Determine corresponding field names of items in Request.Files? -

Given a set of uploaded files in Request.Files, how do figure out which form field yielded which file?
I have a generic form emailer that various forms post to. This file generates an email of the name/value pairs contained in the form post. I'm trying to add support for uploaded files such that the table of name/value pairs will show the name of the file upload element and the name that the file was saved as.
However, I can't figure out how to link that information together. HttpPostedFile doesn't contain any information about the HTTP request (like which field name was used), and Request.Form doesn't contain any entries for uploaded files.
So while I can easily upload the files, I don't have an easy way to generate an email saying "this uploaded file was for this field, and this uploaded file was for that field".

Request.Files.Keys is a collection of field names corresponding to each uploaded file.


Storing Special Characters titles in update_post_meta in Wordpress

I have created the custom plug-in to store the user information via CSV import. For that i have created the custom post types along with custom fields. But everything stored in my database, except special characters in user name like 'Évana '. How to overcome this problem.
update_post_meta($post_id,'username_name', $line_of_text[1]);
Note: I have read all the values from CSV and converted into array. Here $line_of_text[1] holds the values of user name.
I stored the special characters values in my post title using the htmlentities() function.

Determine File Type of attachments stored in SQL Server as varbinary(MAX)

I need some help. We migrated an Access database to SQL Server. One column had attachment data the Attachment data type in MS Access. The MS Access application is being replaces by an ASP.NET web application.
This data now lives in a column of data type varbinary(MAX), there is no indication of the file name and or type (most attachments are Excel, Word and PDF docs).
In my ASP.Net application I am using a data reader that will allow users to retrieve the attachments by downloading them using a browser. (I have a new table for new attachments that contains the full file name and content type, and when present it works like a charm). Without the file types, all attachments come across as xml/garbles data files like shown in this image below (can't yet post images, been a long time reader, first contribution. Here is the text in which I had planned to highlight some key values:
ÿÿÿÿWorksheetExcel.Sheet.12****Access.OLE2Link¾ÐÏࡱá>þÿ þÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ]þÿÿÿþÿÿÿ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?#ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\þÿÿÿþÿÿÿÿÿRoot EntryÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿàÆ©÷òï…ÝŒkˆZ‚Å7Ï€Ole ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿCompObjÿÿÿÿeOlePres000ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿš­ þÿÿÿþÿÿÿþÿÿ‹ÀF CENTRA~1.XLSÿÿ­ÞHBCentral Dispatch Process Map.xlsxºÀF'C:\Users\MA~1\Desktop\CENTRA~1.XLSÿÿ­Þ]|C:\Users\ine\Desktop\Central Dispatch Process Map.xlsxÕLÀFƒ •Æh5)ÏBy>*Ϧc{>*ÏS5ŽŒ2S5&D%¯ CENTRA~1.XLSpï¾&D6®&D%¯*ƒœ2Central Dispatch Process Map.xlsxm-lkÑÊC:\Users\ine\Desktop\Central Dispatch Process Map.xlsx(
It appears that the content is there from which I should be able to extract the file name and types.
Here is my question, how do I migrate my attached files. I need to determine the content type and file names from the original data stored in varbinary(max), I then need to move the files from the current location into my new table with the attributes that describes the file name and file type.

CSV file data in wordpress

I have a .csv file containing list of companies. I want to upload that .csv file so it will update the database, and in WordPress I want to see that data and edit it too.
I tried Custom Post type (ecpt plugin) and created the post type and created the meta-boxes each for one field, but I cannot show those values in the post fields. Can anyone tell me where I am wrong?
After you create a custom post type, you need to enter your data.
And you need to make sure your template is coded to display that data.
As far as uploading a CSV, unless ECPT has that capability, you'll to use something like phpmyadmin to import the CSV into the database.

How to get last modified date & author from search:search API?

I am uploading some documents in Marklogic Server (doc, docx, pdf, txt etc). Now I am building an interface in HTML & XQuery that allows a user to enter a search term and if that matches the contents of any documents, then that document name is displayed in the grid. I am using search:search API for searching. Now I also want to show last modified date and author of the document in the grid. Every windows document have last modified date and author property. But how can I get this information from search:search API so that I can show these information in the grid ?
If you have enabled the settings "maintain last modified," Marklogic keeps the last modified information in document property fragments. However, this is unrelated to the properties information kept in Windows, which are lost by default when you load them in Marklogic.
If you want to retain the Windows properties data, set up a filter in Information Studio to populate the Marklogic property fragments with the data. Alternately, you could write your own XSLT and use xdmp:document-filter() to store the data directly in the document.
Once you have loaded your documents and populated them with the properties you need, you can access the data directly if stored in the document, or using xdmp:document-properties() if stored in document properties.

Store and retrieve images from file system instead of database

I need a place to store images. My first thought was to use the database, but many seems to recommend using the filesystem. This seems to fit my case, but how do I implement it?
The filenames need to be unique, how to do that. Should I use a guid?
How to retrieve the files, should I go directly to the database using the filename, make a aspx page and passing either filename or primary key as a querystring and then read the file.
What about client side caching, is that enabled when using a page like image.aspx?id=123 ?
How do I delete the files, when the associated record is deleted?
I guess there are many other things that I still haven't thought about.
Links, samples and guidelines are very welcome!
Uploading Files in ASP.NET 2.0
You seem up in the air about how to do this, so I'll give you a few ideas to get you going.
If you want to use a file system make sure you know the limit of how many files are permitted per directory, so you can set up a system that creates subdirectories.
I would make a table something like this :
UploadID int identity/auto generate PK, used as FK in other tables
InternalFileName string
DisplayFileName string
Comment string
MimeType string
FileSizeBytes int
FileHash string MD5 Hash of a File
UploadUserID int FK to UserID
UploadDate date
You would include the UploadID in the table that "owns" this upload, like the Order associated with it, etc. You could add the InternalDirectory column, but I prefer to calculate this based on a constant Root value + some key specific value. For example, the complete file name and directory would be:
You could make the InternalFileName be the UploadID and the file extension from the original file. That way it would be unique, but You'll have to insert the row as the first part of the process, and update it after after you know the file name and identity/auto generate row value. You could make the InternalFileName something like YYYMMDDhhmissmmm and the file extension from the original file, which may be unique enough based on how you use subdirectories.
I like to store a MD5 Hash of a File which makes detecting duplicates easy.
MimeType and FileSizeBytes can be found from the file system, but if you store them in the database, it makes some maintenance easier since you can query for large files or files of certain types.
