ASP.NET page to reflect server status -

I'm looking to create a webpage that will reflect the status of one of my company's servers automatically. Frequently there will be a minor error that only lasts 2-3 minutes, and it would be great to have this reflected on a self-generated page, which might prevent 50-60 unhappy clients from calling in simultaneously and asking what's wrong.
I'm not quite sure where to begin - would anyone have a suggestions for good resources to study? Programming examples? I'm not referring to the basics of writing an ASP.NET page, of course, but rather process interaction in Windows.

To pull this off, you'd need a separate page that essentially runs server diagnostics, otherwise the page wouldn't know if it was up or down. Also, the page would need to be isolated from the sort of problems that are kill other people's requests, such as cache hit problems, memory starvation, high CPU usage, insufficient bandwidth. So ideally the diagnostics would run in a separate app-pool, separate virtual directory, separate machine.
Many of the interesting diagnostics would require a WMI call, but some you can get from the My.Computer namespace.

Also, are you going to do this on every server, or do you want one web server to display the status of several different servers?
It also depends on the type of errors your servers are encountering.
If they are going down completely, or are losing internet connection, then pinging them after an interval of time will let you know if they are up or not.
If you have a specific process running on a server that becomes unavailable, that can be a little more tricky.
Your best bet is to find a way to do a simple request from the services/applications that are important and see if you get a response, if you do, the server is likely up, if not, then it is likely not.
Anything you can do to reduce the number of support calls you get is a good idea, but I'd also focus some time and try to figure out why your servers are going down so often.
Also, telling your users that the server is down, but not giving a reason why may not give the effect you are looking for. Users will still be confused and frustrated when they can't get their work done.

I know you were looking to build a webpage to display the server diagnostics, but there are plenty of server monitoring tools that produce webpages for an easy dashboard view of the history.
A quick google returned the following link:


ASP.NET: Session state has created a session id, but cannot save it because the response was already flushed by the application

in an old ASP.NET Web Forms application, developed in Visual Studio 2010,
suddenly does not run anymore, and in the log file appears this message:
Session state has created a session id,
but cannot save it because the response was already flushed by the application.
No new deployment has been made, and no code modifications take place.
Until now I didn't find any solution to this.
What I have to check?
I state that the source code is no longer available, and therefore it would be very difficult to change the code and proceed with a new deployment.
Thanks in advance.
This would suggest that someone might be hitting the site and jumping directly to some URL (and thus code) that say does some response redirect to another page or some such.
Remember, when code behind runs, and say re-directs to another page, in most cases the running code for the current page is terminated, and that is normal behaviors.
However, the idea that you going to debug code and debug a web site when you don't have the code to debug? Gee, I don't see how that's going to work at all. As noted, if this just started, then it sounds like incoming requests are to pages that don't expect to be hit "first", but some pages that expect to be ONLY called from other pages in the site when some session() and imporant values are setup BEFORE such pages are to be hit.
It also not clear if the site is using sql based sessions, or just in-memory sessions. In memory can (and is) faster, but it also not particually relaible. Now, if you deployed to a new web server or new hosting, then often session errrors can now start to appear, and this is due to the MASSIVE HUGE LARGE DIFFERENT of using cloud based hosting vs that of older hosting soluions that run on a single server.
Clould computing is real utility computing, and thus when you host a web site on such systems, then in-memory session() cannot be used anymore, since multiple servers can and will be used to "dish out" web pages. Since more then one server might be used, then obvisouly in-memory sesson() can't work, since a few web pages might be served out by one server, and then a few more pages might be served out by another server. And using shared memory for a session is limited to ONE server, since multiplel servers don't and can't transfer their memory to other servers.
So, this suggests that you want to be sure that sql server based sessions are being used here - and for any kind of server farm, or any kind of system that does load balances between more then one server, then of course you HAVE to use sql server based sessions, since in memory can't work in that kind of environment.
The error could also be due to excessive server loads - often the session database is "locked" for a short period of time, and can thus often be a bottleneck. So, for say years you might not see a issue, but then as load and use of the web site increases, then this can become noticed where as in the past it was not. I suppose the database used for storing sessions could be checked, or looked at, since as you note, you don't have the ability to test + debug the code. I would REALLY but REALLY work towards solving and fixing this lack of source code for the web site, since without that, you have really no means to manage, maintain, and fix issues for that web site.
But, abrupt terminations of web pages? As noted, this could be a error triggered in code, and thus the page never finished what it was supposed to do. And as noted, perhaps a page that expects some session() values but does not have them as explained above could be the problem. It not clear if your errors also shows what URL this was occurring for.
While nothing seems to have changed - something obviously did.
Ultimate, you need to get that source code, or deal with the people + vendor that supplies the code for that site. If you don't have a vendor, and you don't have source code, you quite much attempting to work on a car that you cant even open the hood to check what's going on under that hood.
so, one suggestion here? Someone is hitting a page that expected some value(s) in session to exist. Often the simple solution is to shove ANY simple or dummy value into session so session REALLY does get created, and then when the page attempts to save the session(), there is one to save!!!
In other words, this error often occurs when session is attempted to be saved, but no sesison exists. For such pages, as noted, a simple tiny small code change of doing this session("zoozoo") = "my useless text" will fix this error. So, it sounds like session is being lost.
As noted, a error on a web page can also trigger a app-pool re-start. If app-pool re-starts, then session is lost (in memory session). Now, with session being lost, then any page that decides to terminate early AND ALSO having used session() will trigger this error.
So, this sounds like app-pool is being re-started and session is being lost. (you can google why app-pool restarts and for the many reasons). However, critical to this issue would be are you using sql based sessions, or in-memory (server) sessions? So, this sounds like some code is triggering a error, and with a error triggered, app-pool re-starts. And with app-pool being restarted, then in-memory session is blown away. And now, without ANY session at all, then attempts to save the session trigger the exact error message you see. (and this is why shoving a dummy value into the session allows and can fix some pages - since you can't save a "nothing" session, and if you do, then you get that exact error message.
but, as noted, you can't make these simple changes to code anyway, right?
But, first on this issue - are you using memory based sessions or not? And that feature can be setup and configured in IIS, and without changes to the code base. So, one quick fix might be to turn on sql server based sessions. It will cost web site performance (10%), but the increased reliability is more then worth the performance hit.
Another area to look at? Are AJAX calls being made to a page, and again without any previous session having been created? So, once again, we down to a change in end user behaviors, and possible those hitting a page first before having logged in, or done other things - and again one would see this error crop up.

