Delete link with jquery confirm in Asp.Net MVC 2 application -

I have a table with records that has delete links. Basically I followed the NerdDinner tutorial for that part in MVC. But I don't want to have the confirm view, I'd rather have a confirm dialog, and then if confirmed let the HttPost action method delete the record directly.
I have something working, but being new to both MVC and jQuery, I'm not sure if I'm doing it right.
Here's the jQuery:
$(function () {
$('.delete').click(function () {
var answer = confirm('Do you want to delete this record?');
if (answer) {
$.post(this.href, function () {
window.location.reload(); //Callback
return false;
return false;
And the delete actionlink:
<%: Html.ActionLink("Delete", "Delete", new { id = user.UserID }, new { #class = "delete" })%>
And finally, the delete action method:
public ActionResult Delete(int id)
_db = new UsersEntities();
//First delete the dependency relationship:
//Then delete the user object itself:
catch (Exception)
return View("NotFound");
return RedirectToAction("Index");
Now, I have a few questions about this:
I found the function for making the link POST instead of GET on the internet: `$.post(this.href); return false; And I'm not sure what the "return false" part does. I tried to modify it for my needs with a callback and so on, and kept the return part without knowing what it's for.
Secondly, the action method has the HttpPost attribute, but I have also read somewhere that you can use a delete verb. Should you? And what about the RedirectToAction? The purpose of that was originally to refresh the page, but that didn't work, so I added the window.location.reload instead in a callback in the jQuery. Any thoughts?
The Delete action method calls a couple of helper methods because it seems with the Entity Framework that I use for data, I can't just delete an record if it has relationship dependencies. I had to first delete the relationships and then the "User" record itself. That works fine, but I would have thought it would be possible to just delete a record and all the relationships would be automatically deleted...?
I know you're not supposed to just delete with links directly because crawlers etc could accidentally be deleting records. But with the jQuery, are there any security issues with this? Crawlers couldn't do that when there is a jQuery check in between, right?
Any clarifications would be greatly appreciated!

The return false statement serves
the same purpose as
e.preventDefault() in this case.
By returning false JavaScript is preventing
the browser from executing the link's
default click handler.
The DELETE verb is for RESTful web
services, it is most likely not what
you want in this situation because
not all browsers fully implement it.
Read more about them here: Creating
a RESTful Web Service Using ASP.Net
The deletion rules for child
entities depend on the entity
OnDelete/OnUpdate rules in the
context definition and also on
foreign key constraints in the
database. You can learn more about
foreign key constraints here.
A crawler will not be able to
activate your delete link in this
fashion because you have specified
the delete action be issued via a
POST. If the delete were a GET then
it would be a concern. Still, it's
not wise to keep links that directly
modify your content on front-facing
pages that do not require
authentication as a human could most
certainly exploit the process.

There you go, with full code :
Or just the html helper :
public static string DeleteLink(this HtmlHelper html, string linkText, string routeName, object routeValues) {
var urlHelper = new UrlHelper(html.ViewContext.RequestContext);
string url = urlHelper.RouteUrl(routeName, routeValues);
string format = #"<form method=""post"" action=""{0}"" class=""delete-link"">
<input type=""submit"" value=""{1}"" />
string form = string.Format(format, html.AttributeEncode(url), html.AttributeEncode(linkText), html.AntiForgeryToken());
return form + html.RouteLink(linkText, routeName, routeValues, new { #class = "delete-link", style = "display:none;" });
For your questions :
When you do a return false at the end of a javascript click handler on a link, the browser executes the javascript but doesn't follow the link, because of the return false.
For (maximum) cross browser compatibility, you shouldn't use the DELETE verb.
I don't know EF well enough, but doesn't it provide mapping configuration for cascading delete ?
HTTP GET should only be used to get information, for example, provide parameters for a search. Crawlers usually don't care about javascript, so they will blindly follow you links. If it is http://mysite/delete/everything, then, bad for you, if you hadn't the [HttpPost] on you controller action

If you also want to throw the jQuery dialog to the party, this Ricardo Covo post does a good job


Is there a better way to implement role based access in ASP.NET framework?

