Losing session in ASP.NET C# - asp.net

I'm having a problem of losing session variable on my website. It append at random times so there is no particular behavior that cause this. What can be the cause of this session lost?
I've read everywhere on this site that I could put my session in "sql server" mode so everything is written on the server, can it be a solution?
My server is on 1and1 shared hosting, can it be their fault?
Thanks !

Check with the hosting provider that your application is not being hosted on a load balanced server. If the server is being load balanced, your users will lose their session state information when the load balancer sends their request to another server. There are 3 settings Session State mode property:
InProc - Will store state information locally on the server from which the request is made (only effective when the application is being hosted on a single server in a non-load balanced environment)
StateServer - Allows a specially configured server to host state information for an entire web farm (I believe StateServer began to be offered on .NET Framework v2.0).
SqlServer - Allows a specially configured SQL Server instance to store session information for a web farm
[This information will vary slighty in a web garden scenario.]
See MSDN for more information on Session State.
This can happen very randomly based on their load balancing settings (think: sticky load balancing) and can work for several minutes one time and fail almost immediately another time.
The other possibility is the timeout property of the sessionstate setting in the web.config has been set to a low value (it is in minutes) and the session is expiring.


Validation of viewstate MAC failed caused due to Application Pool Idle Timeout

i had bought a web domain online where i am hosting asp.net website's/web-application's.
Many a times I am facing an error:
Validation of viewstate MAC failed. If this application is hosted by a Web Farm or cluster......
After a long research i had found that the error occurs due to "Application Pool Idle Timeout".
By default an app-pool will recycle every 5 minutes. If this recycle happened while a user is busy on the site and send post back to the server, the server no longer recognizes the session/viewstate and rejects what is being posted back.
My "Application Pool Idle Timeout" value is around 5 min. which is too short.
i had contacted the domain person to change the timeout period but they refused to do so saying its same for all and cant be changed.
I had googled for other solutions and found the below solutions:
Setting the EnableViewStateMAC property to false (Not good w.r.t. security reasons).
Provide your own validation and decryption keys "" (Doesn't work).
Please provide me a better solution ASAP.
Or Should I change the domain manager (like godaddy.com).
I have seen and resolved this issue in past. This issue majorly comes when you host application on Web Farm or web Cluster.
When a page is rendered, its view state is encrypted on server and sent to client. When page is posted back, this view state data is decrypted on server to get the state of the page. For Encryption and decryption of viewState server uses some keys, which if not provided in Maching.config files, are generated on the fly by server.
If you are on a single server hosting environment, these keys might get recycled. But on a Web Farm or Web Cluster, if these keys are generated at random then they are different for every server, and a request from one server can be posted back to another server that has different set of key and where it fails.
Solution to this is Adding MachineKey entries to all the server's Machine.Config files, or to your application's web.config files so that each server uses same keys for encryption and decryption of view state.

Increasing Session TimeOut

Site hosted via IIS 7.0
I would like to set my session time-out to 9 hours in my ASP.NET application.
This has been set at web.config
<sessionState timeout="540"></sessionState>
But, as I understand, if the timeout is set as 20 minutes inside the IIS where the website is hosted, setting an extended session state will be of no use.
Firstly, I would like to confirm whether this assumption is right.
The problem is that I do not have access to the IIS of my shared hosted web server.
Now, after some research, I came up with another solution in code project. This sounds like a wonderful idea. The idea is to insert an iframe to master page. The iframe will contain another page with meta refresh less than 20 minutes.
Response.AddHeader("Refresh", "20");
This idea seemed good for me. But the article is 7 years old. Plus at comments section a user complaints that this won't work if the page is minimized and I am worried that the same happens when my pages tab is not active.
I would like to know these things
Whether the refresh method will work for my scenario , even if the page is minimized?
Are there any other methods that could increase session time out that overrides IIS timeout setting?
Also I read some questions in Stack Overflow where the answers state that the IIS session timeout is for clasic ASP pages. Then why is not my extended timeout not firing?
Firstly, I would like to confirm whether this assumption is right.
Yes, this assumption is absolutely right in case you are using in-memory session state mode. In this case the session is stored in memory and since IIS could tear down the AppDomain under different circumstances (period of inactivity, CPU/memory tresholds are reached, ...) the session data will be lost. You could use an out-of-process session state mode. Either StateServer or SQLServer. In the first case the session is stored in the memory of a special dedicated machine running the aspstate Windows service and in the second case it is a dedicated SQL Server. The SQL Server is the most robust but obviously the slowest.
1) Whether the refresh method will work for my scenario , even if the page is minimized?
The hidden iframe still works to maintain the session alive but as I said previously there might be some conditions when IIS unloads the application anyway (CPU/memory tresholds are reached => you could configure this in IIS as well).
2) Are there any other methods that could increase session time out that overrides IIS timeout setting?
The previous method doesn't increase the session timeout. It simply maintains the session alive by sending HTTP requests to the server at regular intervals to prevent IIS from bringing the AppDomain down.
3) Also I read some questions in Stack Overflow where the answers state
that the IIS session timeout is for clasic ASP pages. Then why is not
my extended timeout not firing?
There is no such thing as IIS session timeout. The session is an ASP.NET artifact. IIS is a web server that doesn't know anything about sessions.
Personally I don't use sessions in my applications. I simply disable them:
<sessionState mode="Off"></sessionState>
and use standard HTTP artifacts such as cookies, query string parameters, ... to maintain state. I prefer to persist information in my backend and retrieving it later using unique ids instead of relying on sessions.

