Round corners using custom images - css

I'm trying to create a box with round corners using images. I know how to use CSS3 but I need to use images as I have some custom made corners with shadow and transparency.
The result I need:
I have divided the box into several images:
I know there is plenty of info about this topic, but I have been working with this for the last days and from the articles I've read I cannot get exactly what I need. The problem seems to be that I need the background of all images to have a some transparency (both the white part and the shadow part). Anyone has an idea on how to do this using divs?

My personal favorite technique is this one: even more rounded corners. Look at the demo page: It does exactly what you want.
Plus, unlike other techniques, you don't have to cut up your background image.

I've been wrestling with rounded corners in this way today. I'm using GIF's which have the corners in the colour of the background. Because these are GIF's the corners could be transparent, but I'd rather not worry about what's 'behind'. But in your situation a GIF would be better than a JPG(is this what you are doing?), as transparency is supported, or a PNG if you don't need to support old browsers. Then you can put the background colour in the style for the DIV is you want too.


Only show group once while tiling with SVG

I'm designing a website which uses a SVG-document as background. I want this image to tile on the X-axis. Which works great, but I wanted to know if it is possible to show one group in the SVG only once, such that in subsequent tiles the group is hidden.
The above image visualizes what I want to achieve. The image having one group (in the image the red circle) that is invisible in the following tiles.
Now I am aware such things can be achieved using additional CSS backgrounds but I am really interested if such thing could be achieved using a single SVG background.
Thanks in advance!
The answer is no. If you are relying on CSS to tile the background - ie. with repeat-x, then no. there isn't any way to do what you want. When an SVG is used as a background like that, it becomes immutable - effectively the same as a PNG or a JPEG.
You will need to use a different method.

Make image display as a circle

I found a way to do this with CSS3, but IE still doesn't support it. I wish to know if there is a way to do it so that it may be compatible with all of the popular browsers.
I understand I can do it with a mask, but if I want to display a user-uploaded image in the background this is not an option or at least I don't know how to achieve that. Can anyone give me an idea about it? Maybe an image processing in the background when the image is uploaded to turn it into circle and make a transparent background, but I don't know how to process that?
You can do this via CSS3 border-radius, but as you mentioned, old IE does not support this property.
But (PIE.js in my example) can pollyfill this in-
This uses standard border-radius, and a copy-and-pasted pie.js,
The border radius is 50% of the height and the width of the image.
I can't speak for performance (see the docs), but I think this does what you want.
You can overlay a PNG image that has a transparent circle in the middle of a square with the background color you need. Then position this over the uploaded image to give it the illusion of being a circle.

Curved bottom corners facing outward, like in Office Ribbon tabs, using CSS

At work i am given a task to create a simple menu UI that resembels the Ribbon UI. It doesn't have to be that sophisticated or nice looking, but it needs to have a specific look that I don't know how to do.
I need to make the bottom of a selected tab round, but facing outwards, just like in Office. It was easy to make the top of a selected tab round using CSS3 (border-top-left-radius:4px and same for right), which is supported in all modern browsers (we don't need round corners on old browsers. They can easily upgrade if they want to :) ). But if I use border-bottom-left-radius:4px on a selected tab, it has the normal round bottom corner, facing inwards, not outwards (sorry for my bad english).
Can it be achieved somehow using CSS3?
If I understand correctly, than this is what you want:
This is faking a little, and gets more complex when your background is an image instead of solid color. But unless it's an image that changes horizontally (ie. not a gradient or pattern) and your tabs aren't flexible in width (depending on text width, rather than one fixed in css) it can be done.

Diagonal Gradient in Internet Explorer

I want to use a diagonal gradient in my background.
I have read this, and I found that it has just only horizontal gradient and vertical gradient in IE.
Is it possible to make the gradient in IE show in the diagonal like Firefox?
You can do it using CSS, but it's kind of a hacked together solution involving two layers. You can read about the details of it here.
Yes, you have to use a background-image though so there may be a limited element size depending on how much you want a page to cost, and you will need to use a separate image.
HTML5 brings along SVG images though which are scalable and take up little space.

What is renowned as being the best IE PNG fix at the moment?

I've tried jquery.pngFix.js and pngfix.js and neither seem to cater for all issues.
Any images that are anchored end up distorted with the former and the latter doesn't like positioned/repeating background images.
Unfortunately the design I'm working on calls for PNGs to be used in the way I have done, so I'm not really sure where to go from here?
google for DD_belatedPNG - this is the best one I have seen
You can check out this site for a decent fix:
I have used that successfully, with some caveats. You can't make the image tile, which is a deal-breaker for some uses.
The ways I deal with transparent pngs and IE6 are:
Make the transparent color of the png the background color of your site. Works best for things like rounded corners, drop shadows and elements that overlay the background only.
If the background is a gradient or image, replace the png with a gif in your IE6 stylesheet. This is very easy if you are using sprites for background images. The rounded corners may not be as smooth in IE6 as other browsers but I consider that an acceptable trade off.
If I really need a javascript solution, I use DD_belatedPNG