Basically I've spent the last few days trying to figure out how to add simple Admin and Member roles onto a website I'm developing for a friend. (I am using ASP.NET Framework I know that Microsoft has a nice role based access feature built in which allows you to put something like [Authorize Role=("Admin") at the top of the controller; however I have not been able to get it to work at all and most of the resources I've found are for ASP.NET Core.
I've tried modifying my web.config file to enable the role based access (and hopefully migrate the roles and such to my database). But since I've been unable to figure any of this out, I've tried going a more hacky route. (**I am not an advanced programmer, I've been doing this for about a year now and am in no way a pro). This is what I've basically come up with in my attempt to verify if a user is an admin (which also didn't work).
public class AdminController : Controller
private LDSXpressContext db = new LDSXpressContext();
public ActionResult AdminPortal()
return View();
private ActionResult IsAdmin()
string name = User.Identity.Name;
//The User.Identity.Name stores the user email when logged in
var currentUserObject = db.accounts.Where(x => x.clientEmail == name);
Account currentUser = new Account();
foreach (var user in currentUserObject)
//I loop through the results, even though only one user should
//be stored in the var CurrentUserObject because it's the only
//way I know how to assign it to an object and get its values.
currentUser = user;
if (currentUser.role == 2) //the number 2 indicates admin in my db
return null;
//Even when this is hit, it just goes back and returns the
//AdminPortal view
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
Now I'm nearly positive that is is NOT a very secure way to check if a signed in user is an admin, but I was hoping that it would at least work. My idea was when someone attempted to access the AdminPortal, the IsAdmin method would run and check if the user is an admin in the database. If they are, then it returns null and the AdminPortal view is displayed, if they are not an Admin, then they are redirected to the Index view on the home page. However, the AdminPortal page is always displayed to any user and this doesn't seem to work either. I've even stepped into the code and watched it run over the return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"); action, but then it jumps back to the AdminPortal method and just returns the AdminPortal view. So my question is:
1) If anyone happens to have experience with Role Based access in ASP.NET Framework, I would love some tips on how to get it set up
2) If all else fails and I need to use my hacky method, why does it continue to return the AdminView even when the user is not an admin.
**Note: I know I could create a function that returns true or false if the user is an Admin or not, and then have an if/else statement in the AdminPortal controller that will return on view for true and another for false, however I don't want to have to implement that onto every ActionMethod, it'd be nice to keep it down to one line, or just the [Authorize Role="Admin] above the controller if possible.
Thank you guys so much for any help provided, I've been trying to research and fix this for days now and decided to reach out and ask the community!
At a minimum, you'll want to make some adjustments to what you're doing:
public class AdminController : Controller
public ActionResult AdminPortal()
return View();
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
private bool IsAdmin()
bool isAdmin = false;
using(LDSXpressContext db = new LDSXpressContext())
string name = User.Identity.Name;
//The User.Identity.Name stores the user email when logged in
// #see
var currentUser = db.accounts.SingleOrDefault(x => x.clientEmail.Equals(name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
// If the email doesn't match a user, currentUser will be null
if (currentUser != null)
//the number 2 indicates admin in my db
isAdmin = currentUser.role == 2;
return isAdmin;
First off, DbContext instances are meant to used, at most, per the lifetime of an HTTP request. Moving it from the class / controller level and placing it within a using block makes sure that it's properly disposed.
Next, your IsAdmin function really just needs to return a true/false value based on your lookup, and then the AdminPortal action can decide what to do with that result.
Since email seems to be a unique field in your table, use the SingleOrDefault or FirstOrDefault LINQ extension to fetch a single matching record. Which one you use is up to you, but if it's truly a unique value, SingleOrDefault makes more sense (it will throw an exception if more than one row matches). Using the StringComparison flag with the String.Equals extension method makes your search case-insensitive. There are a few culture-specific versions of that, but ordinal matching is what I would normally use, here.
Implementing some version of the Identity framework is a bit too long for an answer here, but it's possible to implement a claims-based authentication scheme without too much work. That's something that probably needs a separate answer, though.