ASP.net Session in SQL or cookie

I deployed an ASP.net web site to two servers and put them behind the load balanced environment. Now that problem is that the performance is really slow. Even for just simple button event, it takes long time to finish the simple button event. However, if I access the site separately (by its server’s address), performance is good. What our system engineer told me was that the application handles session state in process as if it runs on only one server, it could not handle clustering. So, he suggested that I should use the session object in the code to store the session in SQL server, or cookie.
I am currently using session variables to store the session.
I am kind of a new to ASP.net and I am not sure exactly what this mean and how I can accomplish this in my .net code (C#)?
Here is a good link to start you off: ASP.NET Session State
You would probably want to go with the Out of process mode where the servers all access 1 session process on a designated server, if speed is your top priority or SQL Server mode where all servers access 1 database if reliability is your top priority as with out of process mode if the process dies your session data is lost similar to how in-process session handling works.
No coding changes for storing session data would be needed, just the initial configuration of the environment and a web.config change.
First off, you need to configure sessionstate in your web.config for what you want to do. Here is a step by step tutorial on storing sessionstate in sql server. Hope it helps!

ASP.NET: Is Session Object my acceptable solution for static variable?

I've read several threads about this topic and need some clarification on a few sentences I read in a book:
If you store your Session state in-process, your application is not scalable. The reason for this is that the Session object is stored on one particular server. Therefore storing Session state in-process will not work with a web farm.
What does "scalable" in the first sentence mean?
Does the third sentence means if my app resides on a shared web host, I shouldn't use Session["myData"] to store my stuff? If so, what should I use?
Scalability in this sense:
the ability of a system, network, or process, to handle growing amounts of work in a graceful manner or its ability to be enlarged to accommodate that growth.[
Use a session server or store sessions in SQL Server, which are described here.
ASP.NET can store all the combined Session information for an Application (the "Session State") in 3 possible places on the server-side (client cookies is also possible but that is a different story):
"InProc" (In Process) which means in memory on the IIS server attached to the asp.net worker process,
"StateServer" which is a separate process that can be accessed by multiple IIS servers but still stores the Session state in memory, and
"SQLServer" which stores the Session state in a SQL Server database.
1) The reason In-process is not scalable is if your needs exceed the capacity of a single IIS server, multiple servers can't use an In-process session state. If you have determined a shared hosting scenario will fulfill you needs, you don't need to worry about it.
2) When you store something in Session["Name"], ASP.net stores that data wherever the application is configured to store Session state. If you want to change where Session state is stored, all you need to do is configure your web.config file. If you are using a shared hosting environment, your IIS deployment is considered single server even though no doubt the actual servers are in a farm of some sort.
See: MSDN Session-State Modes

How does Session_Start() work in server farm?

Does the OnSessionStart / Session_Start event still only fire once (total) in a server farm environment, or since requests are handled by multiple servers, could it fire up to once per server?
ASP.NET / IIS6 or 7
It should not be assumed that the server is using Sticky Sessions.
With a default installation of IIS the answer is "no" -- the Session_Start will in general fire multiple times. A client will create a new Session on each different server it hits. The same thing goes if you are using the Web Garden option in IIS.
If you don't depend on Session and you have a server farm you are usually best off disabling Session state completely. Here is how you do it:
If you do depend on Session your best option is probably the ASP.NET State Server Service. All the servers in your farm will use a single server for Session state, and that will ensure that Session_Start only fires once. For lots of background and detail on setup read this (Look for "State Server Mode" to get specific instructions):
In addition to Thomas: It depends on your Session State settings.
in web.config, <sessionState mode="" >
If you use mode="InProc" you'll get multiple Session and SessionStart events, 1 per visited server.
In the other modes (StateServer or SqlServer) you'll get 1 session and 1 SessionStart. You will not get a SessionEnd event at all.
In a farm, you would be using either Sql Server or a State Server for managing session state across all the servers in the farm. It is having this single server looking after your state than ensures that OnSessionStart should only be called once per session and there is no need to have to always have all the requests go back to the same server.
The main downside of using a single server for maintaining session state is that you no longer have an OnSessionEnd event.
my understanding is that once a request reach a server in the farm ,all of the upcoming requests of the same client should be redirected to the same server in the farm.
