What versions of IE is Razor/MVC3 compatible with? - asp.net

I am writing a website using C# razor code. I'm a total newbie when it comes to this web stuff (i am a c# programmer). Anyway, what do I need to worry about with regard to backward compatibility? .NET version? IE version? Chrome version? IE 8 and latest Chrome seem to work fine. I just do not want to create a web site and have nobody able to use it.
Also on a related note, how would i go about installing IE6/IE7 for compatibility testing purposes? Thanks.

They are "compatible" with all of the browsers you care to support.
You seem to be confusing server side and client side technologies - Razor/MVC3 are server side technologies that can render anything to the client, be it IE6, Chrome or Opera.
You have control over what is rendered and can ensure the client code that is returned will work with whatever clients you care for it to work with.

Asp.net / MVC / Razor is a framework for producing the html content; as long as the server you host on is capable to produce it then as per regular html when it gets to the browser.
The issues with browser compatibility is the usual fight of the web programmer :-)

ASP.NET, including MVC and the Razor engine, execute on the server to build HTML to send to the client (the web browser, in this case, IE). So it doesn't matter what version of IE you are running for Razor to work. What matters is that the HTML your Razor pages generate is compatible with the web browsers you want your application to work with.


Is it possible to write internet browser available content by WPF?

I know that you can use ASP.NET to do that stuff but: Is it possible to write internet browser available content(website) by WPF or WCF?
Exacly I mean write CRM by WPF to which you can log by browser and use it by browser.
No, you can't write an application with WPF and then run it in a browser.
You can use XBAP to create a browser application that can use the benefits of the .NET framework and all the things you can do in a WPF application.

asp.net theme skin not applied and Java scripts not run when app hosted on IIS 7.0/7.5 and browsed in some browsers

This question was previously posted as “asp.net theme skin not applied when app hosted on IIS 7.5 and browsed in IE 10” and did not received any answer from guys here but I myself could resolve the issue.
As it was really frustrating and took me a lot of time to search and resolve, I decided to modify the question title and its description to address the case better and clearer for other people who may meet such issues.
So the case is;
An asp.net web app is developed and it works fine on development machine browsers but when it is hosted on a remote machine (specifically IIS 7.0 and newer version + .NET 4.0) then it does not perform correctly.
Themes (specifically skins) are not applied and some of client – side java scripts (specifically AJAX and jQuery extensions) are not even execute.
What’s wrong here?
Well as Scott Hanselman described in here, asp.net sometimes does not correctly identifies the browser due to a bug.
There is a bug in the browser definition files that shipped with .NET
2.0 and .NET 4, namely that they contain definitions for a certain range of browser versions. But the versions for some browsers (like
IE 10) aren't within those ranges any more. Therefore, ASP.NET sees
them as unknown browsers and defaults to a down-level definition,
which has certain inconveniences, like that it does not support
features like JavaScript.
So I followed one of the solutions which he had addressed and the issue resolved. I’ve summarized it here for short cutting the path;
use NuGet to install the App_BrowsersUpdate package
then deploy your web app on hosting server and try it again.

ASP.NET WebParts and Google Chrome

Hi there
I started learning ASP.NET these days. Google Chrome is my default browser and I'm also testing my applications in Google Chrome.
I recognized that some Elements of ASP.NET won't run in real time when I use Chrome. For Example ASP.NET WebParts. If I change the modus of the WebPartManager from default to edit (or something else), Google Chrome needs 1 - 2 seconds to renew the page. Internet Explorer does this in real time without any loading times.
Any tips to tweak this?
I'm a rookie in ASP.NET and many people said, Microsoft's AJAX for ASP.NET is some kind of crap.
I'm using Visual Studio 2010 and maybe you'll say, I should use jQuery instead of internal Features like WebParts.
I've got my answers over Twitter. People said, this just happens when asp.net applications runs over Visual Studio's Server.

headless browser for ASP.NET

I am developing full ajax web app. So I need to develop google crawlable app, also I must create snapshot for googlebot.
Do you know headless browser works with javascript and ajax for ASP.NET ?
I found XBrowser but right now it hasn't JavaScript support.
sorry for my English :).
For ASP.NET I would suggest WatiN. It was originally designed for automated integration testing but would work great for making snapshots.
See here: headless internet browser?
and here: http://htmlunit.sourceforge.net/

asp:Menu Not working on webhost

I'm using Visual Studio Web Express 2008 to develop an ASP.Net website. I have a master page that every page inherits from and on that master page I have the asp:menu control. On my local machine the menu control works just fine. The javascript is emitted and the links work as well.
However, when I upload it to my webhost service provider, the javascript is not emitted and my links do not work. I'm getting a feeling that my service provider really doesn't know much about .Net as they suggested that I make sure that I upload the .js files which isn't necessary.
Does anyone have any suggestions that I can give them? They're asking me what requirements are needed. It seems to me that something is not setup on their server properly but according to them, they have .Net 3.5 SP1 installed.
Everything for the control should be in the framework (no extra steps necessary); make sure in IIS they set it up to use the 2.0 version of the framework (which is probably the case)...
The cases of errors where I've seen that is when the framework isn't installed.
there is an http debugging tool called fiddler that will help you to see what is going wrong with the menu and related site resources. See the requests those are returing 404 and it will help you a lot to head towards the solution faster
