Debug on IIS instead of WebDev server -

I am developing a web application. My code worked fine on the WebDev server in VS2010. Then, I hosted it on remote IIS, because my windows 7 home basic doesn't have IIS, and almost all code fails. So I had to rewrite it using helpers for links, ResolveUrl and many other functions.
How can I host an application while debugging on remote IIS (not on WebDev or local IIS) automatically?

You can install IIS Express. IIS express is more mature in terms of emulating real IIS 7. For more information on IIS express refer this link. HTH

You might consider developing you application using MebMatrix, which is a free development environment that includes IIS Express. It's easy to learn and doesn't require Visual Studio.


Why shouldn't I use IIS Express for ASP.Net Core development?

It seems that .net core needs to be published to run on IIS which means it's either impossible or impractical to debug through IIS, but it's fine with IIS Express. My more experienced colleagues insist that we should do all development with IIS and never IIS Express which is, in effect, saying we should not touch .Net Core.
1) How likely am I to find that the app which works on IIS Express doesn't work on IIS?
2) What's the best way to mitigate the downsides?
3) What should I tell my boss? (I really want to keep working with core)
There is no reason not to debug using IIS Express. You can verify that your deployment works on IIS by publishing to a staging environment or even a local IIS instance.
That being said, it is possible to debug IIS locally by using Attach to Process in Visual Studio if your coworkers simply refuse to use IIS Express.
Its a big difference between iis express and iis(server). on iis server you need to configure first the iis itself. register, set up .net framework,set up config file and so on..
But this would be a good practice for the developer, iis server deployment process. is a must.
Hope it helps your idea..
When working with ASP.NET Core & Visual Studio IDE, its better to use IIS Express (kestrel internally) for following reasons
Kestrel is a light weight web server built for ASP.NET Core apps. IIS Express will make use of it while development & debugging.
Hosting IIS for ASP.NET Core apps is for providing load balancing, SSL, gzip etc. So even if you host on IIS, then its fine but development experience will be less productive.
ASP.NET Core apps are cross platform so you can work on Windows, Linux & MacOS. With IIS your are limiting to Windows only
Core apps are not like traditional ASP.NET MVC 5 or Web form apps. They have being made easy for development experience.
I would suggest that think of IIS only during deploying Core apps for QA, UAT or PROD. For development need not host on IIS. Hope this helps

SendKeys through IIS Server

I'm able to SendKeys.SendWait through IIS Server Express (debugging through Visual Studio) but it doesn't work when site is hosted on IIS Server. It seems that I need to run site as Administrator but I have no idea how to do that and need some steps to accomplish that.
Thanks in advance:)

Upgrade VS2012 project to VS2013 web site and it won't let me specify IIS port

I've recently installed VS 2013 and upgraded my web sites from 2012 to 2013 and now I can't run the sites locally because I have them defined as IIS sites but Visual Studio won't allow me to not use IIS Express. So it runs the sln on a port that won't work for me.
What I've tried:
setting IE as my default browser and changing the sln file itself
The option to specify an external host or base URL is grayed out when
going to Start Options in the Property Pages.
Any suggestions?
From this MSDN article about ASP.NET projects and VS2013:
You can use IIS with web application projects, but not with web site projects
So it sounds like you need to either convert the project to a web application or just use IIS Express.
Web Site Projects in VS cannot be converted between IIS Express and IIS as Web Application Projects are. However, you can still use IIS with websites. You need your website to be created in IIS as a site or application, then do Open Website in VS. This will give you an option to use the file system, local IIS (via metabase), or FTP. (Or, you can do New Website, choose IIS, and copy your files from the existing site.)

How do i connect a VS2008 MVC project to Vista IIS7 localhost as the web server?

I'm trying to connect my stock standard, default ASP.NET MVC (web) application to the Vista IIS7 localhost web server instead of using Cassini.
I'm trying to find some steps to set this up, etc.
I've installed Vista IIS7 and of course MVC beta, VS2008 & Sp1.
Lastly, i'm hoping to also have multiple solutions use the Vista IIS7 for their own web server's (different, independent web sites).
Ahh, now I understand your question ... try this:
right click on project > properties > Web > Servers > Use Local IIS Web server
after selecting that, VS should use IIS as the dev server when launch the debugger, etc.
This should give you the nescessary steps:

Is there any IIS equivalent to Tomcat?

I want to test ASP.NET applications to get the feel for the MVC extension and compare that to what I can do today with Grails or Rails.
The trouble is that being in a corporate environment, I can't install IIS on my workstation, neither on my DEV server. And - you guessed it - Visual Studio is not to be considered at that moment (I guess for my investigations I'll stick with SharpDevelop and the .NET SDK for the time being).
On the Java side, I could unzip some Tomcat distribution in any folder and hit go.
Is there any equivalent in the IIS world, like a lightweight ASP.NET host?
UltiDev Cassini Web Server
cassini runs locally. I'll get a link..
Edit: Here's the link to the Cassini Web Server
UltiDev recently started shipping test builds of the Cassini replacement - UltiDev Web Server Pro. It requires elevated/admin privileges to be installed, but it can be downloaded for free. It's quite advanced, it's closer to IIS than Cassini. See screenshots.
