Accessing State in ASP.NET -

the same as

They do indeed refer to the same instance, but if you look at the methods in Reflector, you can see that they behave a bit differently (in ways that are not likely to matter in most applications):
The call to Page.Session uses a
cached HttpSessionState reference.
The Page method will throw if
session state is not enabled, while
HttpSessionState.Session just
returns whatever is in the
"AspSession" bucket of its Items

Yup; they refer to the same instance.

There is no difference between the two.


Access variables from partial in WebMatrix 2

Quite simply How can I pass from Partial to page on construction:
please call us on #PageData["phoneNumber"]
Ive tried things like this. What obvious step am I missing?
Its bring up blanks.
try use Session for this:
You can also use the HttpContext.Items collection. It works about the same as the Session, but the collection is only kept alive for the duration of the request. I'm not sure how to most easily access it using Razor though. Read more about HttpContext.Items here.

Set HttpContext.Current.Request.Browser.Type in ASP.NET

Is there a way to set HttpContext.Current.Request.Browser.Type in ASP.NET. That is a read-only, string property. So you cannot really just assign a string to it. Tried initializing Browser property which is of type HttpBrowserCapabilities, but it has only one constructor and does not take any parameters and browser Type is still null. The reason why I want to be able to set Type for browser is that my unit test is failing as Type property is null.
Edit per null check comments:
I could definitely modify code to check for null, but that will be just for my unit test as when the requests come from browsers, that value is never null. Hence not quite excited about doing that. But it can be my last resort.
You can define your own browser definition files which will then use. Check out
So if you know what browser it's failing on you could setup a browser file for it. However, I agree that checking for null values makes more sense as it accounts for a lot more possiblities that way.
You might want to think about refactoring your code to use HttpContextBase instead of relying directly on the concrete type.
By doing so you could simply create a stub object that provides the behavior you want. Eventually implementing your own HttpBrowserCapabilitiesBase object.
You would then have full control to use your mock types during unit testing. Indeed that is what they were created for.

SPSite constructor returns cached instance.

The SPSite constructor (new SPSite(mySiteId)) returns a cached entry, even though the site no longer exists. How can I prevent this?
We had the same problem and haven't found a solution for it yet. We tried to check whether a SPSite exists or not by calling the static SPSite.Exists(..) method. The method returned true also for sites that didn't exist any more.
But we have found a little workaround. We try to provoke a FileNotFoundException by calling the SPSite's Usage property. When the exception arise we know that the site doesn't exist any more.
After catching the exception you can call again the SPSite.Exists() method which will now return false.
While I do not know the Sharepoint details, I can tell you calling new will NEVER return a cached object. It will ALWAYS be a newly allocated object, although the internals may point to cached objects.
A little late maybee, but since I had this same problem.
You can call the satic method InvalidateCacheEntry(Uri uri, Guid siteId) on the SPSite class. By passing an empty guid and the uri of the SPSite you are using, you should be able to clear the cache and get the current values.
Notice that this seems to be also the cause of the issue of SPSite.Exists returning "true" for just deleted sites. By using the InvalidateCacheEntry method, I was able to detect the correct state of the site (deleted or existent). I don't know what is the performance cost of this workaround, but please consider it if you have a similar problem in the future.

Hiding the stacktrace for an exception returned by a WebMethod?

I am using methods with the Attribute [WebMethod] in my aspx pages. I don't use any ajax but jQuery to call these methods and return objects in JSON. This all works fine.
Next I added an authorization check inside the webMethod, if the current user doesn't have access to the feature I need to let the calling JavaScript know.
So I am throwing an AccessViolationException exception which can then be parsed by the OnError callback function in JavaScript. This works too but the exception includes the full StackTrace and I don't want to make this available to the calling client.
What other ways I could use to return an "Access Denied" to the client when the WebMethod returns a business object?
I'm using ASP.Net 3.5SP1 and jQuery 1.32
You can also add a:
customErrors mode="On"/
in your web.config, this will cut away the stack trace and leave you only the exception message
Why propagate errors through the wire? why not use an error response ?
Just wrap your object in a response object wich can contain an error code for status and an error message to present to users.
As suggested by NunFur I changed my approach and rather than throwing an error, I return a 'richer' object.
There are at least two options, the first one would be to encapsulate my business object into a response object with some status properties. I tried this but it makes the JSON more complicated.
So rather than adding a new object I added two properties to my business object, something like ServiceStatus and ServiceMessage. By default these are 200 and '', but can be set by the WebMethod code if anything goes wrong (no access, proper error). In this case they business object will be 'empty' (no data). The JavaScript code then first checks for the ServiceStatus and reacts appropriately.
I add the two fields to all my objects that are returned by WebMethods, even a simple string. They have to implement an Interface with those two properties.
Now I have complete control over that goes over the wire in case something unexpected is happening.
Thanks for the input
I save exceptions for when things go really wrong. (e.g. can't connect to the database)
Either return nothing (null/nill/whatever), or return a false bool value.
Sorry that I don't have a better answer than that...I'll have to keep looking myself.
You could look at SoapException:
I'm just not sure, if it will work when it is called from JavaScript. Espeially if it's called with a get-request.
BTW AccessViolationException is to my best knowlegde ment to be thrown when the application is accessing memory it has no access to.

Updating/Intercepting HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString

Here's a wierd one. I'm reusing a code base that unfortunately must not be updated. This code makes a call to HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString. Ideally, I need to push a value into this collection with every request that is made. Is this possible - perhaps in an HTTP Module?
Without using reflection, the simplest way to do it would be to use the RewritePath function on the current HttpContext object in order to modify the querystring.
Using an IHttpModule, it might look something like:
context.RewritePath(context.Request.Path, context.Request.PathInfo, newQueryStringHere!);
Hope this helps!
Ditto Espo's answer and I would like to add that usually in medium trust (specific to many shared hostings) you will not have access to reflection so ... RewritePath will remain your probably only choice.
