headless browser for ASP.NET - asp.net

I am developing full ajax web app. So I need to develop google crawlable app, also I must create snapshot for googlebot.
Do you know headless browser works with javascript and ajax for ASP.NET ?
I found XBrowser but right now it hasn't JavaScript support.
sorry for my English :).

For ASP.NET I would suggest WatiN. It was originally designed for automated integration testing but would work great for making snapshots.

See here: headless internet browser?
and here: http://htmlunit.sourceforge.net/


angularjs rendering on server side asp.net

I have used angularjs framework for front-end and asp net mvc for back-end to develop my web app. As you know angularjs has a major flaw when it comes to SEO. There are some solutions like using phantomjs to create snapshots of website and serve it to search bot instead of original website. But I don't like it that way. I've recently introduced to the concept of isomorphic web apps and if I'm not mistaken it is possible to pre-render angularjs apps on server and then serve the rendered html to client. All solutions I've found was for other frameworks. Like Rendr (https://github.com/rendrjs/rendr) or angularjs-server (https://github.com/saymedia/angularjs-server). Also there is a library called NodeServices (https://github.com/aspnet/NodeServices) that do the trick but it's written in Asp.net core and angular 2 universal that I use neither of them. Is there any library doing the same work for asp.net and angular?
Thanks in advanced.
As stated here How do search engines deal with AngularJS applications?
Google now execute javascript when crawling the web. The problem is that a there's no standard, ,you can't assume that any search engine will correctly crawl your web application when is client-side rendered.

What versions of IE is Razor/MVC3 compatible with?

I am writing a website using C# razor code. I'm a total newbie when it comes to this web stuff (i am a c# programmer). Anyway, what do I need to worry about with regard to backward compatibility? .NET version? IE version? Chrome version? IE 8 and latest Chrome seem to work fine. I just do not want to create a web site and have nobody able to use it.
Also on a related note, how would i go about installing IE6/IE7 for compatibility testing purposes? Thanks.
They are "compatible" with all of the browsers you care to support.
You seem to be confusing server side and client side technologies - Razor/MVC3 are server side technologies that can render anything to the client, be it IE6, Chrome or Opera.
You have control over what is rendered and can ensure the client code that is returned will work with whatever clients you care for it to work with.
Asp.net / MVC / Razor is a framework for producing the html content; as long as the server you host on is capable to produce it then as per regular html when it gets to the browser.
The issues with browser compatibility is the usual fight of the web programmer :-)
ASP.NET, including MVC and the Razor engine, execute on the server to build HTML to send to the client (the web browser, in this case, IE). So it doesn't matter what version of IE you are running for Razor to work. What matters is that the HTML your Razor pages generate is compatible with the web browsers you want your application to work with.

Running application from browser ASP.NET

I have a c# windows application that can successfully record audio using user's desktop mic.
Now i want this facility to run from ASP.NET website. (Note: user would not have this application installed on his machine).
Is there a way that i can run this application from a web page and record and save sound file on user's desktop? I searched on google and found that it is achievable using ActiveX. But i am not sure how to do this.... :((
Any Clue...??
You are not going to be able to do this using standard HTML / web browser functionality.
You will need to use a richer, client-side platform like Silverlight or Flash. ActiveX could also support this, but it's a pretty dated technology. Better to go with Silverlight or Flash.

How to develop applications for facebook?

I have a choice between ASP.NET (preferably MVC) and Python (Django only).
Which toolkit is more stable?
I have read the comments section of the Facebook Developer Toolkit and it seems that a lot of people aren't happy with it, is there an alternative?
What about Python libraries for facebook, are there any good libraries to develop facebook applications?
Could you guys provide tutorials and tips for how to develop applications for facebook?
MVC is a perfectly acceptable choice if you go with the Facebook C# SDK. It is an excellent framework and is being updated extremely frequently. You also get all the advantages of developing in .NET and the Visual Studio environment.
First, go with Django. It has a vibrant community and awesome support.
Second, http://github.com/facebook/python-sdk/ works perfectly with Django. One main problem with Facebook API is that it's changing pretty often, so you need to keep it up to date, from time to time. Tests are a must.
Here is a similar question which should answer your doubts: How do I write Facebook apps using Django?


Am I correct in understanding that the Method LiveDataContext.SignIn can only be used in Windows Applications?
I tried to implement it in ASP.NET but get an error that I cannot use Modal Windows. So it seems to me that SignIn uses the Windows.Forms.
Thanks for your time.
It's pretty independent of mvc or webforms I think.
Windows Live Messenger Connect Developer Guide
