to ASP.NET MVC it's no big deal.
Unfortunately you'll have to use RC3 (which is over 2 years old now) to get .NET 2.0 support, as the latest trunk versions only support .NET 3.5.
If you really want to go with ASP.NET MVC you might want to try this hack to make it work on .NET 2.0.
Try ASP.NET MVC over ASP.NET 2.0.