Alternative to Server.Transfer in ASP.NET Core

I am migrating an ASP.NET application to ASP.NET Core and they have some calls to HttpServerUtility.Transfer(string path). However, HttpServerUtility does not exist in ASP.NET Core.
Is there an alternative that I can use? Or is Response.Redirect the only option I have?
I want to maintain the same behaviour as the old application as much as possible since there is a difference in between Server.Transfer and Response.Redirect.
I see some options for you, depending on your case:
Returning another View: So just the HTML. See answer of Muqeet Khan
Returning another method of the same controller: This allows also the execution of the business logic of the other action. Just write something like return MyOtherAction("foo", "bar").
Returning an action of another controller: See the answer of Ron C. I am a bit in troubles with this solution since it omits the whole middleware which contains like 90% of the logic of ASP.NET Core (like security, cookies, compression, ...).
Routing style middleware: Adding a middleware similar to what routing does. In this case your decision logic needs to be evaluated there.
Late re-running of the middleware stack: You essentially need to re-run a big part of the stack. I believe it is possible, but have not seen a solution yet. I have seen a presentation of Damian Edwards (PM for ASP.NET Core) where he hosted ASP.NET Core without Kestrel/TCPIP usage just for rendering HTML locally in a browser. That you could do. But that is a lot of overload.
A word of advice: Transfer is dead ;). Differences like that is the reason for ASP.NET Core existence and performance improvements. That is bad for migration but good for the overall platform.
You are correct. Server.Transfer and Server.Redirect are quite different. Server.Transfer executes a new page and returns it's results to the browser but does not inform the browser that it returned a different page. So in such a case the browser url will show the original url requested but the contents will come from some other page. This is quite different than doing a Server.Redirect which will instruct the browser to request the new page. In such a case the url displayed in the browser will change to show the new url.
To do the equivalent of a Server.Transfer in Asp.Net Core, you need to update the Request.Path and Request.QueryString properties to point to the url you want to transfer to and you need to instantiate the controller that handles that url and call it's action method. I have provided full code below to illustrate this.
<h1>Page 1</h1>
<h1>Page 2</h1>
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
namespace App.Web.Controllers {
public class ExampleTransferController: Controller {
public ExampleTransferController() {
public IActionResult Page1() {
bool condition = true;
if(condition) {
//Store the original url in the HttpContext items
//so that it's available to the app.
string originalUrl = $"{HttpContext.Request.Scheme}://{HttpContext.Request.Host}{HttpContext.Request.Path}{HttpContext.Request.QueryString}";
HttpContext.Items.Add("OriginalUrl", originalUrl);
//Modify the request to indicate the url we want to transfer to
string newPath = "/example-transfer/page2";
string newQueryString = "";
HttpContext.Request.Path = newPath;
HttpContext.Request.QueryString = new QueryString(newQueryString);
//Now call the action method for that new url
//Note that instantiating the controller for the new action method
//isn't necessary if the action method is on the same controller as
//the action method for the original request but
//I do it here just for illustration since often the action method you
//may want to call will be on a different controller.
var controller = new ExampleTransferController();
controller.ControllerContext = new ControllerContext(this.ControllerContext);
return controller.Page2();
return View();
public IActionResult Page2() {
string originalUrl = HttpContext.Items["OriginalUrl"] as string;
bool requestWasTransfered = (originalUrl != null);
return View();
Placing the original url in HttpContext.Items["OriginalUrl"] isn't strictly necessary but doing so makes it easy for the end page to know if it's responding to a transfer and if so what the original url was.
I can see this is a fairly old thread. I don't know when URL Rewriting was added to .Net Core but the answer is to rewrite the URL in the middleware, it's not a redirect, does not return to the server, does not change the url in the browser address bar, but does change the route.
I believe you are looking for a "named view" return in MVC. Like so,
public ActionResult Index(string Name)
ViewBag.Message = "Some message";
//Like Server.Transfer() in Asp.Net WebForm
return View("MyIndex");
The above will return that particular view. If you have a condition that governs the view details you can do that too.
I know that this is a very old question, but if someone uses Razor Pages and is looking to a Server.Transfer alternative (or a way to return a different view depending on a business rule), you can use partial views.
In this example, my viewmodel has a property called "UseAlternateView":
public class TestModel : PageModel
public bool UseAlternateView { get; set; }
public void OnGet()
// Here goes code that can set UseAlternateView=true in certain conditions
In my Razor View, I renderize a diferent partial view depending of the value of the UseAlternateView property:
#model MyProject.Pages.TestModel
#if (Model.UseAlternateView)
await Html.RenderPartialAsync("_View1", Model);
await Html.RenderPartialAsync("_View2", Model);
The partial views (files "_View1.cshtml" and "_View2.cshtml"), contain code like this:
#model MyProject.Pages.TestModel
Here goes page content, including forms with binding to Model properties
when necessary
Obs.: when using partial views like this, you cannot use #Region, so you may need to look for an anternative for inserting scripts and styles in the correct place on the master page.

