How can I change the output of a webpage depending on wether a user can access Youtube? - drupal

I'm looking at embedding youtube videos onto a webpage (a Drupal webpage if that helps), but I need to figure out what people will see if their business/workplace/country blocks youtube access.
Does it show 'video no longer available', does it not show anything?, does it add a class or ID to the embedded html to let css, or a scripting language know that there is an error.
I would like to be able to swap the embedded code out for a gif or something else. So users that can't access youtube will not be left with what ever youtube decides to show them.
Any tips would be great.
I tried editing the hosts file to test myself but it wouldn't take for some reason.
EDIT: * first-question *

This can be achieved using javascript.
In your script call a resource that is located on youtube. Since it's javascript running in the client browser, the request will comes from it and not your website.
If the request fail, the client has no access to youtube.
Did I mention that relying on external resources you can't control is bad ?


Can I track who is linking or manipulating my site's data?

Is it possible to track if someone links to data on my site? Specifically if my data is used in a site dynamically generated by a developer program? I would like to know if someone is blatantly passing off my site's data as their own. There are obviously ways around directly linking to content, such as content manipulation or even manual manipulation. But if someone where to link(or directly add word for word or manipulate) my content into their website, is there a way to track it?
Can I avoid someone being able to scrape my website at all, or is everything just up for grabs?
the best answer and the easy one is called GOOGLE - WEBMASTER TOOLS!
actually doing that is very hard and you would need to crawl the web to discover those links that address to your pages... dynamic content as well is linked so it would be find by google as well.
this tool will allow you to see outer links that address to your site.. and you can check them.
for extra - you can monitor requests and traffic to your site and find ip's that are using the same page over and over again. that can tell u that an outer page is dynamically loading content from your web page.
here is a good article in this subject: link - scroll down and you can see the use of google
webmaster tool with some other progrmas and method.
here is a good start guide to the google webmaster: link

capturing contents of an iframe for upload to webserver

I am trying to find a way to allow our customers to capture the contents of an iframe window and upload to our website. Essentially, we need to be able to have them log in to one of several different websites (embedded in an iframe within our website), look up the requested document, and then capture the contents of the iframe and upload it to our webserver\SQLDB. I have looked at using usersnap tool which sort of does the trick through email but I don't see a way to have it capture the full iframe window and autosend. The tool needs to be hard-coded to do a full frame capture and directly upload (without the users having the ability to alter or edit the document).
Any suggestions?
You can use the Usersnap tool nearly without user interaction by hiding the button:, but however: the user has to send the screenshot by herself.
You can reach the Usersnap developers (full disclosure: including me), perhaps an easy idea can help you.

Flex 3: Project Architecture & SEO

I've got a Flex 3 project. One of the problems I have is that not very much of its content is indexed by Google. Currently, I pull data from a mySQl database, so the Googlebot doesn't see most of the site.
My goal is to increase the amount of content indexed by Google, improve the SEO, and improve SERPs.
I thought that instead of pulling the data from the database that I would change the project's architecture and create separate "pages". So, in my case, I would compile each puzzle separately and upload it to the server in its own directory. This way the info in each puzzle would get indexed.
The negative is that if I add a puzzle, I'd have to add a link to it in all of the puzzles that are already on the server. I would have to add the link, re-compile each puzzle and upload it to the server. Is there a way to get around this problem? Also, if I wanted to communicate some data from one puzzle to another in the future, I wouldn't be able to do so.
Any suggestions?
Thank you.
The usual way to achieve this goal is to develop a hidden parallel site in HTML.
On the first page you will have your flash and, hidden by javascript, a list of links to the other pages. These links will be parsed by the robots. Ideally, the href pages are virtual (look for "url rewriting"). On each "fake" page, your server-side language will print on the page a content or links from your database AND the flash. The flash will be provided with a string explaining where it is and what it's supposed to show.
Ex: The URL rewriting sends this request to The page should display the Flash with FlashVar "uri=category1/content7". The Flash knows which content it has to display so when an user comes from google, following this link, he will find the content he was looking for.
Every linking and content for SEO should be in HTML, don't trust robots capability of reading Flash.
have a look at Adobe's reference on deep-linking.
you can generate a website's sitemap.xml with a cron process (daily), such that the URLs encode the state of the application you need. This URL will encode whatever content you need to retrieve from the db, with just one index.html page.
good luck!

How to attach a site with its thumbnail to a Drupal node?

Do you have any Drupal module (or other solution) to implement a feature similiar to Facebook's Share a Link?
To be precise:
you paste a link
site's preview is generated
short excerpt
and a thumbnail of one of the site's images
You'll need to do some pretty fancy stuff when snagging that thumbnail.
That's parsing the page and picking out thumbnails that might want to get used from the tags on the page.
It will need to do this via javascript after the link has been placed.
Facebook actually caches their thumbnails for page sharing once a day, so they choose not to go grab it at run time for the client every time.
There are certainly libraries (and maybe a jQuery plugin that would let you slurp a URL into memory then traverse it and present some one the fly images.
Check out the Tumblr Share tool. You might be able to reverse engineer from that.
As for Drupal modules this seems unlikely. Would love to hear it though.
You could also think about a third party screen shot service, but that's a pain too.

re-rendering a site within an iframe?

I want to make a site where there user can basically navigate the web from within an iframe. The catch is that I'd like to be able to have more control over what is rendered within the iframe. Specifically,
I'd like to be able to filter out images or text, disable forms etc.
I'd also like to be able to gather feedback such as what links the users clicked on.
Question 1:
Is this even possible using a standard back-end scripting language (like php), with html and javascript on the frontend?
Question 2:
Would I first need to grab the source of the site before it is rendered, then do whatever manipulation is necessary, and finally re-render it somehow?
Question 3:
Could somebody please explain the programming flow that would occur here (assuming its possible)?
I think you would probably want to grab the source of the of site (with server-side code) before rendering it. You might run into cross-site scripting issues if you try to use JavaScript. Your iframe would load a page like render.php and pass the address of the page to render os a querystring parameter. Then use regular expressions to find elements in the HTML that render.php downloads from the address. Rewrite the HTML as necessary and then write it all out to the iframe.
Rewrite links so that that the user is taken to a page you control and redirected onto a target site if you want to track where people are going. Example: a link in the page needs to go to You would send them to tracker.php?target= You control tracker.php and can log each load of this page and then redirect the user to the target site.
Another possible solution is to use Apache or other server to proxy the target website. There are modules like mod_proxy for this. There may also be modules that let you parse the HTML or you could roll your own.
I should point out that even the best solutions offered to your question will be somewhat brittle if you do not have full control over the target site. You will want to have lots of error handling or alerting.
You can have a look at this. It uses iFrame really well, and maybe even use the library it has.