Determining what is putting pressure on IIS

I got a dedicated server running both IIS 7.5 and SQL Server 2010. Server CPU load is often near 100%. The SQL server does not take too much but the w3wp process is taking a significant amount of CPU (often 70+%).
I'd like to find out, what is causing this pressure:
* Too many requests of static files (a CDN could be added)
* Too many ajax requests (I am thinking about comet/web sockets anyways)
* Single pages consuming too much processing power (should be easy to optimize)
Where would you start looking to find out where to start optimizing?
The easiest possible way is to profile the app in production. Not sure if that is possible in your case. Some options:
look into the logs and look at the duration of the requests. Long requests are likely to put load on the system
Remote debug w3wp with Visual Studio and pause the debugger 10 times to see where it stops most. That is the hot spot
Use XPerf or PerfView to capture (managed) stacks. This has almost no impact on production performance
A good starting point would be to fire up the development tools (F12 in IE / Chrome) and look at the timings under the network tab. That will show you a waterfall-style diagram for how the page has loaded and should help you identify any particularly slow-loading static files which might be sensibly moved off to a cdn, any unnecessary requests being made, how much time is being spent getting the actual page itself, etc.
After that, profile the application with a performance profiler. A good profiler like ANTS Performance Profiler will let you look at things like execution time / hit counts for different methods, as well as what database queries are being run and how long they’re taking. A new version of ANTS (currently in EAP) will also group that activity by http request so you can see if specific pages need optimisation or are being hit too many times.
You'd also do well to check that caching is working as you intend it so that users aren’t unnecessarily re-requesting pages.
There's also a nice article on ASP.NET performance which you might want to read at
Disclaimer: I work for Red Gate which makes ANTS.
I found an easy way to see what's going on on the server.
Nevertheless, the professional way is probably to go and use a profiling tool.
What did I do?
In IIS Console you can get a list of all current worker threads and if you choose one you can see what this thread is working on. So I was able to see that the thread was handling 100 requests in parallel, 70 of those were tracing back to the same ajax call.
The immediate solution was to reduce the frequency of that call (from every 10 to every 30 seconds). The next step will be to further optimize the call on the server side since I do have other ajax calls with the same frequency (every 10 seconds) which nearly never showed up in the active requests list since they were so fast.
Probably the easiest way to figure it out would be to install New Relic on the server. The trial lasts 30 days I think so it should give you enough time to get to the bottom of this. It'll show you long-running SQL queries, .NET methods, as well as just about everything else you can think of. It makes it very easy to identify bottlenecks.
By the way, I suggested New Relic because it sounds like your problem is in a production environment. New Relic isn't an incredibly detailed profiler. It gathers enough information to be helpful, but not so much as to slow down the server. That makes it well suited to this purpose.
If, however, you could reproduce the problem in a development environment you might try something like the free Eqatec profiler.