Elegant way of avoiding ASP.NET MVC routing errors

I have a route:
routes.MapRoute("ResetPasswordConfirm", "reset-password-confirm", new { controller = "Membership", action = "ResetPasswordConfirm" });
and the code
public ActionResult ResetPasswordConfirm(int userid, string key)
// ...
in my application. So that i have url to be executed like this:
That is absolutely okay, until someone decides to go to
...and look what will happen. ASP.NET will generate predictable error:
The parameters dictionary contains a null entry for parameter 'userid' of non-nullable type 'System.Int32'...
It could be done also by a search robot trying to grab all the possible urls. It's okay, but generates a lot of errors during usage of application in the wild. I want to avoid that, but feel uncomfortable with writing a stub for every possible case for such kind of errors.
Is there any elegant way of doing that? Thanks.
Another way is to handle global errors, just set <customErrors mode="On"></customErrors> on your web.config and create an Error.cshtml on your Shared view folder. MVC3 templates actually include that page.
On the other hand, if you want to be more specific, you should try Action Filters, that's a cool way to handle errors.
[HandleError(View = "YourErrorView", ExceptionType=typeof(NullReferenceException))]
public ActionResult ResetPasswordConfirm(int? userid, string key)
if (!userid.HasValue)
throw new NullReferenceException();
// ...
Use nullables for your parameters, i.e.:
public ActionResult ResetPasswordConfirm(int? userid, string key)

In MVC, how to determine if partial view response was valid (on the client side)?

