css backgrounds images - css

Hi I have a 1px png file,which I am trying to set as a background image for two divs which are adjacent to each other horizontally.The html and css are as under:-
<div id='one'>hi</div>
<div id='two'>hello</div>
The css is like this
div {
width: 50%;
height: 50%
#one, #two {
background-image: url(/images/image.png);
background-repeat: repeat;
Now the problem here is in between the two divs a black border automaticaly appears when the image is set. I dont want the two divs to be seen as separate blocks.Please help. Am totally new to css and need help:-)!

I'd be willing to bet that the image you are using has alpha transparency (that is, the image is partially transparent), and what you're seeing is a one-pixel overlap between the two divs. Either make sure that the container is an even number of pixels wide, or put the divs inside another container and use the background on that instead.

like robert, i'm also not getting the border, but i do get some repeats.
see if this works for you:
#one, #two{
background-repeat: no-repeat;
borders: 0

The problem is caused by a couple of interacting things.
First, make sure you are using the html strict doctype. This will help mitigate a lot of the formatting issues between browsers around divs. See alistapart for a description and list of real doctypes to use and quirksmode for a detailed comparison of them.
Second, you will more than likely have to set the margin of your divs to 0. Browsers have different default settings. A strict doctype will alleviate most of this, but there are usually other areas you have to overcome as well.
Also, you might want to grab firebug for firefox and leverage chromes dev tools. firebug will actually show you what all of the margins / padding / everything else is being set to. The Chrome tools don't give you a pretty picture with the details but you can see what the margins/padding/etc are in the Computed Style section.


z index not working on the navigation bar (it shows the content below)

So basically I'm building this website and for the navigation bar I've added a rectangle with a gradient and just above this rectangle the menu itself.
The only way to make the menu visible (Home, Artist*, etc..) is to set the z-index of the rectangle/gradient like this
if not the gradient will completely cover the content of the menu.
The main problem is the when I set the rectangle as just shown above, it will show all the content below it (text, images, etc..)
I've tried to add z-index to every element to make it work but is seems useless.
Does anyone know what to do? My mission is to make the menu voices (Home, Artist*) above everything, then the rectangle gradient, and then everything else
This is the code for my rectangle/gradient :
<div id="grad1" style="z-index:1!important; position:fixed; width:1920px;height:50px;border:1px solid #000;"></div>
#grad1 { height: 40px!important; background-color: black; background-image: linear-gradient(0deg, transparent, #d9ff76 40%); }
.dark-mode #grad1 { background-color: red; background-image: linear-gradient(0deg, #d9ff76 , black 40%); }
I looked at you website and changing the z-index in the inline style of the div to 3 solved the problem.
<div id="grad1" style="z-index:3!important; position:fixed; width:1920px;height:50px;border:1px solid #000;"></div>
z-index property allows you to make absolute or fixed elements cover html elements of your page, higher the number, higher the position it covers on your website if you set other elements with this property.
If you use too many different z-index or if you abuse it, you can have a difficult time understanding what element is actually covering something.
The best way should be to use it very rarely and with fixed values numbers like 0, 10, 100, 1000 to give a more clearer hierarchy, in your case the header has a lower z-index than your main html page, this happened because normally main content shouldn't have z-index.
you can easily fix that with setting an higher number to your header like this
z-index: 10 !important;
Another little tip i can give you is too use less in line style which makes the code more difficult to read, also try using less !Important statements, it forces the cascade inheritance style and should be used in very very few situations, using it too much nullifies the very concept of css.
use !important in z-index. I think it can be helpful for you

CSS: Fixed background-attachment won't scale to element bounds

I've never before run into a CSS problem I couldn't seem to figure out, but I'm just baffled by this one. I have a element in which I'd like to have a fixed background image, and I'm intentionally using an image that's quite a lot larger than the element because I'm not using media queries for this particular project, but rather just want to have the image scale to the element width. For some reason, however, when I switch the background-attachment to fixed, the image uses the boundary of the parent element as it's reference point.
I'm using the Foundation 4 framework (I use it all the time), and as such the parent element is a row class, so that's worth noting, but I can't figure out what about that might cause this problem. Here's the style definition I'm using (I've broken the background declaration apart for trouble-shooting). Ideas, anyone?
#page-content {
min-height: $publicContentHeight;
background-image: url('../img/paper_phren/pages.bg.fludd.png');
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: 0 0;
background-attachment: fixed;
box-shadow:0px -5px 10px rgba(0,0,0,.3);
Hard to say without seeing your use case, but I've found that background-size doesn't work well for scaling an image to fit the width of any screen size without overflowing it's container. What most seem to do, and what I've now adopted, is just using an img element for the background. Yes, it's not as semantically accurate, but the control you gain is beyond worth it. Microsoft.com along with many others are using this for scalable background images.
Are you trying to fill the element and therefore don't mind if the background image scales outside of the element on either the height or width depending on the ratio? If yes, try: background-size:cover;
Foundation + off-canvas + chrome + background-attachment: fixed = problem. Or so I have heard....
"1- Only in chrome for windows(or so internet say): background-attachment: fixed behave wierd with animations. Specially if you wrap a self animated offcanvas around all your fixed backs.
Notice: this has nothing to do with Zurb, but with chrome."

