A good intro to information theory, please? [closed] - information-theory

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I know about Wikipedia and MacKay's Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms (is it appropriate as textbook?). A textbook starting with Shannon's entropy and going through Conditional entropy and Mutual information is sought... Any idea? If you are following such a course at your university, which textbook is used?

I used the following textbook during my studies in CS at EPFL. IMO, it's well written, with good explainations, and covers more than enough for an introduction to the domain.
Elements of Information Theory
EDIT: For further reading, here are some other readings that my professor did recommend. I did not read them (shame on me), so I can't say if they're good or not.
R. G. Gallager, Information Theory and Reliable Communication, Wiley, 1968.
D. MacKay, Information Theory, Inference & Learning Algorithms, Cambridge University Press, 2008. (you already mentioned it)
I. Csiszar and J. Korner, Information Theory: Coding Theorems for Discrete Memoryless Systems, Akademiai Kiado, 1997.
C. E. Shannon, The Mathematical Theory of Communication


How necessary are mathematics in programming? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I read on many forums for "Do I need mathematic-skills to code?" (and such), but my question is slightly different.
What I want to know is: How much mathematics do you really need to graduate (with high marks) in 'Computer Engineering' or 'Information Technology' and is it hard?
By the way, I love mathematics, eventhough I'm not good enough at it (I won 3 math olympiads but I struggle from self-esteem).
To graduate - You'll need it for sure. An easy example are integrals, derivatives and stuff like that. A lot of subjects, at least in my university requires a basic understanding of maths.
Another thing is what kind of a programmer you wanna be. Sure I guess you do not always have to use math's while writing HTML code or so.
On the other hand - for algorithmic stuff you couldn't get away without it :)
all in all, To graduate in IT you have to know math, but to code, not always.

Path: Data Analysis in R [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am building a path for beginners (like me) to guide them through the learning of data analysis in R (Only in R please).
Would you suggest me any new sections and/or new courses that i should add?
Heres is what i have been adding till now: http://studiy.co/path/data-analysis/
Thanks for the help!
well you need to distinguish... If you want just to learn R programming you may check Coursera course on R
that would give you some basics. If you need to learn how to analyse data then you may need a bit more. What are your background in mathematics? What kind of statistics know-how do you have? A GREAT resource in my opinion is the book
An Introduction to Statistical Learning with applications in R
That you can even find for free in pdf (http://www-bcf.usc.edu/~gareth/ISL/). Beware that you may need some mathematics background to be able to understand it fully. In case you have a more profound background in science I may have other suggestions. Could you tell us at what level are you?
Hope that helps.

Isabelle/HOL tutorial/documentation needed [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am looking for freely available and good quality tutorials and documentation for Isabelle2013/HOL (aside of the obvious ones after Google-ing and digging a bit). Could you please recommend some?
Some documents that may help get you started:
The previous de-facto tutorial was A Proof Assistant for Higher-Order Logic by Nipkow, Paulson and Wenzel. This document provides an introduction to Isabelle/HOL as a functional programming language as well as a guide as to how to use most of the common proof mechanisms available in Isabelle/HOL. It is a good starting point;
A newer tutorial is Programming and Proving in Isabelle/HOL by Nipkow. It covers some of the same material as the previous document and is not quite as in-depth, but uses more modern techniques of carrying out proofs in Isabelle/HOL. It may be useful as a "quick-start" to Isabelle/HOL.
The freely available book Concrete Semantics by Nipkow and Klein provides an introduction to Isabelle/HOL in the context of performing proofs on programming languages. If your interest in Isabelle/HOL is to do with program verification, this book would be a good start.
Is general, most (but not all) good reference guides are linked to from the Isabelle documentation page itself. watch out, however, as some of the documents there are quite old and unlikely to be relevant any longer, (though such documents have been tagged as such).
There are also a plethora of slides and lecture notes available of the web, such as UNSW or the University of Edinburgh, but these are probably better used as a supplement, as they often lack context and important details which are provided in the lectures.

Book suggestions for Low-level ethernet/networking (e.g. MII) [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I had a colleague who is using Xilinx's LocalLink TEMAC
While I find the DS interesting, I would like to learn more about the basics of it. Does anyone have any recommendations for a good low-level intro to networking/ethernet book?
I don't need to know "how to be a good network administrator", but rather interfaces like the MII, GMII, and how they communicate with different PHYs that are on the market. My questions that I'd like to learn about are similar to:
What is ethernet?
How are packets structured?
What is a preamble and how is it used?
What is a frame?
I'd also be interested in online sites if it's really much easier to learn from in your opinion. If there is a book series, I would be open to that as well.
One of the best networking books I've found is "The TCP/IP Guide: A Comprehensive, Illustrated Internet Protocols Reference" http://www.amazon.com/TCP-Guide-Comprehensive-Illustrated-Protocols/dp/159327047X/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1312296674&sr=8-5. The only thing this doesn't cover in great detail is the actual layer 1 stuff. Well even then it goes over some basic details, but the book is excellent for most anything you need to know regarding networks, packets, headers, etc....

Does an open-source poker-related math library exist? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I would like to develop a poker odds application that can give the probability of various game situations. Since the application will be mostly statistical analysis, I figured I would see if someone else had already written a library that implements the required mathematics.
I would prefer cross-platform open-source in C++, but that's not a requirement.
This is a subset of Dave's list, but I suggest you look at twodimes.net. It is a web app that uses the pokenum open source library. It is written in C. It does hand enumeration and stats for several poker varieties.
Here's a list of poker-related software tools.
Complete source code for Texas hold'em poker game evaluator can be found here:
It is built for matlab, the GUI id m-coded but the computational engine is c++.
It allows for odds and probability calculation. It can deal, on my 2.4Ghz laptop, with a 100000 10 players game computation in 0,3 seconds.
An accurate real time computer:-)
