ASP.NET 5 and Sitecore 8 -

I've created a new project in Visual Studio 2015 with ASP.NET 5. I've created a web application, now I want to add Sitecore to the project but I'm not able to find any documentation on this.
So my question is where I can find a guide how to implement Sitecore 8 and C#? Is this even possible?

UPDATE. My fault I understood your question incorrectly :)
As far as I know Sitecore doesn't support ASP.NET 5.0 yet. I checked the ASP.NET 5 road map (ASP.NET Core 1.0 is the new name) and it looks like the first version will be this year ( So I suggest to not use Sitecore with ASP.NET 5 until Sitecore will officially support it.
Some other guys asked same question on community:
I also added Sitecore Compatibility Table from the comments.


Create MVC 4 application

I asked a question earlier about Changing MVC 5 and .NET target framwork because the application I have will not work with Windows Server 2003 (they didn't tell me that). If you know a way to do this, so I can avoid what I'm about to ask, please let me know.
Anyways, I'm trying to create a MVC 4 web application using the newest from of Visual Studio 2013. In a new application I already changed the framework to .NET 4 but I only find MVC 5 listed when I try to create a new controller.
I'm not really sure what I need to do, if I need to download a later version of Visual Studio or find a certain template.
Also, I learned how to create my web application using this tutorial, so maybe that will give you a better idea where I'm coming from, AKA I'm new at this stuff.
You will find the MVC 4 Application (Based on ASP.Net 4, not 4.5) In the Visual Studio 2012 project types. File -> New Project, Expand the Web node, Visual Studio 2012. The MVC 4 Web Application project template will create the correct controller templates. It is not sufficient to create a standard MVC Application (which will be MVC 5) and then change the target framework.
Bear in mind, some examples you may find for MVC may not function exactly as advertised using the older framework type.

Downgrade/convert mvc 4 to mvc 3

I know this is a rather odd question, please don't flame me :)
I have a concrete need to "downgrade" a current Asp.Net Mvc 4 (net framework 4.5) application to Asp.Net Mvc 3 (net framework 4.0) because our shared hosting provider does not support .Net 4 (I know it's crazy considering it's been in retail since 12 Aprli 2010 and first beta came out in May 2009 but it's not the point of the post).
Is there any tool, or guide, or anything that could help in the process? I'm getting a bit lost because I upgraded many
but I never had to downgrade one.
I have use some of the features like begincollectionitem which may not be direct compatible to mvc3
I doubt you'll find an official guide or tool, you'll have to do it manually. Personally, I would do the following:
Start a new MVC 3 Project (MVC3 is available via nuget)
Copy your files from one to the other
Fix any compilation issues
Use the publish site feature to publish somewhere locally (this will hopefully find compilation issues in your Razor views which don't get found during the project build)
Test the site fully!
Sorry it's not more helpful, but I don't think people generally design for the downgrade process.

Does latest version of Umbraco CMS use mvc?

I've heard that new version of Umbraco CMS will be completely rewritten and will be based on mvc?
Current version is 4.5 and as I see it is still based on ASP.NET.
It looks like Umbraco 5.0 does/will:
I don't think the current version does though.
Version 4.* of Umbraco curently uses web forms and any further updates to version 4 will continue on this model.
The Version 5 re-write is currently under development and is based on ASP.NET MVC 3 and is planned to be available sometime next year.

Help with mvc 1.0 or 2 in Visual Studio 2010

I currently joined a team that is working on an mvc 1.0 app.
The app is quite large so changing to mvc 2 right now is not an option.
I have visual studio 2010 Ultimate which doesnt come with mvc 1.
When I tried running opening the solution in my computer I got a conversion wizard. I tried following it but the app just doesnt compile.. it gives plenty of errors and they are all related to mvc 2 new additions
My question is.
Can you run mvc 1 apps in Visual Studio 2010?
thanks ind advance
I had the same frowning eye brows when I encountered that. A simple download and install of ASP.NET MVC 1.0 is what you need.
The app is quite large so changing to mvc 2 right now is not an option.
Did you try? Mostly 2.0 just adds new cool things to 1.0 like areas and better validation (also client side). It's of course your decision but if the architecture team lets you I suggest you try to upgrade and continue on that.
You need to download ASP.Net MVC 1.0.

ASP.NET bug where to find?

Is there a place on Microsoft Connect where i can see ASp.NET 4 and ASP.NET MVC bugs? I would also like to know where to file bugs for ASP.NET?
ASP.NET Forums
OR here...
Visual Studio Feedback
In this blog post by Scott Guthrie(1) he says to log bugs for ASP.NET 4 and VS2010 here(2) on the Microsoft Connect site.
There is also an issue tracker on codeplex for ASP.NET, this includes ASP.NET MVC(3)
(2) ( I think this is the one you are looking for? )
I can only post one hyperlink :(