I am new to MVC, so hopefully my question will be straight forward. I am thinking of a scenario where the user submits a form (that is a partial view) and it undergoes server validation. I am wondering how I will know the result of the validation on the client side (javascript) after the form is submitted. For example, if validation fails I will obviously want to return the partial view again with validation messages set, but if it passes validation I may not necessarily want to return the partial view. I may want to return a json object with a message or hide a div or something. I want to be able to determine the validation result on the client. Is something like that possible? Or can I approach this a different way?
The tricky part with AJAX is that the client and server both have to agree on what's supposed to come back from the server in any circumstance. You have a few options:
Your server will always return HTML, and jQuery will always replace the editor content with the HTML that comes back. If the model is invalid, you return a PartialView result. If the model is valid, you return a <script> tag that tells the page what it needs to do (e.g. close a dialog, redirect to a different page, whatever). jQuery will automatically run any script it finds in the results when it tries to insert them into the DOM.
Your server will always return a JSON object representing what happened. In this scenario, your client-side javascript code has to be complex enough to take the results and modify your page to match. Under normal circumstances, this will mean that you don't get to take advantage of MVC's validation features.
Same as 2, except that you use a custom utility method to render the partial view you want into a string, and you make that entire string part of the JSON that comes back. The javascript code then just has to be smart enough to check whether the JSON shows a valid or invalid result, and if the result is valid, replace the contents of your editor area with the partialview HTML that is returned as part of the JSON object you got back.
Same as 3, except you develop an event-based architecture where all your AJAX requests will always expect to get back a JSON object with one or more "events" in it. The AJAX code can then be consolidated into one method that hands the events off to an Event Bus. The event bus then passes the event information into callbacks that have "subscribed" to these events. That way, depending on what kind of events you return from the server, you can have different actions occur on the client side. This strategy requires a lot more up-front work to put in place, but once it's done you can have a lot more flexibility, and the client-side code becomes vastly more maintainable.
Partial views would not have a Layout page. You may use this code to check if the view is rendered as partial view.
#if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Layout))
// Do somthing if it is partial view
// Do somthing if it is full page view
If you are using the MVC Data Annotations for validating your Model, then the controller will have a property called ModelState (typeof(ModelStateDictionary) which as a property of IsValid to determine if your Model passed into the Controller/Action is valid.
With IsValid you can return a Json object that can tell your Javascript what to do next.
Here is a really basic example (USES jQuery):
public class SomeController : Controller
public ActionResult ShowForm()
return View();
public ActionResult ValidateForm(MyFormModel FormModel)
FormValidationResults result = new FormValidationResults();
result.IsValid = ModelState.IsValid;
if (result.IsValid)
result.RedirectToUrl = "/Controller/Action";
public class FormValidationResults
public bool IsValid { get; set; }
public string RedirectToUrl { get; set; }
var form = $("#myForm");
url: '/Some/ValidateForm',
type: 'POST',
data: form.serialize(),
success: function(jsonResult)
if (jsonResult.IsValid)
window.location = jsonResult.RedirectToUrl;

Passing AppSettings to external javascript file the MVC way?

I have settings in AppSettings (web.config) and I need to pass them to an external javascript file.
In ASP.NET I would think of an ASHX handler to write the javascript file to the response replacing placeholders with the settings values.
Is there a better way to do it in ASP.NET MVC? Thank you.
You could send them via a JsonResult?
In your JS, you'd have a request which sends a GET/POST request to a particular action (let's call it GetAppSetting(), and the corresponding value is returned in the response.
For security reasons, I would restrict what can be requested though...
public JsonResult GetAppSetting(string id)
//You could check what's been requested here if you want to make sure you're only returning information that you may not wish to send.
string appSetting = AppSettings[id];
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(appSetting) == false)
return Json(appSetting, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
//Handle non-existent settings here...
throw new Exception("This setting does not exist");
Alternatively, it has been suggested by Chris Marisic in the comments that you may want to absolutely limit this to just a specific set of key/values for developer reasons. Therefore, here is a quick example of that...
public JsonResult GetAppSettings()
var appSettings = new Dictionary<string, string>();
appSettings.Add("myAppSetting1", AppSettings["myAppSetting1"]);
appSettings.Add("myAppSetting2", AppSettings["myAppSetting2"]);
appSettings.Add("myAppSetting3", AppSettings["myAppSetting3"]);
return Json(appSettings, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
Note the JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet in the JsonResults (MVC 2 only). This is because, by default, ASP.NET MVC 2 will not allow GET requests on actions which return a JsonResult. You can circumvent this by adding the JsonRequestBehaviour, but I should probably mention that you should consider doing a post request in order to retrieve this information, and remove this behaviour in your action.