When to use load balancing?

I am just getting in to the more intricate parts of web development. This may not be in the best place. However, when is it best to get load balancing for a web project? I understand that it depends on good design/bad design as to how many users you can get to visit a site without it REALLY effecting the performance. However, I am planning to code a new project that could potentially have a lot of users and I wondered if I should be thinking off the bat about load balancing. Opinions welcome; thanks in advance!
I should not also that the project most likely will be (webforms or mvc not yet decided) with backend of mongodb or pgsql(again still deciding).
Load balancing can also be a form of high availability. What if your web server goes down? It can take a long time to replace it.
Generally, when you need to think about throughput you are already rich because you have an enormous amount of users.
Stackoverflow is serving 10m unique users a month with a few servers (6 or so). Think about how many requests per day you had if you were constantly generating 10 HTTP responses per second for 8 hot hours: 10*3600*8=288000 page impressions per day. You won't have that many users soon.
And if you do, you optimize your app to 20 requests per second and CPU core which means you get 80 requests per second on a commodity server. That is a lot.
Adding a load balancer later is usually easy. LBs can tag each user with a cookie so they get pinned to one particular target. You app will not notice the difference. Usually.
Is this for an e-commerce site? If so, then the real question to ask is "for every hour that the site is down, how much money are you losing?" If that number is substantial, then I would make load balancing a priority.
One of the more-important architecture decisions that I have seen affect this, is the use of session variables. You need to be able to provide a seamless experience if your user ends-up on different servers during their visit. Session variables won't transfer from server to server, so I would avoid using them.
I support a solution like this at work. We run four (used to be eight) .NET e-commerce websites on three Windows 2k8 servers (backed by two primary/secondary SQL Server 2008 databases), taking somewhere around 1300 (combined) orders per day. Each site is load-balanced, and kept "in the farm" by a keep-alive. The nice thing about this, is that we can take one server down for maintenance without the users really noticing anything. When we bring it back, we re-enable our replication service and our changes get pushed out to the other two servers fairly quickly.
So yes, I would recommend giving a solution like that some thought.
The parameters here that may affect the one the other and slow down the performance are.
Have to do with how many user you have, together with the media you won to serve.
So if you have to serve a lot of video/files to deliver, you need many servers to deliver it. Let say that you do not have, what is the next think that need to check, the users and the processing.
From my experience what is slow down the processing is the locking of the session. So one big step to speed up the processing is to make a total custom session handling and your page will no lock the one the other and you can handle with out issue too many users.
Now for next step let say that you have a database that keep all the data, to gain from a load balance and many computers the trick is to make local cache of what you going to show.
So the idea is to actually avoid too much locking that make the users wait the one the other, and the second idea is to have a local cache on each different computer that is made dynamic from the main database data.
Web app blocked while processing another web app on sharing same session
Replacing ASP.Net's session entirely
call aspx page to return an image randomly slow
Always online
One more parameter is that you can make a solution that can handle the case of one server for all, and all for one :) style, where you can actually use more servers for backup reason. So if one server go off for any reason (eg for update and restart), the the rest can still work and serve.
As you said, it depends if/when load balancing should be introduced. It depends on performance and how many users you want to serve. LB also improves reliability of your app - it will not stop when one system goes crashing down. If you can see your project growing to be really big and serve lots of users I would sugest to design your application to be able to be upgraded to LB, so do not do anything non-standard. Try to steer away of home-made solutions and always follow good practice. If later on you really need LB it should not be required to change your app.
You may need to think ahead but not at a cost of complicating your application too much. Do not go paranoid and prepare everything to work lightning fast 'just in case'. For example, do not worry about sessions - session management can be easily moved to SQL Server at any time and this is the way to go with LB. Caching will also help if you hit some bottlenecks in the future but you do not need to implement it straight away - good design (stable interfaces), separation and decoupling will allow for the cache to be added later on. So again - stick to good practices, do not close doors but also do not open all of them straight away.
You may find this article interesting.

