Is it possible to learn math from scratch and how? [closed] - math

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Closed 12 years ago.
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I have a quite big development experience and I wonder is it possible to start learning math from scratch. I forgot almost everything I know, even school program. Please give me some guidance on this. Where to start what to do. Are there any math books for developers. May be with exercises to write code or experiment, etc...
Any help is appreciated.

Yes, there are math books for developers:
Concrete Mathematics: A Foundation for Computer Science
Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications
It's hard to say if either one would be a good starting point without knowing what level you're at.

Assuming you have had high school math, I strongly recommend:
Concrete Mathematics, Second Edition
by Ronald L. Graham, Donald E. Knuth, and Oren Patashnik (Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1994), xiii+657pp.
ISBN 0-201-55802-5

I'd review what you should know first (at least a little) before going on to new material. You'll need a good foundation in algebra, and at least some exposure to calculus before trying Concrete Mathematics or even The Art of Computer Programming.
If you want to go from the practical side of computing Robert Sedegwick, has written some books that have source code explaining computer algorithms and theory.


How much math/physics does a full stack engineer need? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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So, imagine a person that likes math/physics/engineering problems. He also likes science and programming. Let's call him D.
D is in his mid-twenties, has much to learn about life and programming. He has the most experience in Pascal, C++, C, Python, Javascript. He also peaked into web development tools a bit. Note that, D is very enthusiast about solving & programming math/physics driven problems and can not imagine his job to completely lack such problems.
Now D got a really interesting offer to become a full stack engineer. The only concern is, that he is completely unfamiliar with this part of the development world. D likes the offer, but does not know how much math/physics, if any, is included in an everyday life of a full stack engineer. Is that none at all? Some? Or does it depend on the project? Could it be the most desirable knowledge in some cases?
Anyway D does not have the answers to any of the questions and is therefore having trouble accepting/denying the given offer. He is afraid that the lack of scientific approach in full stack development could bore him to death.
What do you think? I know people that are really good full stack engineers but bad (or none) math/physics knowledge. But I don't know any that good mathematician/physicist to go for a full stack engineering career. Can you help D?
The most helpful tip for D:
D should not make a Full Stack Developer career if he is afraid that the lack of scientific approach in full stack development could bore him to death.
Because, most probably it will do even if the project is somehow science-related. It is a rare case when a FSD will be loaded with interesting math/physics driven problems.
Better to find C++ or python positions with relevant specialization. Perhaps the most of relevant vacations that will make D happy are located in GameDev area.
P.S. Math/Physics related problems and Scientific Approach are different things =)

A book to learn programming concepts [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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does anybody know of a book where i can learn "introduction to programming tools in computer science including: data abstraction, recursion, higher-order functions, I/O, and data structures such as lists and trees. This course prepares students for success in AP Computer Science." I have a little programming experience, but i feel learning these things may really lessen the learning curve and give me a better understanding of programming
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. On MITOpenCorseware has 20 hours of lectures which is related to the book. It does not cover all of the book but it's magical to watch!
In one hour you learn a programming language and in the last two you learn compilation techniques and how to make a garbage collector. It's pretty awesome.
you can check let uc C,is a good book. it is in C language.
pdf is available at . this book doesn't include data structure.

What's the best way to explain to a non-CS person why CS concepts are important to their lives? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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Is there a legitimate reason why the majority of society (beyond CS-educated persons) should know about the abstractions we become familiar with in CS/programming (such as data abstractions, computer systems abstractions, etc)? Or does it truly not really matter to anyone but programmers, scientists, and engineers?
There is absolutely no reason why the majority of society should know about CS concepts. This is not the way society works, IMO. To be honest, a much stronger case could be made why the majority of the people should know about first aid then about CS.
There are a lot of professions out there which are crucial to maintain the standard of living we have now. Computer science is one of them, I'll give you that, so are doctors, engineers, mechanics, teachers,...
The majority of the people already know how to use computers because it's useful to them. Just like you know how to live in your house, you probably don't know how to build one from the ground up.

A good intro to information theory, please? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I know about Wikipedia and MacKay's Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms (is it appropriate as textbook?). A textbook starting with Shannon's entropy and going through Conditional entropy and Mutual information is sought... Any idea? If you are following such a course at your university, which textbook is used?
I used the following textbook during my studies in CS at EPFL. IMO, it's well written, with good explainations, and covers more than enough for an introduction to the domain.
Elements of Information Theory
EDIT: For further reading, here are some other readings that my professor did recommend. I did not read them (shame on me), so I can't say if they're good or not.
R. G. Gallager, Information Theory and Reliable Communication, Wiley, 1968.
D. MacKay, Information Theory, Inference & Learning Algorithms, Cambridge University Press, 2008. (you already mentioned it)
I. Csiszar and J. Korner, Information Theory: Coding Theorems for Discrete Memoryless Systems, Akademiai Kiado, 1997.
C. E. Shannon, The Mathematical Theory of Communication

What is a good mathematically inclined book for a Lisp beginner? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I am looking for a mathematical book on Lisp. Some ideas?
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs uses mathematical examples. It's not really a book for learning a particular version of Lisp, but you'll learn the concepts.
Essentials of Programming Languages
Elegant LISP Programs by G. J. Chaitin
Maxima by Example by Edwin L. Woollett Web Page
However, please be noted that Chaitin's version of `LISP' is not the common Lisp used by programmers nowadays to do more practical things. For the more practical aspects of Lisp programming, see Practical Common Lisp by Peter Seibel.
John Allen's Anatomy of Lisp.