Mobile Safari white padding/margin on right

I've checked other topics but I can't seem to figure this out. Testing this site here: http://www.mf.jlscs.com/
When in portrait view in Mobile Safari, I can scroll to the right to blank, white padding. I don't want this.
In landscape view, this scrolling isn't there and it renders as I'd like it.
I have no idea what is causing this mysterious push. I've tried to eliminate overflow-x, but that doesn't do the trick. If I eliminate overflow-x on each container, then this same effect is allowed to happen for every container in the page. Any ideas?
Just adding a border to some divs can cause the layout to change.
Add this to the bottom of your css to find the rogue element:
* {
background: #000 !important;
color: #0f0 !important;
outline: solid #f00 1px !important;
I also made a bookmarklet that does this through javascript so it can easily be used on any site. http://blog.wernull.com/2013/04/debug-ghost-css-elements-causing-unwanted-scrolling/
This is most probably caused by either one of your structural elements overshooting your body width. Look for code that is something like width: 100%; padding 20px; or something which would make it shoot out.
I suggest putting a red border on all the main divs and seeing which is the culprit and extends to the edge.
Indeed, this problem is due to "rogue" elements which extend outside of the document width for some reason.
One method is to use the CSS above, haven't tried, but I'm not sure how easy it would be to spot the elements using the borders.
A different approach would be to run this JS code in the console to find them:
Array.prototype.filter.call(document.querySelectorAll('*'), function (node) {
return node.clientWidth + node.offsetLeft > document.documentElement.clientWidth
This will return an array of all elements whos width + offset (distance from the left) are bigger than the clientWidth.
You would then need to inspect the elements and find out why they are behaving like this - in my case, the footer had width:100% and padding:10px, which caused its width to be 20px larger than the document width.
Interestingly enough, this was only seen on iPhones, not on Androids.
I would suggest downloading Web Developer for Firefox and just turning on Outline > Outline Block Level Elements.

css background repeating from 300px onwards

I am wondering if anyone knows how to achieve the following - take a look at http://www.dspts.si
The first 1/3rd of the screen has an empty background and from there onwards there should be a pattern repeating. I did it right now, by creating a very long pattern png and set it to offset 300 and repeat-x. However, I'm not happy with this solution because it will break if the pages ever get longer than the background image png is.
Thanks for any suggestions!
Put the repeating pattern as background to html element, then a white 1px * 300px image as an background image to body element, and you're all set.
html, body {
height: 100%;
html {
background: url(dotted.png);
body {
background: url(white_1x300.png) 0 0 repeat-x;
You don't have to use html and body tags for this, but it's the easiest way and doesn't require any new markup.
You can specify multiple backgrounds. See Can I have multiple background images using CSS?. The techniques mentioned there are:
Put the whole page into another <div> container or misuse the <html> tag for it.
This means you specify a background for <body> and one for <html>.
Use CSS3 which support multiple background images. That's not yet supported by all common browsers.
Yes, specify your background image as normal but set the background-position like this:
background-position:0 300px;
This will make the background image start at 0px from the left, and 300px from the top.
Let's not forget that you can use FireBug with FireFox to easily diagnose techniques on websites.

Round Corner (css and javascript)

Please go to: http://jlecologia.com/page1c.html to see the problem
The top box look fine but in IE6 there is a double top and bottom border.
can somebody point me ut what i have done wrong ?
Or can anybody tell me a javascript rounded box that accept to do that effect with the border that is unequal. I have test some and they all fail, so i have done the picture round box but i like the jQuery javascript approach better.
Take a look at the JQuery's round corner plugin
And here is a demo
The default for background images to to have them repeat.
Try: background: transparent url(../images/roundbox-top.jpg) 0 0 no-repeat;
Edited after comment to provide full solution:
IE6 sets the height of empty divs to your font-size if the height specified in the css is less than the font-size.
On #roundbox .top and #roundbox .bottom, put
That will collapse the div to the right height.
In addition to the change you've made for the bottom border, setting the font-size of the element with class "top" to 7px fixes it in my IE6.
Try using the web developer toolbar in Firefox to validate the CSS and HTML. I did a quick check and there are multiple errors in each. The rendering difference, I suspect, is because IE does not handle malformed content as well as FF. In particular, even small errors in CSS files tend to snowball in IE and melt down an otherwise good layout. Not sure if IE7 and IE8 have made any improvements in this regard.