How useful is Response.IsClientConnected?

I was wondering if anyone had experience they could share using the Response.IsClientConnected property as a performance optimization for websites.
The reason I ask is that I am a bit skeptical on how effective it would be in real life scenarios. I understand the concept of checking the value before performing a large task but I just can't see how useful this would be as clients could disconnect at any point time.
I think the main usage would be for optimizing the delivery of long processes. For example, if you had to generate a huge report or something, you might run the report in a separate thread and then periodically check to see if the user is still connnected. If not, you could kill this long running process so that it is not running needlessly since the user is no longer expecting a response.
This helps to prevent users from starting long processes and then making more requests over and over because they might think it is slow or something. If you were not doing this type of checking, you could tax your server due to all the requests even though all but one is valid. This scenario could be handled by allowing only one user to run one long running task, but it would also help in a multi-user environment as well to make sure you are only spending time serving up requests where the user is still connected and waiting for the response.
Note: I have never actually used this before, this is just based on my very basic understanding of what I have read.
I have used this extensively in my applications and it can give you a huge saving on resources.
Try this: create a page that needs -some- time to complete and try refresh it many many times before it complete. You will see that requests are queued to be executed. Imagine a user that has a slow connection and refreshes his page many many times thinking this will fetch the page (a very common issue from what a site can die out of resources when all users are connected and for some reason it becomes slow).
Now, change it and at the start of each page load, (or sooner at page init) check if HttpContext.Current.Response.IsClientConnected and in the case that he is not connetced throw a threadabord exception. You will see, your site will respond much sooner.
Actually I check if client is connected before any heavy action on the page so as to prevent needless executions. In production environments, I have seen that especially in cases where the system becomes slow, this validation will help much.

Determining Website Capacity

A client of mine has a website and they need to determine how 'scalable' the site currently is. What I mean by this is the number of users browsing around the site concurrently.
It's a custom e-commerce app in .net, not written by myself and the code is... well lets just say, a bit dubious.
A much bigger company is looking to buy them / throw funding their way but they need some form of metrics to show how much load it can take before it falls apart. This big company has the ability to 'turn on the taps' to a huge user base - and obviously doesn't want to do that if the site is going to fall over with a sneeze of traffic.
What is a good metric to provide here? And how can I obtain it?
Edit: Question revised
I always use Apache's "ab" tool: link text
Run it from a different machine, preferably a BSD or Linux machine with no firewall rules that will limit the performance of the tool. Because otherwise the result might not be as reliable. If you use a Windows machine, make sure you're using one that isn't limiting the number of active TCP connections.
When using "ab", the number you're looking for it "Requests per second". Experiment with the concurrency switch to see how many concurrent users you can handle before you're getting a lot of errors, or when the requests per seconds is dropping rapidly.
When you are noticing the webserver is having serious issues you should restart the webserver, and let it rest for a while before continuing the test.
You'd be better off with a hosted load test, as this might give you more insight on realworld scenario's (something like, no experience with them though).
Furthermore: scalability is as far as I know, not how many concurrent users can be served, but the way how easy it is to serve more when the site grows bigger (by adding extra servers etc, how easy is it for the website to scale up, does the codebase allow to use unlimited number of servers, etc.)
Well, I suppose it'll depend on what the client cares about.
Do they care about how many users to can access the site at once? Report on that, but running simultaneous requests from another server until it dies, then get the number.
Do they care about something else?
For me, when someone says they want it to 'scale', it really means they have no idea what they want. So try and talk to them, and get specific details of what, exactly, they want to see 'scaling', and then, once you find the areas to analyse, you can do so trivially, and attempt to improve them.
